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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. “In his mvp season he had funchess, Benjamin and olsen. A bunch of receivers with big wingspans who could bail him out”. This random nobody loses all credibility there. A) he didn’t have Benjamin that year. B) cam had never been regularly bailed out by a receiver in his career. This rando obviously has no clue. He was also highlighting plays where cam intentionally led the guy low, a common tactic to give defenders no play on the ball.
  2. Naaaaah. Maybe two, and that’s a stretch. They’re asking almost the same thing Houston is for Watson, and Watson is a better QB who is also younger.
  3. Not saying his shoulder was 100%, but it wasn’t “done”.
  4. I actually did. And he still threw it better than Bridgewater. With far worse players around him.
  5. I’m pretty sure Cam was referring to the same thing that ended up getting Smitty cut. The locker room was Cam’s, Rhule and Tepper didn’t want the locker room to be Cam’s. So Cam got cut. Not his shoulder, which turned out to be fine, not this mythical demand for a new contract that has never been hinted at or anything by anyone that would actually know. Just locker room politics. Cam is fine with it, I’ll be fine with it as soon as we get an acceptable replacement. But as it stands right now, it was still a mistake. Cam right now and last season was far better than Bridgewater with a more manageable contract.
  6. Lance didn’t make reads in college either. Very rarely.
  7. I’ve said the same thing since I starting researching QBs around week 8 of the season. Trey Lance too. I’m sure it’s 100% because of their systems, but that doesn’t change the fact that we haven’t seen them do it yet. They’re both bigger risks. Wouldn’t be mad if we took either though, assuming Wilson is already gone.
  8. Absolutely not. Restructuring means more commitment, which is the last thing we need for either player.
  9. Now if we’re talking Zach Wilson...for two firsts it becomes a tougher decision.
  10. Only if he’d be significantly cheaper. Like a single 1st. Watson is better and younger. Has a lot longer left as a high end player.
  11. Pretty pleased so far. Not perfect but definitely making strides that we never would have seen under Richardson. We’d still have Rivera and Hurney if not for Jeans Day.
  12. No pocket is always clean, and most QBs will have decent stat line when cherry picking plays when they had a clean pocket. Of course having the best oline possible is ideal and helps out QBs, no one would ever argue otherwise. But we could have the ‘93 Cowboys’ oline and with Teddy back there we aren’t going anywhere.
  13. That doesn’t make any sense. You’re implying we like Fields as a prospect more than Watson as a proven commodity? Even if that were true, driving up the price for Watson doesn’t benefit us in any way. In your scenario the Jets trade for Watson, the Texans then take Wilson, and it’s the same outcome as if the Jets just took Wilson in the first place. There is zero benefit to us
  14. Truth. All the graphic in the OP shows is that Teddy can ONLY function under perfect conditions.
  15. If the jets trade for Watson, then the pick they give the Texans will still be used on a QB, even if Darnold is part of the package probably...
  16. YGM wasn’t one of the three choices. If he could take the place of Chinn, then I’d probably go with YGM
  17. Yea man, annoys me when people tried to claim he “didn’t live up to his draft position”. He more than exceeded it, just what he does isn’t as obvious for the casual fan to see. Even without being second for rookie QB pressures he would have at least met expectations. Being only second to the guy that undeservedly won droy in QB pressures for a non-UT DT is icing on the cake and far exceeds expectations.
  18. If I gotta choose one of the three it’s Chinn. Love the guy and so glad we finally have a good Safety, but the front four is just way too important.
  19. Agree with OP. But last year was the most miserable Panthers season for me ever. Worse than ‘10. Worse than ‘01. Even though this year’s team was better, it was miserable going out there watching Teddy bumble away what could have been a decent year. I was much less down on this team than most, and the fact we were able to win 5 games with Teddy as our QB proves why. With a decent QB last year would have been around 9 wins. Maybe even one or two more. Teddy shat away 8 possible wins. And that’s why it was more miserable to me. At least those other two years it was a matter of overall talent and coaching deficiency. No matter who we get at QB this year, whether a rookie or Watson or someone out of left field like Dak, and no matter if we go 2-14 or something like that, it will be less miserable than this past year.
  20. Our Oline was decent last year. With the picks we save this way we can treat the oline like we treated the defense in the draft last year. Resign, or at least tag, Moton, draft LT with our first pick (hell, if someone we like is still there in the mid to late first I wouldn’t mind trading next years first to trade back into the first). Then the next few picks get spent on the interior oline. With that strategy we could be even better than last year on the oline
  21. That’s pretty much where I’m at with this too. I don’t like him, but having good QB play again is far more important and at a less crippling cost, we could be competitive right away
  22. If we had a QB that didn’t forget DJ exists half the time, there would be no discussion about Samuel being better. I love Curtis and hope we can keep him for around $10mil or less, but DJ is better all around. I’m super glad we have Anderson but if we have to pick two of our top three, he’s the odd man out.
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