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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Hayell no. A pick that high needs to be on a position of value. OT, CB or trade back. But QB is really the only answer. Surely four don’t go before our pick.
  2. Being under contract doesn’t mean he’ll be a starter. There’s 31 other guys under contract who aren’t starters.
  3. Maryland. State of emergency here
  4. County schools here are now shut down for two weeks for “deep cleaning”
  5. I really wanted Philly to succeed, but I'm done with him. He's made of glass, and that'd be a risk worth taking if he was consistent. But he's not. I know he's young, but we need WR production other than KB and Ginn right now.
  6. eh, there were two elite CBs in the top 11, and another taken a few picks before us.
  7. I'd be ecstatic about Shephard in the 2nd, whether we'd have to trade up for him or not. The other 3 I'd be ok with, but wouldn't want to trade up for.
  8. I'm not a fan of Lawson but I'd be ok with trading up in the 2nd for him if we miss out on Dodd and Ogbah. Love Henry and well worth a first in my opinion.
  9. I'm all for Dodd in the first. One of my favorite 1st round potential Panthers at the moment.
  10. Great photos. My favorite is the middle Stewart TD pic, where he's pretty much at the apex of his leap.
  11. Dave said Josh was worth $7mil a year BEFORE this season. He's obviously worth a lot more now.
  12. Another great Norman moment: wearing lucha libre mask "I don't consider myself a trash talker. I'm a motivator"
  13. The main thing all this "#1 offense vs #1 total defense" business is leaving out is that Seattle was also the #1 defense where it mattered: points allowed. Denver is not. Also like someone pointed out, Denver was much weaker on the other side of the ball two years ago. We are not.
  14. Don't want to be entered for the contest, since I couldn't attend anyway, but I'll contribute to the topic. I don't like to be sappy or anything, so that's not my intent. But in all truthfulness the Panthers are one of my main sources of stability. I'm in the military, as I know a number of our fellow Huddlers are, so I'm going to be presumptuous and attempt to speak for us all. The Panthers are a source of stability. We have to move around a lot. Some more than others. Some to less than desirable places. Some of us have to be separated from our families for extended periods of time. Some of us have to experience things that most people will never even have nightmares about (luckily, I'm not one of those). For those times we're over in a desert living in a tent, or out on a ship, or otherwise disconnected from the lives that being an American means we're all entitled to (well most of us, I know we got some international folks here....we love yall!), we have the Panthers to remind us of home. In some cases we have the means to watch games. In some cases all we have is the internet to keep us apprised of what's going on (thank you baby Jeebus for the Huddle!). Our lives can be chaotic, unpredictable, can be uprooted at a moments notice. When we're alone somewhere remote, sometimes surrounded by people we don't know even though they're our allies, shipmates, or brothers-in-arms, we have two things to keep us grounded and sane. Our love for our families, and our love for our Panthers. Thank God for them both.
  15. well, two things I learned from that game. Bridgewater is horrible. He just laid down for the Seahawks about once or twice a drive. And two, the Seahawks are still the luckiest team in history. Another patented Wilson toss it up and pray play worked out for them, and a missed 27 yard fg by the Vikings to lose the game. smh lol.
  16. he speared. he launched with his helmet, can't do that. height has nothing to do with it. he should have been tackling with his shoulder and arms, not helmet.
  17. definitely a penalty and burfict is definitely the biggest piece of poo in the game and deserves a lifetime ban. bengals still got shafted though, if only the bryant "td" catch itself. bernard was also speared helmet to helmet by shazier and that shoulda been called. that wasn't incidental helmet to helmet contact. that was spearing on a defenseless receiver (i believe he was a receiver at that point, my memory could be wrong though). either way it was spearing.
  18. I just watched the replay on that Bryant "TD". There is NO WAY that was a catch. He was rolling it around on his leg, OBVIOUSLY doesn't have control of it til he is mid flip, and then he lands out of bounds. That they called it a TD is ridiculous.
  19. according to profootballfocus.com it was 80. point is, it wasn't most of his yards.
  20. I think the only thing we can really do this year is hope the DEs remember how to find the QB. Looking at the rest of our likely schedule, there aren't any Julio Joneses or OBJs left for Norman to shadow. Assuming the rest of our schedule looks something like TB, Seattle, Arizona, NE: vs TB Norman will probably be on Evans most of the game, I don't foresee them putting him in the slot much; vs Seattle the biggest worry is Baldwin and they do use him from the slot a lot so we will have to rely on QB pressure to force quick throws and minimize damage; vs Arizona I would REALLY prefer Norman stay on Fitz the whole game even though he's mostly in the slot these days....I could see Brown being a problem for us no matter who's on him so if Norman can shut down Fitz we can try to double cover Brown and hope that Finnegan or Peanut can handle Floyd (I don't think Floyd will be as much a problem as the other two could be); and vs NE we mostly have to worry about Gronk. Pressure Brady, keep Norman on either Edelman or Gronk (whichever is wide), keep Coleman and Luke or TD on Gronk when he's in the slot or Finnegan when it's Edelman and that should probably lead to the best results for us. Peanut should be able to handle Lafell or Amendola, whichever is in at any given time. So, TLDR, the teams we likely have left on our schedule don't have the single beast WRs that some of our recent opponents have had so they won't be able to play the "hide our good WR from Norman in the slot" game as much. Baldwin in Seattle is the closest thing to that we might have to see.
  21. yea, no doubt. I'm hoping we can get another stud CB soon, whether by draft or by an uncharacteristic FA splash so we can play more man. the past few games we've seen what you're talking about, and teams nullifying Norman by simply moving their good WRs into the slot and putting JAG decoys out for Norman to cover.
  22. not to nitpick or anything, great post as always, but if I remember correctly, it was like 75ish of Julio's yards that came against Norman. Less than half. A terrible game by Norman's standards, but not as appalling as the damage he did against the rest of the defense.
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