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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. That looks like fun. I'd love to go. I'm even going to be on leave leading up to the draft. Too far, though.
  2. Don't think we'll be fine without him, as evidenced by our pathetic pass rush last year. If Hardy plays 5 or 6 more years like the past two years he will be a 1st ballot hall of famer. Having a motor that never stops, combined with his abilities in the pass rush AND the run are a very rare combination.
  3. It's possible. I haven't seen Gone Girl (no spoilers, though you've already kinda spoiled it ), but I could just as easily believe he'd value the huge financial hit he'd take by fighting it more than the principle of making sure she doesn't get away with her heinous actions.
  4. I was quite confident we'd get significant comp picks. Not surprised at all. Those are going to help a lot.
  5. Also, I have a higher opinion of you than the sort of simplistic "oh he paid her off, that means he must be guilty" mindset we see from the uninformed masses. I see all these comments on PFT articles, elsewhere and people I talk to up here and it just amazes me that people can be so utterly simple minded than to believe that because he paid her off it's proof that he did it. You're better than that.
  6. Hardy paying her off isn't a fact. It's a theory. One I actually do believe however. Does it prove he's guilty? Absolutely not. Paying her off was an economical move. Paying her was probably cheaper than paying his lawyers AND it got the case resolved quicker. Do you think that if he hadn't paid her off the whole ordeal would have been done by now and he would have been able to hop into FA with a resolution in time to get a deal worth up to $13mil for one year? I sincerely doubt it. The only reasonable conclusion I can come up with, knowing all the facts (as well as believing the payoff theory) is that he needed the situation done in order to get on with his life and get on with getting paid. For all we know the case would still be going on now if it hadn't been dropped. And no team is going to offer him a contract until the legal process is done. He wouldn't have been able to receive offers til all the real money had dried up.
  7. If I recall correctly those photos were taken well after the incident and their legitimacy was questionable at best. From what I remember, the bruises were supposedly minor and the only real bruise was supposed to be on her arm where they were trying to remove her from the apartment. Then there's the whole thing where she was asked in the first "trial" if she received any damage from the attack and her answer was that she broke a nail. If she were battered and bruised you don't think she would have mentioned that? As someone said before, if pictures that damning existed you don't think the DA would have pursued the case even if Holder wouldn't show up? Her cooperation wasn't necessary. And finally, if there were legitimate pictures to be believed, don't you think the original judge would have given him a slightly more stiff punishment than a 60 day suspended sentence and 18 months probation? That sentence screams "I don't think you actually did anything but I gotta punish you somehow for appearances". That's a slap on the wrist for a supposed dangerous, violent woman beater. I'm sorry, I don't believe for an instant that he or anyone in that room harmed her. There's just way too much evidence to the contrary.
  8. big difference between getting about four or five chances and getting let go after the first (false) allegation against you.
  9. Wrong answer. The correct answer was "Hardy didn't do anything, so THAT's why the team should have had his back instead of turning theirs and THAT's why JR is wrong here." If there was a glimmer of a chance that he hit that woman, I wouldn't want him back here either.
  10. Plenty of us were talking about Strong in the 1st before the combine.
  11. And my last one for now, think I went with the buffalobillsdraftsite board. Wasn't quite as satisfied with this one as the other two, mainly because I had to wait til the 3rd to get a WR. The value was better on Peat in the 1st (was between him and Strong and though I love Strong as a prospect, protecting Cam is more important than giving him more weapons) and the value at WR in the 2nd just wasn't there. Greene is a fine prospect for the 3rd round, so I'd feel pretty good about this draft. 25: R1P25 OT ANDRUS PEAT STANFORD 57: R2P25 CB JALEN COLLINS LSU 89: R3P25 WR RASHAD GREENE FLORIDA STATE 121: R4P25 RB JAY AJAYI BOISE STATE 153: R5P25 SS IBRAHEIM CAMPBELL NORTHWESTERN 185: R6P25 DE COREY CRAWFORD CLEMSON 217: R7P25 OT ROB CRISP NC STATE
  12. For my second run I wanted to see how the chips would fall if I went WR in the first. Used Draftek's board this time. Had to make a difficult call in the 3rd when Ameer Abdullah and Ogbuehi were both available. Went with my head instead of my heart. Also, despite potentially causing a logjam at WR I just couldn't pass up Hardy in the 4th. 25: R1P25 WR JAELEN STRONG ARIZONA ST 57: R2P25 CB JALEN COLLINS LSU 89: R3P25 OT CEDRIC OGBUEHI TEXAS A&M 121: R4P25 WR JUSTIN HARDY EAST CAROLINA 153: R5P25 RB JAVORIUS ALLEN USC 185: R6P25 OT TYRUS THOMPSON OKLAHOMA 217: R7P25 CB DESHAZOR EVERETT TEXAS A&M Another draft I'd be exceptionally pleased with. Right after I made the last pick I saw Jordan Hicks, OLB from Texas was still available, I would have picked him if I noticed. Not a big deal either way.
