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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. We need all LBs. I know we have some young guys but I haven’t seen a M/ILB on our team impress me at all yet. edit: Jewell was ok but he should be the worst guy in the group at his level, not the best.
  2. Love that story. Jackson is the bulldog, Jericho is the mastiff. Jackson is 11 now, he’s starting to slow down. My only complaint about the breed is how susceptible he’s become to skin and ear infections. It’s a constant battle. He’s clear now after we changed vets, so maybe it was our last vet not treating him properly that was the problem, but his ears and feet were always black and crusty. He’s definitely a fart machine though lol. One of the things I love most is how he’s equally happy to play and be rowdy or just chill in the living room.
  3. Not as much as they used to be, I’ve read not long ago they’d be 15-20k. These days they’re around 3500-5k
  4. I’ve had a buncha different dogs, so far the American bulldog is my favorite. The Tibetan mastiff pup is great too but the bulldog is very trainable, loyal, strong, good personality, affectionate, everything I like in a dog. The only thing really so far the TB is behind in is he’s not as easily trainable and not quite as affectionate. Pic is an 11 year old American bulldog about 110 lbs (Jackson) and as of this pic 11 month old Tibetan mastiff about 100 lbs (Jericho)
  5. I was gonna comment that the first dog looks like my Tibetan mastiff, except mines not mean and has the black and brown coloring like a rottie heh. He’s still growing, only 10 months old in this pic
  6. Not much different tbh. If Graham is there he’s still a good pick. Brown/Brown/Graham in 3-4 looks with Wharton on a frequent rotation. LDE/Brown/Brown/Graham or LDE/Brown/Graham/D Brown on 4-3 looks. Clowney can be that LDE for now. We don’t have much in the way of pass rushers for either set as of now, nor LBs. I still see McMillen as a strong option if he’s there, I’d probably rather that than dropping $35mil a year and draft picks on trading for a #1 WR. I like XL, I have faith he’ll develop, but giving him a strong running mate would boost that development (Thielen has been great but he’s not the best complement to XL nor a long term solution.) Im not crazy about the CBs in this draft. I’d only want Johnson or someone if we trade down quite a bit. Still not completely sold on Walker but if they take him I’ll get on board. Same with any of the pass rushers. We still need a good Safety but I doubt any are worth a top half 1st rd pick. 2nd round on I hope we take one.
  7. Very happy about this. He was very solid last year and it’s a very reasonable contract.
  8. I don’t think sports reporters know the difference between columnists and reporters. Newton, Person, all the “reporters” toss poo against a wall and throw out baseless speculation more often than they actual report anything.
  9. That word might not be the best choice. A large percentage is opinion and baseless speculation.
  10. I’m not sold on Walker (or Carter) but I’m usually wrong about LBs so take my opinion with a grain of salt regarding that position group.
  11. I think the inverse is more true. The best CBs can only cover so long until someone gets open when you’re getting little pressure.
  12. We need to fix the DL. Our CBs were great this year and still had an atrocious defense. We need to spend resources more wisely than strengthening a strength.
  13. We need to take as much as possible out of the refs hands. Remove the human element as much as possible. Chips in footballs, lasers, replay, more defined rules, officiating by committee by people upstairs with a better view. Nothing is more annoying about football than “the human element” of officiating.
  14. I dunno about a cb but otherwise I like it. Our cbs are probably our first or second strongest unit, with the ol.
  15. I’m only rooting for the Chiefs because I want them to supplant the Patriots and Brady as the most successful.
  16. These aren’t Smitty’s takes, they’re smitty’s. As in the guy that started the thread.
  17. I’d spend a second on Garrett Wilson. Can’t think of any other likely targets I’d spend picks on.
  18. Struck me as a worse Burns…
  19. I’ll take Williams over Carter or Walker. I’m not sure about Graham, haven’t looked into him yet.
  20. YouTube suggested this video for me. Probably my favorite defensive prospect atm (I haven’t actually looked at Graham yet). I definitely like Williams better than Carter or Walker based on what little I’ve seen so far. He has very good active hands, decent pass rush moves, good against the run, good at wrapping up and ensuring the tackle.
  21. I am 100% confident in Canales. That doesn’t mean if he stinks it up next year somehow I will stubbornly stick to my guns, but he helped Bryce become a solid starting QB. He’s a miracle worker as far as I’m concerned.
  22. There’s more than a few people I’d rather have than Carter, so no.
  23. 10? Nah. Top half of the league? Sure if he keeps the upward momentum.
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