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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Rivera shoulda been gone then (and if the right call had been made maybe we’d still have whoever replaced him and a Super Bowl trophy as well) and Rhule should be gone now. The biggest difference is then we had (young) Cam so the team had hope.
  2. Obviously Cam. One poor game where no one on the team was helping him at all doesn’t negate the game + 8 plays before that where he showed he’s still good.
  3. Pederson is probably my top choice followed by Bienemy. I wouldn’t want Leftwich, a name that’s circulated. How much of them doing well is actually thanks to Leftwich. Same with Moore. I’d prefer someone more experienced after the horror show the past two years have been, but not someone stuck in the past like Rivera and his ineptitude.
  4. Glad it happened. Even though the source of the problem isn’t gone, we’re one step closer. This was something that was going to have to happen for Rhule to run out of excuses and finally get the boot himself. Better now than the end of the season. Still five games worth of rope for Rhule to hang himself with.
  5. Better question is how much the mistake to cut Cam and sign Teddy in the first place cost us.
  6. I have no problem with the “win now” moves made during the season. Gilmore for a sixth was a no brainer. The trade for Henderson is looking less promising but I still have no problem with it. A 3rd for a young CB with potential isn’t bad. The mistakes were made before the season (and last season, cutting Cam and signing Bridgewater). The most egregious mistakes were the QB decisions and the OL decisions. Both sets of mistakes were HUGE.
  7. I think in most cases it’s a matter of losing faith in Rhule. DJ and Anderson have been very obviously mailing it in for weeks now. Brown and Chinn are studs that are being misused. Carter was never that good. He’s a placeholder and backup. Burns is good but he’s not a dominant DE, too small for that. Probably deserves more credit than he gets around here, he might “barely miss” a lot but when he barely misses someone else often benefits from it. Snow’s scheme is good against some offenses but he isn’t good enough to adjust apparently.
  8. Just at a glance Zane is 90% this year and Gano is 88%. Obviously there are other factors to consider, but the big one to me will be how he kicks under pressure. We’ll see. I don’t hold my breath with Zane like I did with Gano.
  9. That’s an interesting take. We’ll find out when a game is on the line whether Zane pulls a Gano special and chokes.
  10. Rivera was terrible. Rhule isn’t any better but I’d rather at least try. Same situation as with Gano. He wasn’t good enough and had to go. We had to go through Slye to get to Gonzalez.
  11. I just hope we don’t make the mistake we made with Rivera. I said he should have been fired after the second season and I was right. So should Rhule. And Rhule probably won’t find a young Cam next year to save his job like Rivera had.
  12. Hah indeed it did. But in my defense, last year was the finest individual year of coaching this team has had imo. Just a shame it all came crumbling down this year. His failures this year have been not playing the right people (a Rivera special), making terrible QB decisions and ultimately completely losing the locker room which was the clincher. Last year his nepotistic hires didn’t hurt us as bad as they seem to have this year, or at least it wasn’t as painfully obvious.
  13. Defense has been a mirage. It has talent but I don’t know if it’s the scheme or the practice or the game plan or what, but they’re easy to exploit. That “always on the field excuse” might have worked for some games but not all. Not the past two for sure, with the WFT and Dolphins marching all over them the whole game.
  14. JawnyBlaze


    Not even the clusterfug that is our current coaching situation would have me missing Rivera. Not saying we have it better now, but would never want that guy back.
  15. Hire someone that isn’t going to stuff the coaching staff and team with just their buddies.
  16. He is showing a much better ability to escape than he ever did, it’s called stepping up in the pocket. He’s maneuvering within [what passes for] the pocket now better than he ever did. Is he gonna shuck dudes that hit him square like a 25 year old Cam? Of course not, that’s stupid. But I’ve seen a bunch of plays these past two games where old Cam would have moved back or looped around and had to shuck a dude but instead he stepped up and shifted a little and avoided meaningful contact altogether.
  17. I didn’t think it was possible but I’m beginning to think you may be right
  18. I’m totally done with this coaching staff. Not gonna hold too many of the players against the iron this year. I don’t like the shitty effort by the WRs, the OL is just under invested in and under talented. Darnold just isn’t that good, there’s a difference between the poor games by him and the other two QBs. Clean house, bring in some NFL coaches.
  19. Not hard for a defense to take over a game when the offense gets called for a phantom penalty when they get a decent play
  20. Our defense was the biggest mirage of the early season. They can’t stop mediocre offenses at all. And the excuse about getting tired cuz they’re always on the field doesn’t fly for the past few losses, they’ve been walked all over from the beginning of the game.
  21. Wtf where’s the flag on the second down play for block in the back
  22. Luvu was down with a second left. Rhule made sure they were aware of it. It was the right call.
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