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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. That was the most shameful SB I’ve ever seen. The 2020 of Super Bowls. Refs were more one sided than 50 or even when the refs were all but wearing black and yellow against the Seahawks.
  2. 1v1 none of our guys were the best we’ve ever had or anything but as a group I’d put them against anything we’ve had. Smitty+Moose+whoever isn’t better than Moore, Anderson and Samuel. Just from a scheming point of view, harder to erase three guys than two. I think Anderson was great for what he had to work with. All those passes that were way off target and he hauled in would be drops by almost WRs. I can definitely see the argument that Smitty and whoever wins just cuz Smitty was so good but I think as a full unit this year’s would have been the hardest to defend with a good QB. and our Oline wasn’t nearly as good as 08 or some of the older ones but it was a helluva lot better than the previous four years, at least as good as ‘15, and as good or better than any year going back as far as 09 before that. Not great, but not bad. if we retain Samuel, and CMC is back healthy, I think it’s easily the best group we’ve ever had. Our rookie will be well stocked with weapons. Doesn’t mean he HAS to be an all star immediately, sometimes it takes time to learn and that’s ok. But add CMC to this years group and it isnt even close, in my opinion
  3. Refs are trying to make sure Brady gets his ring so he has the “two teams” and “who was responsible for the Patriots success” story. So many bad calls, phantom holding calls extending drives, letting Bucs line play dirty but calling the chiefs, bad spots.
  4. And then you wake up from your dream and we’re 0-4 because Teddy’s been starting and still holding the team back.
  5. He’s an ok backup and a horrible starter. He looked like a good backup in Sean Payton’s system because all QBs and even RBs playing QB can look good in that system.
  6. I didn’t say he’s worse than Clausen and Weinke, he’s objectively not. But I like him less because he’s more frustrating to watch. Watching him play the way he plays is more frustrating and less entertaining than the other two because with the other two it was just a lack of talent. Bridgewater has a little more talent than them but plays scared. He’s the Rivera of QBs. Rivera might have had the most wins of Panthers coaches but he was my least favorite coach in Panthers history because the way he coached was so gd frustrating. His chicken poo style of coaching wasted the most talent this team has ever had. Under his reign we had the best QB we’ve ever had (by far), the best RB we’ve ever had (by far), the best WR we’ve ever had (by far, and even if he was in the twilight of his career he was still highly productive), and plenty of other bests. This year Bridgewater wasted the best offensive skill group this team has ever had at once. He’s just so gd frustrating to watch.
  7. I loved Cam, Kuechly, Olsen, all the high character guys with talent. Teddy is horrible though, no amount of character in the world is going to make me like a football player as bad as he is. Teddy can cure cancer and covid tonight and he’ll still be my least favorite Panther QB in the history of the team.
  8. Be annoyed, but at least he’ll be a significant upgrade over teddy....damaged goods or not.
  9. Trubisky is waaaaay better and higher potential than Teddy ever was but I wouldn’t want those contracts combined. If we can’t score a QB in the draft or trade for Watson and can unload Teddy’s contract somehow, I’d be good with Trubisky on a 1 or 2 year deal. Wouldn’t want to trade more than a 5th or later, if trading is necessary
  10. I agree with them. With a good QB, a couple OL and maybe a MLB we’re in business.
  11. Out WR corps is infinitely better now than when we had Ginn. But I still would rather keep Curtis, especially if he can be signed at $10mil a year or less
  12. So the best thing to ever happen to this organization and only reason we had any success at all in the past ten years is what you choose to use as a negative example? I like a QB who can energize a team, this “even keeled” stuff is what you get with a Teddy. Rogers, Brady, Favre, Manning, Brees, they all got fired up and emotional in games. Sure there are examples of good QBs who don’t, like Russell Wilson, but I’d rather have a leader like the previous examples. Not trying to poo on the OP too much, I just disagree. Don’t think interviews have anything to do with game performance.
  13. Derek Carr. If he can be had for cheap as the article says, then hell yea. Spend that 1st rd pick on an OT and Carr can be our QB for the next few years at least. He’s a good QB that’s been in a bad situation most of his career. If he can be had as cheap as a second rd pick or less, I’d probably rather that than any QB in the draft not named Lawrence or Wilson.
  14. Jimmy G is easily better than Teddy. The injury thing is a concern, but Jimmy isn’t someone I’d want to hitch our wagon to anyway. Only reason to do this is to get an extra pick while the 9ers offload a contract. I assume Teddy’s is more manageable than Jimmy’s so it’s not a trade for QBs insomuch as it’s a trade our cap space for their draft pick, which we use to move up and get a QB
  15. Jimmy G and a second for Teddy? Sure. If the lions can get extra picks for bad contracts we can too right?
  16. Could replace his name with Joe Person or any number of others and it would be equally true, heh
  17. Also, this. Neither Lance nor Fields are worth trading up that much for IMO
  18. We’re not moving CMC to move up for a rookie QB. I could see it for Watson, but not for a rookie. I also don’t think next years first is worth that low. It’s less than this years obviously but not less than our second round pick. I’d say it’s worth around pick 32 or 33, since we’re picking so high this year and common thought would be that we’re going to pick pretty high again next year. I’d offer this year’s first and second and next year’s second. Maybe throw in a second tier player if need be, like Shaq (lol if only). Maybe even Robbie, but doubtful considering his connection with Rhule. Possibly Samuel, though I’d hate that more than Robbie to be honest.
  19. Well I hope Joe Person finally makes some poo stick to the wall in this case
  20. You lost any semblance of credibility when you said fuller and cooks are better than anything we have.
  21. Holy poo I’m glad we didn’t try to outbid THAT
  22. Where did it say anything about confirmed? “Per league sources” never screams confirmed to me. And anything from Joe Person is more like “confirmed to be the opposite.” Stafford would be great here but I just don’t want to give up a 1st or any legit young talent. He looked weathered this year and I’m not confident he’d be a 5+ year answer. If he would be, then absolutely. This “we’re multiple years away from contending” nonsense is tired groupthink. We get a great or better QB and we’re in the hunt this year. Tag or sign Moton and whatever other scrubs we replenish the OL with makes it better than ‘15 when we dominated the regular season and playoffs until we ran into the buzzsaw of the refs and Shula’s incompetence finally catching up to us. Our offensive skill players are infinitely better than that year. Our defense is worse but not by as much as I think most believe. They’re so young and we’re getting better and better. I think they’ll be a solid 10-15 in the rankings, maybe even higher. There’s no reason we can’t be legitimate a threat next year with Stafford or Watson. If 5/8 of our 1 score losses were flipped to wins this year we probably would have been in the playoffs. And the leap from Bridgewater to Stafford/Watson is ginormous, I definitey think we would have had 10+ wins this year even without CMC. Next year we’ll have CMC and a more experienced young defense. If we draft a QB, I think we’re maybe another year or two away from being legit but it’ll be a more long term situation.
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