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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. The Cam bullet time throw he curved around the Atlanta defender to…a TE I forget which, is one of my all time favorite throws.
  2. This. Some people like to try to spin it as “it’s a QB’s job to manage the game” but it really just means a QB who is not a game changer. They won’t win or lose you the game on their own. They’re good enough to succeed if the team around them is good, but doesn’t elevate the team. It’s not a complimentary term, but it’s saying at least they’re competent enough to not lose you games.
  3. I’ve only watched one game’s highlights about Ward so I’m still way too ignorant to formulate an opinion yet, but my only observation from that game is that I hate his throwing motion, looks so weird. And he seems to move around lethargically, no pep in his step. But that’s not a deal breaker or anything, I’ll do much more thorough research later in the year when there’s a lot more game to comb through.
  4. Like I said before, we should sit on him for a while…probably until the offseason while the memory of just how bad and hopeless he is fades and hope we can dupe another team into overpaying for him. All these other “resurgences” have nothing to do with Bryce because none of them looked nearly as bad as Bryce at any point in their careers. Not Zach Wilson, not Sam Darnold, not even Jamarcus Russell who never had a resurgence. They all had something to point at and say “well he can do this well, maybe if he just learned the other stuff”. There is not a single thing Bryce does that isn’t bad bad. His supposed strengths were processing (he’s bad) and accuracy (I always said he was bad, even in college. That’s the fallacy of looking at completion % as an indicator of accuracy) and he’s actually terrible at both.
  5. We could lose to the Bengals, it could happen. They look bad but they have talent. I said in the updated predictions thread I could optimistically see us getting to 6-2, more realistically he’ll probably get a couple more wins til his first loss.
  6. Yea there were a couple misses in blocking by TEs but overall did really well. I noticed a lot more times they slowed down the rusher enough to allow the play to develop
  7. I mean, IF Tepper forced the Bryce pick then yea, he deserves to be criticized for it and deserves all the ire he’s gotten. It’s still just a rumor, no matter how many times it’s repeated as if it was a fact.
  8. I’m not trying to pick on you or anything bud, but this take and similar ones have been driving me up a wall. The franchise isn’t drafting, developing or rehabilitating QBs. A small collection of individuals are. Those individuals that were responsible for fumbling Darnold and Baker are gone. The individuals responsible for drafting and developing Bryce his rookie year are gone. Our next QB, Plummer, and anything current or future has nothing to do with previous regimes. Even the one common thread that everyone likes to point at, the owner, isn’t out there going through footwork drills with Bryce or anything like that. He’s made some bad decisions, it happens. Richardson made a LOT too. At this early point it looks like maybe third time’s a charm though.
  9. fug you Florio. Bryce should have done right by the team and worked on his craft. He won’t flourish anywhere cuz he’s trash.
  10. If not apology, at least an “I was wrong”. Pat was close to that, but not quite. What I really want to hear from people is “I was wrong about Bryce Young. He actually was the problem.” but I know I’m not going to get that
  11. He doesn’t apologize, but at least he backtracked and says maybe the team isn’t so bad.
  12. OL wasn’t credited with allowing any sacks yesterday. Who blew what assignment is something neither we nor analysts will ever know, but it looked to be in Sanders to me.
  13. Top *1* after yesterday’s game. In pass protection at least, I haven’t seen overall ranking, but they allowed four total pressures again yesterday and weren’t credited with a sack. I remember one was on Jatavion, I don’t remember who the others were on.
  14. Yea, I don’t see that happening but that’s my optimistic take before our tougher back end brings us back down to earth. It’s still just a total of 9 wins
  15. I have no more reactions to give, but you get spiritual pie my friend.
  16. The key difference was Andy was throwing it over the opponents’ heads, not his own receivers lol
  17. I came here to make this same post. I have two, a conservative prediction for if this performance was the result of a surge in morale and the team comes back down to earth a bit and an optimistic one for if this is who Andy Dalton and the Dalton led Panthers really are: Conservative NO: L SD: L LV: W Cin: L Chi: W Atl: L Wash: W Den: W NO: L NYG: W KC: L TB: L Phi: L Dal: L Ari: W TB: L Atl: L Optimistic NO: L SD: L LV: W Cin: W Chi: W Atl: W Wash: W Den: W NO: L NYG: W KC: L TB: W Phi: L Dal: L Ari: W TB: L Atl: L
  18. We’ll see how the rest of the year goes. If Dalton holds up, both production and physically, then him at least one more year while we still draft a QB in the first to learn behind him.
  19. Yea Chuba has really developed into a solid back. I couldn’t stand him through his first two years but he put in the work and is a legit contributor.
  20. Person is an idiot. Always has been. He’s the Bryce Young of reporters.
  21. Yea I saw that too. Made me smh. Love Cam and that won’t change, but damn dude watch the games before talking like that
  22. I think we deserve to be a little spiteful after all the hyping and defending he’s gotten with a very small group of us accurately pointing out since last year that he was the problem.
  23. Hell no they won’t admit it. The next line will be that Bryce was ruined last year and that’s why he’s bad this year even with a solid team around him and good coach. They’ll never admit that he was never any good, made a poor team last year much worse and didn’t bother to put in the work to get better, preferring to watch Netflix and play video games.
  24. Same. I was always a big Method Man fan, turned out to be a solid actor too. Loved How High
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