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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Yea that’s how remember it too. There weren’t many of us that stuck to what our eyes told us about the both of them.
  2. Stroud made the situation work, not the other way around. You say 50/50 but it seemed from my Stroud side to be more like 70/30 on team Bryce before the draft and it was obvious to me then just as much as now the difference in talent between the two. I hope Bryce works out since we ended up making the mistake I feared, but he was a large part of the problem last year, not the victim. It’s possible he can improve, I’m in the minority in that I don’t think his size is the biggest problem. His lack of arm strength is a problem but that can be worked around. His biggest problem is accuracy (among the worst I’ve ever seen) and terrible/slow decision making, which is ironic given the hype that preceded the draft.
  3. Yea, same, but I imagine he tried hard enough within reason. It’s very possible Luvu just wanted to move on, he had seen enough of this poo show and wanted to play in a defense that catered more to his skills which will lead to a bigger payday. I don’t blame him, and I don’t blame Morgan for not giving him a crazy contract.
  4. Morgan didn’t wait so long on the Burns trade that he got bent over. If he did the trade the day he was promoted to GM he wouldn’t have had any more leverage than he did when he traded him. Once Fitterer declined the Rams’ offer, all the leverage was in Burns’ hands and everyone knew it.
  5. Great work, but we’re still putting in work in FA. Mike Williams signs here, changes a lot. Clowney/Young sign here, changes a bit. Still, don’t wanna take anything away. Great predictive analysis.
  6. I literally know what practically means and nothing is practically or basically a different round than it actually is. #33 has been passed by practically every team like any other second round pick. It gets no fifth year option like literally every other second round pick. I was just being smarmy because this “practically/basically a first round pick” rhetoric pops up every year and it’s dumb. There’s a much bigger difference between pick 32 and 33 than there is 33 and 34 (just to emphasize the gap between 33 and a first round pick).
  7. I’m sure the law of probability means it’s happened at some point but Ive never bought into this kind of speculation and dot connecting.
  8. It’s not practically a 1st, it’s practically the first pick of the second round. If it was a team that typically picks at the end of the first then yea I’d need multiple picks. If it’s the bears, jags, cards, teams like that I’d probably be satisfied with just the first.
  9. Next year’s first for this year’s second is typical and has happened many times.
  10. Bryce has got quite a few more years on his rookie contract. Herbert for Young will help their cap a lot!
  11. Two firsts next year would be mighty useful for getting our new QB next year and if we suck bad enough we can use our own to get him then that extra first can be a first round playmaker for the new QB rather than a second round one this year.
  12. Wouldn’t be interested in trading down just pick up some later picks. I would be willing to trade 33 for next year’s 1st and since it’s the first pick of the second round we could probably get more. This year’s 3rd or 4th plus next year’s 1st maybe.
  13. Or even better, trick the Bears into thinking there’s a lemon law and we get back all our picks and Moore
  14. That’s a difference of about $23m a year. Burns got 30, we gave Wonnum about 7. Much better value. We got Wonnum, elite RG Hunt and $3m space for Burns cost.
  15. Dunno who Luke Combs is, but he sounds like a casual fan. “There were 20 other guys” sounds like someone who thinks that being the best coordinator means he’ll be the best coach. That’s a casual take if I ever heard it. And being a fan for a long time doesn’t mean he’s not casual. I’ve been a casual UNC fan for over 35 years, because my family are all UNC fans
  16. I mean, Donte and Dante are the same name just spelled different. Like Jonathan and Johnathan.
  17. One T away from the same name as the CB we traded away lol
  18. Nah. Probably not keeping 7 receivers. Same plan but minus Brown. That’s our 6. Use the money on defense, maybe a TE. I dunno what’s available.
  19. Yea no, use our picks. No trading back for just some warm bodies. We have players, we need more good players.
  20. I would assume we take one in the 2nd if a stud is available this year, if not they’ll be looking at one next year after assessing Corbett this year.
  21. It was reported that Corbett is moving in to C. Dunno if that was rock solid, but it’s all I’ve seen so far.
  22. Insider? We’ve only had one or two of those throughout the years here. I forget their name but there was someone dropping nuggets here the past couple years that turned out to actually be reliable.
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