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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Norwood shoulda caught that...perfect placement despite his arm getting hit.
  2. ugh, wish 53 or whatever number that was woulda held his block. Ginn mighta turned that corner and picked up a lot more.
  3. In the back of my head when I was typing that was all that rhetoric about how Cam couldn't run certain offenses or plays, and other bogus claims because he's can't pass short.
  4. It's not the last play that's on Cam's mind. It's the bs playcalls to come. and as I type this, Ginn drops another perfect pass.
  5. Come on TD, that's one of those avoidable penalties, and kept a drive going, you like to get in Norman's face about...
  6. Thank God the Texans receivers are catching with the same lubricated gloves that ours are.
  7. Yea, Ginn looked like he was gonna return it and changed his mind at the last second. Probably because he saw the flag.
  8. Absolutely a drop. You want Cam to loft it to him underhanded? There were defenders around, a soft pass gets picked. It hit Ginn in the hands, he shoulda caught it.
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