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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Of guys who we know could be hired as a promotion I’m most interested in Ben Johnson, Flores, Matindale or Ryans. I prefer an offensive guy but there’s not many on the list that interest me. Not Leftwich or Dorsey, for sure. OCs with either an offensive HC who’s really running the show or an all world QB masking their deficiencies are too risky in my opinion. That’s why I think Bienemy hasn’t gotten an opportunity yet. If it’s one of the defensive guys he has to bring a really good OC with him. I’m done with these shitty OCs we’ve had since Chud’s second year. If John Harbaugh or Tomlin become available they’d jump to the top of my list.
  2. You think Tepper got rid of Cam? That stinks of Rhule 100%. Even if Tepper signed off on it, he’s got to support his coach. Especially in those beginning stages. Look at it this way, in the beginning before Rhule proved himself to be terrible, what message would that have sent if Tepper blocked him from crafting the team to fit his system? He would actually be guilty of being the “meddling owner” that people make him out to be.
  3. I dunno, Ionnidis has been playing really well. But yea, dropping Burns into coverage is an idiotic move. Let that man loose to chase the QB and blow up outside runs.
  4. I’m with you. He picked a bad coach. It happens. Successful people are easy targets for hatred. I like him better than Richardson, that’s for damn sure. At least Tepper admitted his mistake after 2.4 seasons instead of waiting 7+ like Hurney and Rivera
  5. Yea I liked it. Don’t care he got snippy with Fowler, who was obviously trolling. The repetitive “over the hump” and what have you might have been kinda boring but at least it felt like real talk and not “it is what it is” or “missed opportunity” type nonsense.
  6. Sean Payton without having to give the Saints compensation? Hell yea. Hard pass on giving up assets for him though. Dan Quinn is a pass too, but if that’s how it works out I’ll just have to be cautiously optimistic at first.
  7. I’d hate to see him go but if we can get a good return, like a first (or if it is indeed the Bills or another team that’s going to have a low pick , a first and a decent young player or a mid round) then it would be the smart move.
  8. You seem to be assuming the power structure has been like a normal team. These moves WERE Rhule. I’m sure Fitterer was involved to some degree but it was Rhule that wanted those guys and at most Fitterer was just the one directed to get them.
  9. Best moment was this morning when he got fired.
  10. At first I was like then I was like finally I was like
  11. This scenario is in a world where Wilks impresses everyone: fans, owner, GM, everyone is sold on Wilks as the new HC. (Disclaimer, not my first choice and I don’t see this being a likely scenario, just spitballing). Who is his new staff next year? Al Holcomb stays as DC I would assume. Who is the new OC? McAdoo is definitely gone. Anyone have insight into Wilks’ relationships or who would be a good fit at OC? Might we get some former players at position coach spots like Kuechly as a LB coach? Obviously something like that is pure speculation. Just interested in figuring out the most likely picture of what a Wilks led coaching staff would look like with an offseason to make moves. Also, who specifically would you guys’ preferred choices be? I don’t have any idea, myself. Sure it’s be great for Kuechly to be our LB coach, bring in CJ as a DL coach, maybe Smitty as an offense quality control assistant or something like that, but I don’t think any of that is likely to happen.
  12. I’m sorry, if you don’t think DJ and especially CMC are playmakers then I don’t know what to tell you. DJ has done nothing but make plays since he got here, it definitely hasn’t been the scheme or his QBs getting him the ball. His YAC is elite. And CMC doesn’t make splash plays??? I just can’t even…
  13. I watched it too, I didn’t get the impression Fitterer is on the hotseat. He seemed to be indirectly blaming the personnel problems (probably mainly the QBs) on Rhule. And the irritated tone at the end came from Fowler asking if he just rolled out of bed that morning and decided on a whim to fire Rhule [“on a whim” is my addition]. Definitely made it clear that he is familiar with Fowler’s work and doesn’t appreciate either his past words or the implication from the question.
  14. The bolded parts are simply wrong. CMC and DJ are both playmakers. Teams just don’t have four playmakers at skill positions very often. Even the Chiefs just had Hill and Kelce. The Bucs are pretty much just Evans and that other WR who’s always hurt. Fournette is ok, but replaceable in that offense. Our skill positions are above league average. We just need competent coaching and QB play. And our lines are both good. We have better OL play than I’ve seen in 13 or 14 years on this team, and our DL is great. No DL has four all pros, but Burns and Brown are great with Ionnidis being quite good and YGM is fine at his job and still young.
  15. We need a coaching staff and QB. We could use a TE. Our OL is good now. RB is good (CMC ain’t going anywhere, and even if he does a solid RB can be found in the 3rd round or so. The run game is schemable to be sufficient moreso than other positions), WRs are good even if Robbie goes (good, not GREAT). DL is very good, LBs are solid but we could use one more as an upgrade to Wilson or replacement for Shaq if he’s a cap casualty, secondary is great. We really are close.
  16. Payton would be great but not if it costs us draft picks. So realistically at the moment Ben Johnson is probably my front runner, with Flores not far behind. If Tomlin or Harbaugh get fired they’d probably jump to the top.
  17. And we can start researching the next HC. Poor form to do it while you still have one, but once he’s gone you can start the search for the next HC. And potential HCs will be thinking of Carolina as a definite opening rather than a possible one. There’s no benefit to keeping him other than possibly worsening our draft pick because Wilks or whoever might win a game or two that Rhule wouldn’t.
  18. Yea, he got away with one for sure there. One of our young backup DBs, forget which one.
  19. Eh, we typically get the short end of the stick on most calls but PIs for the most part seem legit to me. The ones called against us anyway. The Robbie no call made me raise my eyebrow but it wasn’t as egregious as the comical roughing the passer against the falcons today or the two terrible ref decisions at the end of our game with the Browns.
  20. He’s not an NFL starter. Barely a backup. But he throws a better ball than Baker and he’ll make the games more interesting to watch than Baker. Might end up more mistake prone, but he’ll make something happen every now and then. When we got Baker I never thought we’d be seeing the second coming of the Bridgewater offense but they have just been boring and pathetic same as two years ago, but with even worse production.
  21. Littleton is trash. Should a made the play on the TD and on the 40 yd run
  22. Shula was the worst OC I’ve ever seen. Give him an average QB and he doesn’t have any kind of scheme. If anything would be worse than Rhule+McAdoo it’d be Rhule+Shula lol. I just vomited a little just thinking about it
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