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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. I've got my butter knife and bath of warm water surrounded by candles ready.
  2. You could literally see on Cam's face after the Tolbert TD "thank God someone on this team can catch a gd pass tonight".
  3. In my opinion this makes Wegher even more valuable. He's the only runner we have similar to Stewart and with teams stacking against the run we're going to needs guys that can shed contact and still be able to break long runs. I say cut Brockel (if he is indeed an inferior blocking FB to Ward), cut Todman (speedy guy like that is diminished in our situation anyway, and I don't think he's as good as Wegher) and even cut Tolbert if we need to. Go with an orthodox FB, Stewart carrying the heavy load, Cap as the Deangelo-esque change of pace back (over used phrase anyway), and Wegher as the guy to step into Stewart's role when needed. Our offense isn't going to be able to handle 2nds and 10, 3rds and 7 or 8. We needed guys that can be depended on for at least 3 to 4 yards a carry like Stewart and Wegher, not guys that will sometimes get negative or no yards and sometimes 5 to 7 like Todman.
  4. they still had starters Darby and Gilmore in...
  5. Re #5: the offense was pretty poor for two of the three drives against the number ones but looked quite good in the third drive. The first drive was stalled by KB falling down on a good pass that would have resulted in a first down. The first two drives they just looked uncoordinated against one of the best defenses in the league.
  6. Completely. Our RBs should be Stewart, CAP and Wegher (or Todman, I know we haven't seen Wegher yet...I want to see what he can do)
  7. CAP's looked solid in his running tonight. That's a positive.
  8. Completely untrue. Hardy didn't get a ton of playing time, but when he did play he made an impact. He was weak in run defense the first couple of years, but he was a solid pass rusher from the start. And he went from terrible run defense to great run defense around his third year.
  9. Yea, no disagreement there. Hardy's something special.
  10. Well, no matter what happens from here on out, no matter the final score, I call this game a draw. Their second team offense scored on our second team defense, then our first team offense scored on their first team defense and it's just been a minor comedy of errors since then with the backups in.
  11. Hardy was good long before Star and KK, saying otherwise proves ex-girlfriend syndrome.
  12. "Yea, I've learned never to try to predict" after predicting for 5 minutes of replay time. I mean, these guys aren't Torrey Holt bad yet, but they're approaching it.
  13. "Anderson is NEVER going to run for a touchdown..." ok, whatever. Anderson's actually run for solid gains plenty of times for the number of snaps he's taken...
  14. Also, I'm done with Fozzy out there. Bring on Wegher.
  15. Well, the defensive line is starting 3/4 backups. Only either Ealy or Alexander is a regular season starter, so my initial reaction was also the defense is sucking, but we got mostly a backup DL starting so I'm ok with it so far.
  16. Gonna start a CB that isn't suited for it, that's what teams are going to do. Few teams have 11 players on the field at a time that are all going to match up to their opposite player.
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