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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Now that the season is basically over, I was thinking about what would make the perfect offseason for me (within reason). HC: Harbaugh. He has experience, proven track record which means he could probably put together a better staff than anyone else, miracle worker with QBs. FA: Prioritize resigning Burns and Bozeman. Find a new MLB and maybe some CB depth. Draft: Trade two firsts and two seconds to move up for Stroud. I know a lot around here don't like him but to me he's not only the surest QB in this draft but he also has a really high ceiling. No weaknesses, throws the best ball I've seen in a long time. With the remaining second take a WR, bonus points if we can get Njigba for the chemistry he'll already have with Stroud. With the third take a TE that's a true threat in the passing game. In the fourth take the best athletes at CB and LB, the type that maybe still need to learn the game but have high upsides. In the fifth take BPA pretty much regardless of position. I want to do something we've never done, provide a young new QB with weapons. Seems like most other teams do this, but we never have. Our defense has enough talent to be at least "good" maybe great with the right DC. Our OL is already a finished product. We just need the QB and give him the tools to succeed. A good run game, DJ, Marshall, Njigba (or whatever good WR prospect we find) and hopefully a solid rookie TE plus the good protection our OL can provide should make the transition as seamless as possible.
  2. I mean, Mike Evans disappeared for a whole 11 games, and that's with the "goat" at QB....
  3. I don't trust either, but the Broncos certainly are worse situation, tied to a bad QB for quite a while. I'd say our QB situation is better just because we have freedom to do whatever he wants at QB rather than being saddled with a bad one that they can't cut. And even not considering their bad QB situation, their roster isn't nearly as good as ours. We'd HAVE to be a more attractive situation than Denver.
  4. The bidding war thing, it's not like they're going to offer a billion dollars. Most owners in the league can afford to be aggressive in the bidding war. It's more about not wanting to piss off other owners by driving up the price on coach contracts as well as taking a risk on how long of a contract to offer. The Gruden fiasco might have made owners shy about offering such long contracts, but Tepper showed with Rhule he doesn't mind sinking a bunch of money just because he offered a long contract. Glad we have an owner that doesn't stubbornly stick to mistakes, and also isn't so impatient that he cuts bait at the first sign of adversity.
  5. I'd be cautiously optimistic about Ryans. I know nothing about him as a coach, but just because he's a DC doesn't mean he's conservative. If anything his age would imply more that he's not than his title would imply that he is. I'd prefer an OC for the simple reason it's harder to keep a good OC than it is a good DC, so if Ryans picks really good OCs then we'll be constantly looking for replacements, but if he's a good HC then it'll work out. What I know that I don't want is Wilks, Quinn or any of these other older DCs who have proven to be behind the times. Wilks might be one step forward from Rhule, but that's still three steps behind most of the rest of the league.
  6. Whoever was drafted by different regimes in Carolina has absolutely nothing to do with whether we should draft one now or who Fitterer might pick without Rhule's influence.
  7. I'd trade up to this and next year's firsts and seconds. Leaves us with a first this year (the QB), a second, two thirds, and whatever else we have this year, and an abbreviated draft next year. We could probably trade down our second or trade away one of our thirds to get back a second next year leaving us just missing a first next year. QB is way more important than that.
  8. This is a fact that is often ignored here. The "we're 5 years away from contending because we don't have first team all pros at every spot" crowd things we have to be great everywhere to compete. We're a coaching staff and QB away from being legit contenders. That's it. We could improve at TE, DE2, MLB, WR3, CB depth sure. But outside the QB position our roster is better than most of the league, including a lot of teams going to the playoffs. Unfortunately, the QB position is pretty critical.
  9. Also, I was screaming throughout the game why aren't we running more. The run game didn't not come to play, they weren't given the opportunity to play. In the second half while we still had the lead it looked like Foreman was finally starting to get going with a few decent runs and then we just kept passing more than throwing. Maddening.
  10. He had three or so bad underthrows, but only one was picked. One or two of the others would have been TDs if they had been thrown better. I remember one was to Sullivan, the other might have been Marshall, I forget. But I agree overall Sam played alright, the loss was definitely not mostly on him at all.
  11. Wilks' soft defense was what lost the game. Mostly the DB cushion and refusal to change the plan for covering Evans, but also refusal to bring any extra pressure until the end of the game. Only a very few elite DLs can consistently get pressure with just the front four (and we were actually pressuring Brady, got at least a couple sacks). It wasn't the trenches, it was the playcalling and scheme on defense. 24 points ain't great, but it was more than what was enough last time and if not for a few bonehead plays by Darnold they'd probably have scored another TD or two.
