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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Y'all, the actual pick differential value is the equivalent of a mid-4th. That chart the other poster used was created by PFF analysts. LOL
  2. I don't know if the math per that chart value is correct but if it is it's safe to just disregard that value chart moving forward. In no universe would you be able to trade 102 + 179 + 199 for 78 and 152. Using the standard trade chart you'd land at a 70ish point difference, the equivalent of a mid-4th. *Okay, went and looked at that draft value chart and didn't bother doing the math because the chart is laughably absurd. According to that chart you could trade up from #32 to #22 in the 1st round simply by tossing in the last pick of the draft. It wildly overvalues late round picks. That chart is trash.
  3. You knew he was gonna be traded as soon as they signed Mariota. Most pegged his trade value as "at least" a 4th. No clue how the trade pick value works out on that swap. Feels like the Commanders kinda got hosed though.
  4. I feel for her. She should do what I've done every time I've found myself in a sales role with a shitty product or shitty company behind a product - find a new job. It'll suck the soul out of you sticking around.
  5. Patrick Mahomes for next year's 1st...
  6. Hurst is one of those guys who ends up banking a LOT of money off of nothing beyond draft status and athletic potential. On the field he's basically Ian Thomas... who has also banked a LOT of money because the Panthers are morons.
  7. He posted up pics of him hunting wild pigs with his AR last night. This dude would cause some SERIOUS pearl clutching. LOL And I mean actual feral hogs, not South Carolina women.
  8. He's country as hell. I like it.
  9. We just have to ignore inconveniences like atrocious footwork and an obviously subpar (I'm being kind) NFL arm. It would be a different story if he flashed talent and looked like he was doing as well as could possibly be hoped for given the situation. Instead he actually just showed constant limitations and very much looked like he was a huge part of the overall bad offensive situation. I came away from last year thinking there's no way this guy develops into a QB that can lift a team up. The best case scenario is that we build a San Francisco or Miami type of surrounding cast and he gets carried by them. That's a disaster considering what we gave up to get him.
  10. I do think it's cute how people talk about evaluating Bryce Young as if we didn't see 16 games of him looking like a guy that's flat out not NFL caliber.
  11. I'm hoping for the best and fully expecting the worst. That's just what the Tepper era has forced me to do as a fan to cope.
  12. We're the basement of the NFL. This is what it's like being the new Browns. It is what it is.
  13. We need guys who can get open fast. I'm not sure if prototypical "outside WRs" are what we actually want. We really need more slot type guys. It really doesn't matter if you're a downfield threat when we don't have a downfield passer.
  14. One thing that has struck me the last couple of years watching NFL games is just how bad OL play is across the board. There's a handful of truly good OLs and everyone else is varying degrees of suck. I honestly think that's why every team is transitioning more and more to offenses that focus on getting the ball out of the QB's hand fast. It's not so much of a choice but a necessity.
  15. Pretty much this. Both teams are probably approaching this as potentially possibly getting something for nothing because both players were likely on the chopping block anyway.
  16. My guess is that they were in the same situation. Planning to release this guy anyway. So it's basically two guys who were gonna get cut getting swapped for one another.
  17. Imagine being this guy. You've had trash at QB and get the call you're being traded and you're like "Oh thank God! Where? KC? Buffalo?" "Uhhh... the Carolina Panthers."
  18. Cool. Practically free since we were planning to release Dante anyway.
  19. By trying to play him at nickel. He's a LB. Actually, he's an old school in the box SS but we call those LBs in the modern NFL.
  20. Didn't seem to bother DJ Moore who had career highs last season.
  21. So basically their version of Frank Reich?
  22. Holy poo. This guy barely has 900 yards and only 3 TDs in the last two seasons. Combined.
  23. You ain't lying. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was just taken off of a lot of draft boards after that. He looked like a fish out of water.
  24. I don't think that's quite fair. Little just sucked, period. I don't think he was good at any aspect of playing OT.
  25. He looks good when he's allowed to play downhill and maul. Ask him to play in space or pass protect against speed rushers in obvious passing situations and it's struggle city. I hope he works out for us but on paper a wide zone scheme is magnifying his weaknesses and minimizing his strengths. We'll see how it goes. Kinda feels like Jeremy Chinn at FS though.
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