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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. He’s definitely better than Darnold. How much better, we’ll see. He’ll have a much better oline than Darnold, that’s for sure.
  2. Yea that’s the worst case scenario, but he did take the Browns to the playoffs. Who knows. Either he sucks and Corral goes in early, he’s meh and Corral sits for a year and we start actually trying next year, or he’s good and Corral sits til he isn’t.
  3. Didn’t move the needle really. I’m happy the chances of seeing Darnold are much less now. Baker is a solid QB, but I’d rather just let Corral get the experience.
  4. Better than Darnold. I’d prefer to just let Corral play, but I’d much rather have Baker than Darnold.
  5. My browns fan buddy hates it. Wasn’t a fan of the trade for Watson and hates giving up baker for next to nothing.
  6. I’d go with DJ Moore. Shaq if he plays this year like he did last year, but one year isn’t enough
  7. If we hadn’t have gotten Corral I’d be for it since he’s the best option out there. But I’d rather just roll with the rookie and let him get the experience. Hopefully our line is improved enough not to shell shock him
  8. Would be a great signing. Hope they do it, even if they have to overpay just a little for one year.
  9. if you kept reading what I said, I said that I know that’s not what he said and addressed what he actually meant.
  10. I was going to make a thread on this one, good thing I checked this thread. Boggles my mind Rhule thinks the area he needs to improve is his golf game. I know that’s not exactly what he’s saying, but jfc his relationships aren’t the problem and if he thinks it is there’s no hope.
  11. I was going to say sucks to see him in Giants gear but good luck and best wishes. Now that I know it’s a joke…phew.
  12. I’d put the jets, jags, texans, seahawks and falcons and probably bears below us. Beyond that I wouldn’t argue for us against anyone
  13. Shocker. He’s a void of personality. Brady will be the same but they probably won’t admit the mistake as quickly with him.
  14. Ew no. Jimmy G has never been as good as the teams he’s been on. I’d rather just roll with Corral and let him get the reps
  15. Damn she hot too. Got a bit of thickness, not bony like you see with a lot of these college kids’ girlfriends. Sports Illustrated swimsuit model.
  16. I know it’s just the optimist in me but the more I watch of Corral the more enamored I get. He throws an incredible ball, good mechanics, quick feet, etc. Of course the important part is what we can’t see and have no idea how quick he can pick up the pro game, so that’s to be seen. He seems like the type that will put in the work and make everyone around him want to give 110% as well, so I’m very optimistic and can’t wait to see how his career starts off.
  17. I think part of the reason McAdoo was brought in was to have a bridge interim HC who has HC experience in the event Rhule still shows no improvement after like six games. Of course, that theory goes out the window if he was strictly a Rhule hire. I dunno.
  18. So I thought he did really well as a coach in year one. The situational decisions, things like that. Year two he did poorly. I do actually think there’s a chance he turns it around and last year was an anomaly. I’ve wanted him gone (and still do) because he was SO bad last year and I think the chances are greater that’s just who he is, but if he rebounds and gets back to year one form and keeps improving from there then I’m good with keeping him.
  19. I was a 1a Howell 2b Corral guy (definitely above Pickett and above Willis based on value of where I thought we’d be able to get them, wanted none at 6). But Corral was steadily rising in my estimation and Howell was static, the more I saw of Corral the more I was leaning toward him. So many NFL traits you don’t always see in the highly ranked guys. Really his only knocks are size and perceived durability based on size and play style, in my opinion. His deep ball isn’t his strength, but it’ll be the best we’ve had since healthy Cam. Sam had the arm but Corral is more accurate, and that’s largely based on decision making and timing rather than actual ability to put the ball exactly where he wants. Corral forced some deep shots trying to be a hero occasionally, but he was still more calculating and smart on deep shots than Skittish Darnold. Honestly if you take out the size concern and the fear of injury and just focus on what he does on the field, I’d put him right up there with Zach Wilson last year and I was a big Wilson fan. Wilson did some things better, but Corral has some things he does better too. That release can’t be overstated. Something like that helps avoid batted and tipped passes as well as giving defenders less opportunity to defend the catch. He’s also really good at placing the ball to protect his receivers, something they highlighted numerous times in that Waltman video posted today. Of course, the size and injury concerns have to be considered, hence we got him in the third.
  20. I think wildly inaccurate on deep throws is a gross exaggeration. Some get away from him but from what I’ve seen (and heard from most sources) he’s still accurate deep, just not as needle threading as short and intermediate.
  21. Yea no doubt, but I meant at this point, before knowing what they turn out to be, this one is up there. We didn’t know Smitty would turn into one of the goats and Jenkins would be great. We finally got a real stud at LT and a very promising QB. Those two alone make this one of our best without using hindsight to judge.
  22. I’m glad they got scared, I’d have been mildly annoyed if they took Ickey, I preferred him to Neal and it wasn’t close.
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