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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Jfc they got more for him than the Packers got for Adams (crazy) and the Dolphins gave him $30mil a year. No wonder the Chiefs traded him
  2. Easy. Because it’s the GM’s job to go out and get FAs. Rhule was more involved before because we had lame duck Hurney and first year Fitterer. Makes sense Fitterer would be taking over completely for this now.
  3. This off-season is Fitterer, not Rhule. Rhule is still standing on his accomplishments of the past two seasons, which is terrible. I hope he magically gets better. I thought he did pretty well the first year, his only big misstep being Bridgewater. Last year was a catastrophe though, he’s got a lot to make up for.
  4. Probably better than Darnold, but ew no.
  5. Same as it actually was. At least the Saints didn’t get him
  6. We get a good solid LT and it would be the best line Cam played behind since around 2013
  7. Look at kirks numbers (with good qb) then look at moores (without good qb). Kirk shouldn’t get half what DJ gets
  8. I could understand Watson picking the Saints, but the falcons are a bigger poo show than us. They have one good player on the whole team, the rookie TE.
  9. Yea I liked him in that draft. Didn’t realize he was still in the nfl
  10. Not the most knowledgeable of sources, but walterfootball gave it an A
  11. I asked my Cowboys buddy, he said he’s dookie. This guy is rare among Cowboys fans, being moderately knowledgeable so I’ll take him at his word til I see otherwise.
  12. We need a MLB, that’s for damn sure. Biggest weakness on the defense.
  13. Burns with the sack on Mack Jones. Wish he woulda drilled him
  14. Us or the Falcons. We’ll always be the strongest contenders for that trophy while Rhule is our coach.
  15. Can’t say I have. The later Rivera/Shula/Hurney days were close but I think even Rivera never mismanaged the roster this badly.
  16. Why does he throw it so far all the time? I thought it was against the rules to throw past the yellow line, isn’t that what it’s there for?
  17. Sad funny animation of NFC teams’ playoff standings as the weeks progressed. Panthers’ course was funny in a yakkety sax kinda way. Started high, plummeted off the map, peeked above, fell off, peeked above, disappeared never to be seen again. https://fb.watch/aDfO2ejXNI/
  18. I take Cousins as a FA. No more trades unless they’re slam dunk low risk QBs.
  19. If this is what all that speculation that Tepper didn’t want Tomlin came from, it holds no water. The minority owners that wanted Tomlin gone could be citrone and evanson and the statement would be correct. It basically means there’s at least a 1 in 6.5 chance Tepper wanted Tomlin gone
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