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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. It’s Boger. He misspoke as usual. They just moved the Cowboys back 5 yards I believe.
  2. Terry Bradshaw just said Darnold is the best QB in Panthers history..
  3. Said it above, 39. Watched every super bowl since WFT beat the Bills
  4. If you had as much reading comprehension as me you’d realize that I didn’t say nor insinuate that you’d never listened to Eminem or Dre.
  5. Eminem is dropping a new album soon, and his last album was last year. But yea Dre usually takes about a decade between albums and Snoop hasn’t done anything good in forever. I imagine Snoop and Dre’s contributions will be greatest hits from the 90s
  6. That’s a subjective opinion. I like Prince, he was a great artist. Despite most of his stuff not being my style of music, I still liked a lot of it. If I had been born 10 years earlier I’d probably have different musical tastes. We’re a product of our environment. I hadn’t even heard any prince music til I was older and my tastes had already been established. So maybe before trying to act like a little snobby bitch, think about how there is more to the world than your limited experiences.
  7. I’m 39 and have seen every super bowl since the football team beat the bills, heh. Prince was great but I’d take Em or Dre any day
  8. If this is true, that will be epic. No halftime show in my lifetime comes even close to Eminem or Dre even if they were solo, with with all of those it’s incredible.
  9. Because he’s the best at coaching. The question isn’t “most successful”, it’s the best. And Rhule can coach rings around Rivera and I’d also take him over Fox, our two most successful coaches. For example, if Rhule had been our coach in 2015, with THAT roster, there’s no doubt in my mind we’d have been 19-0.
  10. I don’t even hate Aikman, he’s not that bright sounding and he’s biased, but Buck is god awful. No charisma and too obviously sounds like he’s trying too hard to put on a voice and play a role. He’s like a bad actor in a good movie, just stands out in the wrong way.
  11. He’s already the best coach we’ve had. Will probably end up the most successful coach we’ve had too.
  12. Lol what a moron. So assuming that since he tried to bribe the tester that means he has to be trying to hide something. I’m wondering about the results of the test
  13. There were some questionable calls but some really good ones too. He’s not perfect but Christ, it’s like some of you guys don’t remember the Shula years. Brady could be twice as bad and he’d still be twice as good as Shula.
  14. That kick went back and forth so much you’d think there was a typhoon on the field
  15. Brady, Darnold, Moore, Freeman and Tremble said fug you refs, we’re not letting you steal this one.
  16. I think Freeman has more yards on that one run that Hubbard has all year. Leave him in. hyperbole. Maybe?
  17. The Horn no call wasn’t even as bad as the no-call on the Texans early in the game. We didn’t get gifted any drives as a make up.
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