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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I hope he fixes it but as of right now the statement ain't wrong.
  2. Luke will definitely be in. Probably first ballot. Smitty absolutely SHOULD be in but crazy WR numbers in the modern NFL is gonna be a hurdle for him to overcome. They SHOULD consider the offenses these guys played in and the percentage of the receiving yardage they accounted for, etc. but they pretty much just look at the top level numbers. The more time that passes the more mediocre his numbers will get in terms of the HOF. I mean, Lynn Swann is a HOF WR and DJ Moore has already comfortably passed his career numbers and DJ is 26 years old.
  3. It's always interesting watching institutions fail. Cable TV is very on obviously going the way of the dodo but that doesn't mean it's not gonna go away without a fight to squeeze every last dime they can out of the institution's dying gasps.
  4. I do think most NFL fans primarily associate him with the Panthers being that he was drafted here, went to the SB here, and ultimately finished his career here. But with that said, the Bears and the Packers have a lot more national relevance than the Panthers so I wouldn't be shocked if there's quite a few people who envision Peppers in one of those jerseys when they first think of him. Hell, even after all these years when I hear Julius Peppers' name I think UNC after all, the drafting of Julius Peppers is what ultimately made me a Panthers fan to begin with.
  5. Players don't go into the HOF associated with a particular team. It's an individual honor and they go in as individuals.
  6. Some people learn from their past mistakes. Hopefully Tepper will. We'll see.
  7. Yeah, I'm sure he's extremely bitter to be coaching in the Super Bowl.
  8. Oof. It says a lot how immediately after he said he learned a lot about how NOT do do things he immediately started talking about the 49ers ownership. Tell everyone Tepper is the problem without coming straight out and saying it.
  9. Purdy was too small. Damn... they gotta be trolling us.
  10. Sorry, can't pity them. Insurance companies happily take your money and then when it's time to pay up here comes the bullshit. Their books look just fine. If they start laying off rank and file workers it'll be to pay out more dividends not because they're struggling to survive.
  11. They're just trying to survive, y'all. https://newsroom.statefarm.com/2022-by-the-numbers/#:~:text=Net income for 2022 was,insurance in force%2C %241.1 trillion.
  12. Nope. No way. He's under contract for the coming season either way.
  13. Yeah, it's a negotiation ploy. In a statement following Causey’s announcement, NC Rate Bureau Chief Operating Officer Jarred Chappell said, “This is an expected step, and part of the rate filing process. It doesn’t preclude settlement talks, and many rate negotiations have been settled before the hearing date arrives." Last time around they were asking for like 25% and settled for about 8%. Shoot for the moon and hope you land in the stars. They'll probably end up getting about 15%.
  14. I don't give a poo what he did in Pittsburgh nearly a decade ago when I'm currently sitting here looking at my Panthers like
  15. At some point we're gonna have to consider flip flopping Ryan and Trimble's PT. They're both good defenders but Trimble is the better defender. And Trimble knows his role in the offense. Ryan is killing us lately with his terrible shooting percentage. If they don't start falling soon you gotta tell him to chill. You can't let him Caleb Love brick us out of games. And if he's not hitting jumpers then I'll take Trimble in every other facet of the game. We missed Trimble's lift tonight.
  16. You are what your record says you are. I'm not panicking I'm just realistic in that two bad losses hurts. Trust and believe when the #1 sees are being discussed those two games are going to be key parts of the discussion
  17. Make no mistakes about it, two bad losses hurts.
  18. They're just terrible in general. I don't think they're biased against us, they're just terrible refs. Love beating duke but we can't be so focused on that game that we lose to bad teams before and after. Hell, we're better off losing to duke and winning the other two. Beating duke softened the GT blow but then turning around and losing to Clemson at home for only the second time ever takes all the wind out of the sails of that win. No matter how you slice it we're still 1-2 over our last three and one of those losses is to a sub-.500 overall team and to another team that was sub-.500 in the ACC. We just took two bad losses.
  19. It's ACC refs, man. They're gonna be terrible and most infuriating they're gonna be wildly inconsistent over the course of the game. This conference has consistently had the worst refs in the country in football and basketball alike my whole life.
  20. Man, these guys were too hyped on duke. Terrible games before and after.
  21. Sorry, I didn't realize I was replying to a thread from the dead. I was replying to the original post not your video.
  22. Most of these people were also wildly wrong about Bryce's draft evaluation. Before coping with that they're just gonna plain cope for as long as they can.
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