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About Jackofalltrades

  • Birthday July 28

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  1. It makes perfect sense. He performs, he's a model citizen and teammate, it sets the precedent moving forward.
  2. While I'd love to get back to a power run scheme and I'm 100% supportive of having a lead blocking FB, I don't think he'd be the guy with his age. 5 years ago? Absolutely!
  3. I'd never be upset taking OL early, especially at such a coveted position. Ickey is ok, Moton is old...I'd be all for it. Is it our biggest need? No, but it's such a valuable position.
  4. Woo Hoo! I'll be there with my family, we're looking forward to it.
  5. That should be expected as he learns strength's, preferences, tendencies, etc.; but a lot of that is evident on game tape too. So we'll see how the offense evolves. Another pitfall is letting the pendulum swing too far and you over adjust and get too complex. It's a delicate balance for sure.
  6. I'm excited about the possibilities with them moving forward. My concern now is to see how they adjust to the league having a bunch of film, will they be able to stay ahead of the curb?
  7. I'm a big fan after watching all the UGA games over the last couple of years.
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