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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. - We have a better roster than we had two years ago It's close, but I'd say yes. On the plus side, our secondary looks promising for the first time in a long time, our DT spot is rock solid and we have a promising young WR. On the negative side, our OL is MUCH worse and if Hardy is gone like most believe our DE spot is much worse. - Over the past two years, we have seen improvement from our coaching staff For about 13 games last season I saw improvement from Ron, but this year proved it was a fluke and/or him doing whatever it took to save his job. The rest of the coaching staff hasn't shown an iota of improvement. So this one's a resounding no. - Our front office has us headed in the right direction Yes. If nothing else, clawing us out of the cap hell has been a hair short of a miracle. Good drafting has been setting us up for sustained success. So this one's a resounding yes.
  2. I could see multiple scenarios where we pass on OT in the 1st. Very possible in Gettleman's eyes there ends up being only 2 or 3 OTs worth a 1st in this draft and they're gone. If someone like Kevin White, that Parker WR (haven't done my own research on him, but I hear he's getting buzz), Landon Collins, Shaq Thompson (another guy getting buzz, I don't quite get it yet but I need to see more) or another guy at a position of need that's rated higher than the OTs is available Gettleman won't take the lower rated guy just because we so desperately need a LT. As crazy as it may sound, this is a draft I could actually see us trading back up into the late 1st or early 2nd if there's a guy available we love. If, for example, we take one of the non-OTs I just mentioned at 25 but there's an OT available at 31 or 35 or something that Gettleman didn't like better than our guy at 25 but still thinks very highly of I could see us sending next year's 1st to go get him. I know it sound like crazy talk, but this is the first year in a while I could see it actually happening.
  3. lol it had never occurred to me before your post how close that that guys name can be to Jeebus Christ. We should start calling him Juses Crust.
  4. Eh, that "lot of talent" wasn't doing much before he got there... I believe the 49ers success the past few years have been much more a result of his coaching than the talent on the team.
  5. By my count that's ONE possible poor decision since he's been here, admittedly a likely at least somewhat poor decision if he was speeding on a public road. One does not make a pattern or history.
  6. I didn't say anything about Ole Miss days. I said since he's been a Panther. Since he's been a Panther he's been a model teammate and player.
  7. That is correct. Read what it says. Basically "we have reason to believe a settlement was made." Not "we know for a fact a settlement was made."
  8. This is the sort of thing you've said over and over here that I wholeheartedly disagree with. Hardy HASN'T made an ass of himself at all. Does he march to the beat of his own drum? Sure. But he hasn't done one thing wrong since becoming a Panther. He's shown nothing but the utmost of work ethic and has never had any off (or on) field problems before this. And this has been, by all evidence that has been made known so far, nothing but a scam by a manipulative woman to cash out on an opportunity at the expense of a gullible, young, wealthy man. Hardy's only mistake or wrongdoing in this entire affair has been putting himself in the wrong place (in more ways than one).
  9. Not much would make me happier than to see the 49ers go back to how they were before Harbaugh got there. They don't have much legit talent that's been brought in since Harbaugh got there, not much improvement to the actual roster. That rookie LB that was supposed to be good, I think Aldon Smith got there after Harbaugh. Not much else. So I could definitely see them going back to what they were before him.
  10. Of course they're requesting the info. Doesn't mean hardy is any more likely to be suspended. It might happen, but there's no indicators yet. They were always going to get as much info as part of the investigation.
  11. Apparently, she's been all over social media traveling. Colorado, Georgia, NY. She has better things to do with her time now that she got what she wanted from the beginning.
  12. It's unfair to him because it will have impacted his future earning potential. He was deactivated for an offense he didn't commit. Whether he paid this girl off or not is inconsequential. I imagine if he did pay her off, it's because it was cheaper and faster than paying the lawyers to win the ridiculous case against him. It's not exactly the Ben Roethlisburger situation where everyone pretty much knows he did it and paid the accuser off to avoid a conviction. I hope the NFL does investigate it thoroughly and comes to the obvious determination that Hardy didn't commit any wrongdoing and therefore does not need to be FURTHER (yes further) punished.
  13. Our defense "came together" against garbage teams with garbage offense (excepting NO and Atlanta, who were both in a state of complete disarray by that point). I like the potential in our defense, and we still have a star in Luke and a solid DL. But our DL goes from being elite with Hardy, to being solid without him. No excuse not to bring him back unless it's just too expensive. And it doesn't appear whether he's too expensive or not is a question they're willing to look into. The Panthers' handling of this situation has been pure shameful.
  14. Yea, I realize Collins and Abdullah could be gone by our picks, but they could just as easily be there. Who knows at this point how the rankings will shake out. If Collins gets taken higher, that means someone else falls to us and there's a good 5 or 6 OTs at least I think are worth our pick at #25. Another guy in the 2nd rd RB mix with Abdullah, Gordon and Gurley is Mike Davis, USC. I was reading something that said some teammates thought he was better than Lattimore BEFORE Lattimore's injury. Probably exaggeration, but there should be a few acceptable options at OT in the 1st and RB in the 2nd, and if not then we move on to the next position of highest importance and see if there's a guy available there worth our pick.
