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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. I'd honestly rather have Webb in than DA if Cam has to come out for some reason.
  2. Webb to King is looking good. They should both stick, barring something stupid in the next 3 games.
  3. What, back in January when he was doing those interviews and spots on NFLN before the Super Bowl? That's not terribly recent but I guess it would show it wasn't just a weekend thing or a brief thing back in September. Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle
  4. Are these pics recent? Were they taken back in September/October when they might have been hanging out (possibly before he knew she was batshit insane) or were they taken last month or something? Because they were seen together at some point in history doesn't mean he was dating her or he had her over or he knew anything about the cocaine or any of that. I'm not saying I couldn't believe he could have been dating her or anything of those things, but I certainly am not ready to just accept it as fact because some [rushed most likely] article called her his girlfriend.
  5. One other thing I've picked up on, it was stated in one of the articles that it was his girlfriend but it seemed from the 911 call that wasn't the case. Is here any actual real knowledge about this part of it? Is there anything saying he was actually dating this girl at this time? Maybe he dated her back in September or something, but he said someone else brought her over. Maybe it was a fling in the past and she came with the intention of rekindling and he wasn't into it and that's what made her flip out. It keeps getting repeated that it's his girlfriend, but I have my doubts. If he was in fact not dating her, then he is even more in the clear in my opinion. Removes the "oh well he should make better decisions about who he hangs around" rhetoric.
  6. That was one of my first thoughts, surely he has a video surveillance system set up. If he doesn't, I bet he will soon.
  7. Yea, reading the transcript of the 911 calls definitely show a more level headed side of him than I would have thought he had in that sort of situation.
  8. Just read Voth's transcript. That "witness" that claims she saw the woman getting her ass beat upstairs is obviously lying about the "saw" part. And it sounds like, at the very least, she heard the commotion and the woman screaming and assuming she was getting her ass beat instead of screaming in a fit of rage and decided to stoke the fire and try to paint the male out to be evil. Could also be part of a setup, the second woman knows the woman that was going psycho in Hardy's apartment and was trying to help her friend's story. Either way, judging from the transcript, the "witness" is full of poo.
  9. Getting into a motorcycle accident isn't wrong. It just happens.
  10. Err, another thread I mean. Just posted in the wrong thread, just noticed that guy made a separate thread, wasn't in this one.
  11. I think you're confusing the OP (MichaelNewtonII) with another poster that said something in the thread.
  12. Juses H Crust. Seriously? You're listing -potential- speeding (who knows where he was when he took that picture) and getting into a motorcycle accident in the same breath as domestic violence? Are you fuging kidding me? Those previous things aren't character flaws or problems or even wrong. People get into accidents all the fuging time. Doesn't make them bad people or even bad drivers. poo happens. If the worst thing he's done up to this point is getting into an accident and talk some poo to a rival, he's a GD choir boy compared to most of the league and probably most of the posters on this board. Hell, I know I've done worse poo in my life than speeding, getting into an accident and talking poo to people.
  13. I'm a little confused about all these references I'm seeing on this board and in articles on websites to multiple problems with Hardy. This is the first time he's been in trouble as far as I know. Yea he got into a motorcycle accident once and (in a separate instance) posted some pictures of alcoholic beverages or whatever, but he's never done anything wrong or gotten in trouble. I don't see where this phantom "pattern" or "history" is coming from. He's been a completely upstanding and headache free player since being here. This is strike 1, not 2 or 3 or whatever. Assuming this issue is resolved without him going to jail or it being the worst case scenario it's not enough for him to get cut or not attempt to resign him or anything. All this conjecture is ridiculous.
  14. I don't think Coleman will be there in the 5th, but if he is I'd be exceptionally happy. I'd be plenty satisfied with this day 3 overall.
  15. He often does. He hasn't developed that eye in the back of his head yet that more experienced QBs have, that's certainly something that needs to improve, but usually when he sees a defender coming he's either able to shake him (which is usually his course of action) or he throws it away. He's not that bad at taking sacks, considering how often defenders are in his face.
  16. Well, I'm glad Rivera went for it on 4th last drive, didn't care for the playcall. Cam or Tolbert can get inches. Cam got inches the play before when they knew we were running up the middle. This "in the grasp" horseshit has gotta go though. I don't think it actually benefited us the first time, Cam visibly relaxed when he heard the whistle. That's what caused the fumble. The last time, they blew the whistle while Palmer was in the middle of being sacked. That's ridiculous and took 7 pts away from us.
  17. Come on Deangelo, don't you know you're washed up, too old and finished? Stop milking this dominant O-line against the pathetic Giants D-line for yards!
  18. Fua in, Wilson just about doubles his rushing yards for the game on one run... CUT HIM AGAIN
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