  13. First one of these in a few weeks, I use fanspeak's on the clock with the composite big board. There was some silliness, like Breshad Perriman being available in the 4th and DJ Humphries available in the 6th but overall it was alright: 25: R1P25 OT ANDRUS PEAT STANFORD 57: R2P25 WR DORIAL GREEN-BECKHAM OKLAHOMA 89: R3P25 RB JAY AJAYI BOISE STATE 121: R4P25 OLB JORDAN HICKS TEXAS 153: R5P25 CB QUANDRE DIGGS TEXAS 185: R6P25 C SHAQUILLE MASON GEORGIA TECH 217: R7P25 OLB DAVIS TULL CHATTANOOGA Now I know there's no way as long as JR owns this team will we take a chance on a guy like DGB, but holy poo this would be an awesome draft.
  14. like the structure of the idea, but not for Gurley. For jake fisher or Ameer Abdullah
  15. I've been talking Ameer Abdullah to anyone that'll listen
  16. For the love of Christ these "past incidents" people keep making up kill me.
  17. how many snaps he played for us have nothing to do with the comp pick. How much he plays and gets paid by his new team determines the comp pick.
  18. I had a feeling he was going to be a Cowboy. They need defensive help and are popular enough to weather the ignorant backlash that signing him could bring.
  19. According to some other guy in this or another thread, can't remember where exactly, he had 15 catches for 12 first downs. Clutch? Eh, if we're using the term liberally. Clutch to me requires some knowledge of the situation in which the plays were made. And I certainly don't remember how many of his 12 first downs were in critical situations. I do remember one or two that helped extend important drives in games. I think those passes could have easily gone to Brown. Brown was more clutch this past season, in my opinion. edit: Just noticed your avatar. I'd say Bersin was about as clutch as the mustache on the guy's head in your avatar lol
  20. I'm sure he's capable, but he's not particularly fast, nor do I have any reason to believe he's a skilled tackler. I mean, anyone CAN play special teams. I'm sure Colin Cole COULD play ST. Is there not someone that can do it better and serve other roles in a greater capacity is the question.
  21. But there's the second part to what I said. He doesn't offer enough upside or value as a WR to justify a roster spot when he can't even contribute on ST. He had a few catches, but surely we can find someone that can make 20 catches a season that can also contribute on ST. And maybe even do something with the ball after they catch a pass...I'm not mad if we keep him on the team or anything, but I also don't see any legitimate reason to keep him. I'd be thrilled if our WR corps is upgraded through the draft to look like: KB Jaelen Strong (or some other WR in the 1st) Justin Hardy (or another speedy guy, or guy with great hands like Hardy's that has actual upside in the 3rd or 4th) Brown Cotchery Ginn We're not carrying more than 6 WRs, probably. And if we only draft 1 WR this year, I could see us rolling with only 5 WRs on the roster with Webb or that App State kid as the WR/backup QB that's deactivated every game.
  22. Was he even calling women bitches in his rapping? I will admit (be proud of?) the fact I didn't listen to the whole "rap" but the line that got all the attention was "Kraken, bitch". Sounds like the kind of line that was the gender-unspecific "bitch", not directed at women or a woman. It's splitting hairs, I know, but it makes a little difference.
  23. The numerous mistakes in the playoffs weren't his first time making mistakes fielding punts. Or the second. Or the third. He was poor at it all season. The one in the gif earlier in this thread was the MOST bone-headed of them, but he was bobbling punts and making other mistakes all season long.
  24. Beating a child the way AP beat his is completely wrong and should be admonished. But that had nothing to do with Greg Hardy. AP abused a child. Greg Hardy was hoodwinked by an experienced manipulator of men. Completely unrelated.
  25. "bad" as a WR? nah, he had some good catches. Get separation? No. Trustworthy as a punt returner? Never. Has enough upside as a WR to justify spending a roster spot on him, especially when he's a liability on special teams? Not really.
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