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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Trash coach, threw his players under the bus, stubbornly held back talent. No thanks, he stuck around 6 years too long. Even Rhule might have been able to have a “winning record” with the generational talents we had those years.
  2. ‘15 was incredibly overrated, ‘08 was great, ‘03 was great. I’d put ‘22 almost on par with them.
  3. Trade up for our QB. But outside of that, for now I’d probably go with that WR from TCU. Kid is a beast, best WR in college right now.
  4. Yea we have some skill players for sure and an OL. We just need a QB and a new competent coaching staff and we’re ready to compete.
  5. Not nearly as much of a priority as I thought. Seems Foreman and Blackshear are a good combo of power and speed. Wouldn’t be opposed to a flier on a mid round guy that is promising though. Chuba needs to go away.
  6. Same. We’re undefeated in black helmets. Make them permanent!
  7. Probably a similar trade deal it took for most top two or three pick trades recently, two firsts and two seconds one each in the next two drafts. Luckily we have an extra second this year. So essentially it’ll cost an extra first (next year) and two seconds to get our QB
  8. Chiefs got Mahommes by trading up to 10, I think it was. I’d rather have our choice of the board, but it can happen. Lots of great QBs go after the first two picks.
  9. No, but I’ve seen him setting the edge, funneling run plays inside right to tacklers and pressuring the QB all game. Not sure what you’re watching.
  10. Yea I assumed it was just a misclick by a mod. Figured they would have noticed and remade the thread quickly though
  11. Did i miss something and it went more off the rails than usual for some reason?
  12. But all UNC QBs have stunk in the NFL, so that means all future ones will too. That’s how that works right?
  13. I really like these QB school videos, I’d much rather hear from a former pro QB who I trust actually watched the film (as opposed to Kurt Warner and Steve Young who obviously just peruse highlights and look at stats). Good stuff
  14. Good work explaining what cooler heads have been saying. (Not that I expect the rabble rousers to accept this either)
  15. Or he gets targeted a lot and has to make the tackle
  16. Pretty huge leap of logic to assume because a GM was a part of an organization that had an undersized QB before that he’ll seek out undersized QBs in the future. I’d be fine if Young is who we end up with, but Stroud is a better QB and that’s who I prefer.
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