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  1. Wouldnt mind this, but I do like the age of Higgins better than Adams (but Adams is the better wr at this point)
  2. is Kupp really that good? or is it Stafford making a slot receiver look damn good ie Puka??
  3. First I say we call the Broncos and get Jeudy for a 5th round pick. Then we make that call to the Bengals and trade Burns for Higgins and a 2nd round pick
  4. I dont see Cam Newton in AR....but I think AR is the most gifted QB in this class and its not that close....he will need coaching for sure....but pure talent, he is the guy
  5. you got your one copy and paste and keep using it....original
  6. Im not saying trade up to 1 to get him....just saying AR is the guy in this draft.....
  7. all depends on how the season goes.....but is he that far behind justin fields?
  8. ....I want AR15 all day..... he has the size, the arm talent and the running ability. this is it...anyone else with me?
  9. So just trade up for a guy bc that is what is needed? CJ is not better than AR15....
  10. how is that proving a point when our owner wouldn't do what he said he would do? Do you not think Cam would be a great mentor (if he knew coming in that was his role) for a young qb that plays like him?
  11. Tep never actually gave Rhule 100% control, that was the issue....he would have took the league by storm... but now we have something different...Cam could help out AR15 in ways we cant understand
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