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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. I still have, and wear, my Kevin Greene jersey I bought when he joined the team :)
  2. Cam looks like he's lactating in that first pic.
  3. I had no interest in that kid we lost last year to the Patriots, but I REALLY hope we don't take any chances with Wegher. I really like him and hope he's given a chance.
  4. lol same. I have no idea why, but that made me audibly laugh.
  5. Yea, I've been pretty high on Wegher. Hope he gets a fair chance.
  6. it's cuz my photoshop skills are so awesome, the change was very subtle.
  7. I thought you meant the girl in the white shirt. mmm
  8. ​That's the key phrase. He doesn't know how to utilize. Anybody.
  9. I've got nothing against Bersin. I want him gone for one reason: takes away possibilities for more bad decisions by Shula. I don't fault Bersin for putting Bersin in bad situations. I fault Shula. Same reason I'd rather have Cotchery gone (flea flicker to Cotchery?!). It's about putting a team out there that Shula can't fug up, because that's the only way to field a good offense. Make it Shulaproof. Because if he can, he will fug it up.
  10. Getting rid of punting wouldn't eliminate onsides kicks...there's no such thing as an onsides punt.
  11. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/06/06/prater-thinks-nfl-will-eventually-take-kicking-out-of-the-game/ If they mean just punting, then I'd actually be ok with it. You get 4 downs to get a first down or it goes to the other team right there. Still need kicking for kickoffs and FGs, but taking punting out completely. Would ruffle the "old school" feathers, but I think it'd make the game more exciting in the long run.
  12. I swear to God if I ever see Bersin back to field a punt again I'm turning the game off.
  13. Patriots. Revenge. Gostkowski misses a last minute field goal to seal the Panthers win.
  14. Your "evidence" is circumstantial at best. Trying to use cherry picked stats is an "interesting" method as well. There is no better way to judge a performance than to watch it....I dunno how you expect to. Listen? Smell?
  15. ​If you want to use "stats" that are dependent on factors other than the o-line play, lets use the fact that Seattle has been toward the top of the league in rushing yards for the past few years, where Carolina has been upper middle class. How bout rushing TDs? Seattle #1, Carolina #21. Rushing plays for negative yards? Carolina 46, Seattle 41. Anyone can bend stats to fit their agenda. Bottom line, if you watch both O-lines and think Carolina's is better than Seattle's then you're not paying attention. Seattle's isn't great by any means, but the simple fact they weren't starting Bell and Chandler means they were better.
  16. ​Wilson....has a worse OL than Cam? Invalidates everything you said.
  17. QBs that are without a doubt better than Cam: Rodgers, Brady, P. Manning, Brees (though that's becoming debatable, I'd still put him there), Rivers. Big Ben can be made a case for. Luck can be made a case for, but a case could be made against just as easily. On par with Cam is Romo and maybe Ryan and Flacco. Cam is unquestionably better than Eli, Palmer, Cutler, Wilson, Stafford, Kap (lol at him even being mentioned).
  18. I'm hoping for Stewart, CAP, Wegher as our RBs, Tolbert as our FB and Todman as our KR. If SOMEONE has to get cut from those 4, I'm looking at Todman. I think CAP and Wegher both have experience at returns, and KR is much less important than PR which is Ginn.
  19. One of the more ignorant things I've ever seen posted here. And that's saying a lot.
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