  12. Hell no. Ellis has been a Wilks fanboi for some time now. Wilks just showed today exactly what many of us have been saying all along, seems like a good dude over all, good motivator, shitty conservative HC. (What a familiar description of a Panthers HC...) He's not even a good DC. He's a decent secondary coach, where a DC's scheme can overrule his ideas for what kind of cushion DBs should be giving WRs.
  13. I'd be much more ok with Darnold coming back than Wilks. Much easier to cut bait on a journeyman QB (at this point in his career, that's his destiny) than a new HC.
  14. Rivera has made a career of it.
  15. God im tired of hearing about Carolina roots. WTF cares where they're from. I don't give half a hot poo if Wilks is from Charlotte or that Tepper is a yankee or where anyone is from. fug all that noise. All I care about is who does the best job. If they also happen to be from the Carolinas, I still don't give half a lame, blind and deaf dog's turd pile.
  16. We're definitely better than we were at this point last year. Rhule is gone. How much better we will be depends on if Wilks is retained or if we go get a modern coach and draft a QB of the future.
  17. The DL might be too light for his soft ass bitch mode defense where DBs give 8 yards cushion no matter the situation and there's no blitzing ever and the scheme calls for letting short completions happen at will. Sure. But the DL isn't too light to work for a non soft ass conservative coach.
  18. Eh. Rhule was a mistake, 2.25 seasons felt like 1.25 seasons too long, but he actually seemed decent and like he had potential to grow after that first season. We dont want an owner that just gives up after one bad season either, it's a balancing act. So I'm definitely willing to give the Rhule fiasco a huge L. Waiting too long to fire Hurney, yea that sucked too, but he probably just wanted some continuity and could point at all the greats Hurney drafted in the first round to justify letting him stay one extra year. All us fans knew how terrible Hurney is, but there was enough fools gold mixed in his resume it was understandable to me. So yea, an L but an understandable one. The field, that's a lot of teams these days. Just the way it seems to be going. The training facility thing was on the city of Rock Hill, he just reacted like a business man. I don't hold that against him, especially since it doesn't exactly directly influence the team. Soccer, I have no clue. Especially since it doesn't affect the Panthers. I was under the impression the Keep Pounding thing was Rhule. If it was Tepper, then that sucks, probably just him trying to push the team away from the Richardson culture, which I appreciate, but doing it the wrong way. So, in my opinion (and of course I don't begrudge you yours), he made a mistake with the first round of management hires (letting Rivera and Hurney stay too long and hiring Rhule), but that's it. And I'm willing to keep an open mind after one series of interconnected mistakes.
  19. a history with one example doesn't make a trend. he's picked one HC. failed miserably, no reason to believe he is incapable of doing better next time.
  20. He shouldn't. He was bad at it here, he got a HC job based on the insane talent we had (same way Rivera kept his job 7 years too long and got another one). When Wilks was our DC before the defense regressed from McDermott because Wilks calls soft bitch defense that even the talent on those mid teens Panthers teams couldn't excel in like they had before.
  21. The one person away was a good HC. That soft ass defense is what lost, that left the quick out passes open all game, and then not putting someone over the top of Evans was just the icing on the cake. That was an embarrassing game plan and situational coaching. Darnold had high moments and low moments, but failed at what I needed to see him be a legit contender for our QB job next year and that was leading the team to a win on his shoulders. He had numerous times to do it but failed with bad throws, delays of game, and other mistakes. He did make some really good plays, that escape on the second to last drive, all three TD throws were really good, but he also underthrew a couple balls really bad and one of those was an int. The loss is 100% on Wilks and Holcomb.
  22. Yep. Wilks has got to go. This loss was on his soft ass 8 yard cushion secondary, not blitzing until the end of the game and refusal to double Evans or do anything to fix that problem. He gotsta go.
  23. And this game is exactly why i dont want Wilks as our coach. This loss was almost totally on him and his soft ass defense.
  24. I need to see him carry the offense to a win before I'm willing to give him any kind of significant deal or shot at starting next year. He's been playing solid, but it's been mostly handing the ball off. Without some kind of showcase game, I'd be ok bringing him back for backup money with the understanding that he's going to be the backup sooner or later to a rookie we're drafting.
  25. QB draft MLB FA if possible, draft if not WR draft TE FA OL depth FA RB draft Pass Rusher draft
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