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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Why would the Titans take Bryce over Levis? I wanted no part of Levis but if they offered to swap them right now I'd go for it. Levis at least looks like a guy who could potentially develop into a legit starter.
  2. Chill. You can make your point without the insults. And if you're gonna insult someone's intelligence you could at least spell "doofus" correctly in the process.
  3. I've looked for his measurement videos or even images online and came up empty. I wanted to see if they let him weigh in wearing that hoodie.
  4. That little baby 'fro probably had more hair spray in a whole '80s hair band. He looks significantly less than 5'10" every time he stands beside someone else of known height.
  5. If Bryce looks like he did last year again next year there ain't gonna be any fanbase left for year three.
  6. It's definitely very possible but I hope not. Ball out or suck ass is my hope. That's what we need. Clarity.
  7. This is the worst case scenario. Purgatory. I want him to boom or keep busting this year. Make it clear. Either you're the guy or you're not. Don't leave us wondering.
  8. This. Just because I very seriously doubt that Bryce can succeed doesn't mean I won't be very happy to be wrong about it.
  9. The only people he deceived are the folks who were already believers and were viewing through confirmation bias goggles. Lots of us were joking around last year during the combine about Bryce hiding all week in that hoodie with his little school kid backpack. It was a ridiculous look with everyone else there looking like Instagram "models" in tight fitting clothing to show off their physiques.
  10. I get it. I guess I just don't consider it "deceptive" because the prospect is clearly saying one of two things. Either A) he's confident sitting on his draft status as is and doesn't think he can improve it or B) he's just flat out admitting that he'll perform poorly. With Bryce I honestly think it was basically both.
  11. He's had less than 150 receiving yards in two of his three seasons. Cutting him is basically cutting nothing. That's what I'm saying. An off the couch free agent or hell even a UDFA rookie could reasonably replace him. With a new staff coming in he doesn't even have the advantage of already knowing the offense.
  12. If you're wanting to instill a new culture of toughness and accountability he's probably gotta go. Not like you'd be losing much. He could easily be replaced by a late round pick or someone off the FA scrap heap after roster cut downs.
  13. Moose was very good. DJ was very good. But when you're left with just a handful of good picks at a position where you routinely carry 4+ players on your roster that's overall terrible.
  14. Yeah, the subject matter means it's inevitably gonna end up in the TB so just redirect there.
  15. If he had a Pro Bowl type of season we probably wouldn't have sucked and we'd be re-signing him.
  16. Given our overall WR situation, I doubt that
  17. Sorry for what you're going through right now. Honestly, if you're local I'd just go down there and talk to them in person. I think that's probably you're best bet. If you know an active member at any of the churches I'd contact them first though. Best of luck.
  18. I honestly don't know where all this angst about Bryce not throwing is coming from. Seems like a lot of folks wanna be mad at Bryce for duping the Panthers when it's 100% the Panthers fault that they got duped.
  19. Chark should be gone. He's just a bad pairing with Bryce. His biggest strength is Bryce's biggest weakness. I'm ready to throw in the towel on TMJ.
  20. I'm just saying that if you don't have a cannon at the NFL level you better have pinpoint accuracy. On his rookie year, Bryce showed a subpar arm with probably average short to midrange accuracy and subpar deep accuracy. That's not gonna work. That's not gonna get it done in the NFL.
  21. That play kinda shows what I'm talking about with Bryce though. Burrow put a ball right on the hands of a well covered receiver in stride. Bryce put a ball on the ass cheek of a guy open by 5+ yards.
  22. I was skeptical about Burrow until I watched him against Clemson. That sold me. Burrow doesn't have an elite arm for sure. His arm is probably about average if not a bit below average for an NFL starter. But his arm is significantly better than Bryce's. Literally the very first play of the game I was like, yep I'm done. Sold. Sell it all and go get me that guy.
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