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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Should have just let Cam play out his contract. He looked bad on a team with the worst roster in the NFL (at least definitely offensively) but he probably would have been better here. Better than Teddy at the very least but that is a comically low bar. Doesn’t matter if he wanted a new deal, I guarantee he wouldn’t hold out or be disruptive over it, that’s never been who he’s shown himself to be. And even if moving on from him was unavoidable (it wasn’t) then signing Bridgewater (who MANY of us said was a terrible move from the start) made the situation even worse.
  2. Three firsts and this year’s second? Tough pill to swallow but if it means a long term franchise QB, you do what you gotta
  3. We trade the next three firsts for Watson and there’s this little thing called the rest of the draft where we can invest heavily on the OL.
  4. Teddy isn’t getting better. Many of us called this as soon as he signed. He’s not a second year player. He is who he is. He is an acceptable backup, very far from a starter. Even without CMC last year he had more weapons than most QBs are afforded.
  5. Oof not for our first no thank you. Maybe our second.
  6. OL or CB. Absolutely nothing else. We sure af don’t need another first round non-pass rushing LB or offensive skill position even if we lose Curtis. But the only real answer is QB. I can’t watch more than another couple games of Bridgewater.
  7. This whole idea that we’d HAVE to send one of our good young players is absolute speculation and grounded in nothing, but if for some reason it works out that way, it’d be Moore imo. Anderson, Samuel and find a WR in the 2nd or 3rd to replace Moore. That that we’d necessarily find someone as good, but it’s possible. Been a lotta really good WRs coming out of the 2nd round and later lately. Moore would be the easiest to replace
  8. If Wilson is gone, I absolutely would like Stafford. He can be what Teddy was thought (by some) to be. A good bridge QB that can get us by until we can get a good rookie QB. Would probably mean we’d either have to get lucky in the latter part of the first on a QB or trade up, but we’d have options without having to endure torturous, embarrassing seasons like this year until we find him. Do I think Stafford can carry the team in his back to a Super Bowl? Probably not. Can Stafford be a contributing piece to a Super Bowl caliber team? Absolutely.
  9. Nah to any of those imo. All are light years ahead of Bridgewater but still not what I would want to build around
  10. He may very well command three firsts. And I’d be tempted to pay it. Or he might go for a first and a good not great player. No one knows at this point. There are often crazy unpredictable trades
  11. For every example of someone overpaying in a trade as listed above (especially leremy tunsil and Ramsey), there’s crazy under paying for Hopkins, Moss, and others. The only real evidence we have is that disgruntled players usually trade for less than players on teams rebuilding and trying to shed contracts like tunsil and Ramsey
  12. If we have Wilson or Lance waiting to take over week 2? A -0 for that game, 10 moving forward. If we haven’t drafted his replacement? Negative infinity.
  13. CMC is great, love him. But if we gotta lose him to finally reacquire a stud franchise QB then so be it. We don’t “have no o-line”. We have a decent backup RB. We can find another RB in the draft easier than a QB. All things considered, the leap from Bridgewater to Watson is infinitely greater than from Davis to CMC. So I hope we don’t lose CMC, but I’m willing to for Watson.
  14. A sure thing vs a gamble? Hell yes.
  15. I agree that Hurney 2.0 was better than 1.0 on paper. We got some solid FAs and made some solid draft choices. Our last draft might have been our best ever. But a lot of that I put on Rhule, all out acquisitions last year...good and bad. The second paragraph I couldn’t disagree with more. CBs are absolutely vital in today’s game. Far far moreso than LBs. Paying Shaq like a top tier LB was a mistake only slightly less ludicrous than paying Delhomme his last contract. We could have replaced Shaq with a 4th round LB or just signed a mediocre one in FA and got the same performance. Letting Bradberry walk was almost as stupid as not tagging Norman. Hopefully Fitterer and Rhule value the back end like the Seahawks did and not like our previous regimes.
  16. This would be ideal. All comes down to whether the Jets draft a QB or if a team trades up for one.
  17. Hurney getting a job is simultaneously mind blowing and yet entirely expected that WFT hired him. It’s hilarious how we have two Carolina North’s now, far north of us the Bills poached our good coach and GM candidate and close north of us Washington took our castoffs.
  18. At least Snyder knows Hurney will have his back in all the improper conduct lawsuits.
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