  15. Mocks are fun, here's my first take at it before the combine overhypes a lot of players that don't deserve it. 1st. La'el Collins, OT, LSU Best OT available, for the most part. There are a lot of lower 1st round quality OTs in this draft. Some think Collins will go higher in the 1st, some think lower. If he's not available we could grab someone like Flowers, Clemmings or Sambrailo. 2nd. Ameer Abdullah, RB, Nebraska WHAT?! A RB in the 2nd?! Abdullah is going to be elite. His shiftiness, change of direction and balance is elite. His speed is very good. Getting Abdullah would let us get rid of Deangelo's $$$, maintain our two back system, and be the guy to take over if/when Stewart loses a step/gets injured. Til then, Abdullah will be the lightning to Stewart's thunder. Other options would be Gordon or Gurley if either fall this far. 3rd. Justin Hardy, WR, ECU Hardy's a prospect I've been high on for a while now. Some people said he had a bad Senior Bowl or something, doesn't bother me. All the videos I've watched of him make him look like he's going to be a stud. Elite hands, great routes, good shiftiness and burst. He's a little undersized, but other than that he looks to me like the total package. 4th. Durell Eskridge, S, Syracuse Starting here I admittedly know much less about the prospects. A mid-round Safety could be looked at, an OL, who knows. Need someone to take over for Harper and Eskridge has good size and athleticism from what I read. 5th. Za'darius Smith, DE, Kentucky Could always use another pass rusher or two to develop. Smith looks pretty good from what I've seen. Could go higher than this, might swap this pick with the pick above it if is deemed necessary. 6th. B.J. Finney, C, Kansas State I'm just picking names at positions at this point. Need someone to groom to take Kalil's place eventually. Could be a utility player for a while. And if the above picture ain't the definition of Big Ugly or Hog Molly, I don't know what is. 7th. Derrick Malone, OLB, Oregon He's small for an OLB but he's fast. Might turn into a TD replacement eventually. Who knows. Fast enough for ST anyway. edit: to add back in some pics while I sorted out which one was an extension that "isn't allowed in this community"
  16. Welp, time for the Patriots to cut Edelman. History of poor judgement. I hope he returns his whole contract from this year, his Super Bowl ring, and writes a personal letter of apology to Robert Kraft.
  17. I saw this thread this morning after I got to work but can't post from work. Not reading 11 pages of 75% judgement from on high and 25% fanboy defense, but the requirements - as written by Voth - will never happen. Hardy's going to write a check for $12mil and change to JR? Not likely, not in a league that the balance of power in terms of compensation is so heavily skewed away from players. No GM or owner retroactively gives players money for playing better than their contract (except arguably Marty Hurney), no player is going to return money in a situation like this. At least not directly from his account. What I could see happening, which would address requirements 3 and 4, is something like what I mentioned in a thread weeks ago. Hardy gets a very good number that doesn't make him the highest paid 4-3 DE in the league (which is what he deserves, being the best one) and takes $13mil off the top of the life of the contract. Hometown discount (not getting paid as the best even though he is) and returns the $13mil, albeit over the life of the contract. So if he were to get, just for example, $12mil a year for 4 years, that's $48mil minus 13 is $35mil for 4 years. I could see a scenario like that happening. Requirement #2 is obvious and a foregone conclusion. Of course after the thing is over he's going to release a public statement saying he's glad the process proved him innocent of a crime he didn't commit but he apologizes to the fans, the team and JR for causing the distraction and being a source of negative publicity. If that didn't happen, I'd be shocked. #1 is also a foregone conclusion, in my opinion. So the requirements don't seem that far fetched to me. Navigating the latter two is obviously the tricky part.
  18. Cam. Because what pazhoosier said. Who is NE's MLB? That guy from Alabama if I'm not mistaken? Who was the Ravens' when they won a couple years ago? The Giants? Colts? Saints? I'd wager more teams have won the SB in the past 15 years without an upper tier MLB than teams with one. Only a few teams have won the SB without an upper tier QB. Seattle, Giants, Steelers (when they won, Big Ben wasn't even remotely an upper tier QB. these days he can definitely be argued as one).
  19. I posted the same thing in another thread.
  20. Doubt anything comes of this, I'm pretty sure that Seattle has been openly doing this for years. The league knows about it and doesn't have a problem it. I think it's BS and it's an unfair competitive advantage, but the league hasn't done anything about it yet. They're not gonna start with the Falcons.
  21. That was absolutely hilarious. Funniest thing I've watched in a while.
  22. While I was in Australia they had Super Bowl parties too, and I even got the day off to the embassy Super Bowl party each year (our Sunday is their Monday). American Football is a growing interest over there, at least as far as I saw. Not saying it comes close to comparing to Aussie Rules or either of the rubgies, but it's probably as popular as soccer. But yea, the fervor that accompanies the SB and playoffs don't come close to that of the World Cup, but they're not totally comparable since the World Cup is every 4 years. Better to compare that to the Olympics.
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