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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. He'll get a shot somewhere. Too many teams need a QB and there aren't enough to go around. Lots of young QBs have turnover issues playing for bad teams. Howell showed more talent and ability than a lot of starters last year.
  2. I would MUCH rather ATL end up with Cousins than Fields. Cousins is 35 and has never been much more than a stat padder anyway. Not much winning. 1-4 in his career in the playoffs. If they get Cousins, maybe he gives them 2-3 years of decent play at most before Father Time catches him. Maybe win a bad division once or twice. But if they get Fields and his issues we're primarily downstream of a bad Bears organization that seems to hate offense, they could have their answer for the next decade. That's no bueno.
  3. All I'm gonna say is that I don't buy this recent talk of Daniels over Maye. I like Daniels. I think he's a helluva prospect. But Maye is gonna go to Washington. Out there take? Vikings trade for Howell.
  4. Absolutely not. If someone wants to sign him and give us the two 1sts we turned down from the Rams then by all means, be my guest. The exclusive version of the tag is rarely used. It's GM nuclear warfare because the player can't even test his market value by talking to other teams.
  5. His value won't go down between now and then and cap space can roll over.
  6. He's 29 years old, still playing at a high level, and has a massive cap hit. An extension makes a lot of sense.
  7. Payton has to be thinking why in the fug did I take this job??? Now he's QB-less and in cap hell from dead money. Not to mention sharing a division with Mahomes and Herbert. They might be even more fuged than we are. At least we aren't division mates with a dynasty.
  8. We sure have spent a lot of resources at CB to be so thin there. Horn being made of glass puts us in a real pickle.
  9. It's surprising to me how much both the fanbase and the team seem to be overlooking the TE position. Hurst is an absolute bust of a FA signing and anyone paying attention saw that coming. Ian Thomas was an absolute bust of a re-signing and anyone paying attention saw that coming. Tremble is a #2 TE at best and would be fighting to hang onto a roster spot at #3 on a good roster.
  10. It's why I don't like keeping guys on the "hot seat". If you've put so much pressure on a guy that he feels like he's in a desperate win now scenario to keep his job you need to just go ahead and fire him. You've put him in a situation where he can really damage your team long-term because he knows he has no long-term without completing a hail Mary in the short-term.
  11. Bingo. I mean, in the late stage Al Davis years how many times did we see aging vets talking about how they wanted a ring before crazy old Al showed up with money bags and off to Oakland they went to win 6 games?
  12. Mingo was so bad that I'm honestly not factoring him into our draft plans. If he develops into something that's just an added bonus but I wouldn't plan on it.
  13. If you were to make a list of the top 10 worst moves made by NFL teams in recent years all three would probably be on the list.
  14. That sucks. I always liked him. No bullshit, not hot takes, just good, old school sports coverage.
  15. Threw down this weekend! What's on the box???
  16. Turning down that Rams offer was just powerful stupid. Those fools REALLY thought they were gonna compete right then and there and then they ended up with the #1 overall pick (already traded to the Bears). LOLOLOLOL
  17. I mean, what's left to talk about? He and his team have their number and we're not willing to go there. Probably not even close to it. When they first started talking extension it was reported that Burns wanted "close to $30M per". If I recall correctly it later came out that Burns was looking for $27M and we were at $23-24M. With the bump in cap, I get Burns is on $30M now and after this past season the Panthers are probably getting cold feet on $24M.
  18. Exactly what I was thinking reading through this thread. It was reminding me of the mental gymnastics folks were doing to convince themselves that pairing KB with a worse version of KB in Funchess was a brilliant approach. We were basically running a three TE offense.
  19. The way it was handled was the worst possible option on the table. We were coming off a Super Bowl run. We approached FA like Norman would be here. We tagged him leading the locker room to believe he'd be here. Then we yank the tag because Gettleman was more interested in winning dick measuring contests than he was in assembling a football team. That forced us to spam picks at CB just to field a secondary and sent the entire locker room in a tailspin of WTF just happened???
  20. That was a mind blowing cluster fug of an own goal right there. Yikes.
  21. Par for the course. I mean, we've handled nearly every situation in the dumbest manner possible ever since Tepper bought this franchise.
  22. Tagging him is definitely the right move with the big cap bump. But I'd definitely be prioritizing tag and trade as option #1. There's no way I'm giving Burns the contract he wants after last season when he disappeared for games at a time and openly admitted to basically mailing it in trying to not get hurt. If he threatens to hold out and you believe him then trade him for the best offer available and just move on.
  23. Ginn had terrible butter fingers but he still opened up the offense for us because you had to respect that he can blow the top off your D.
  24. Oh, I'm sure he's not gonna be throwing to bums but both those Texas WRs are gonna go on the top 50 picks. Hell, they might both go in the 1st round. Thats a lot to replace.
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