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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. People trying to convince themselves that we can win with Jimmy G... Y'all did this same poo with Teddy and Darnold.
  2. I have no idea how anyone could watch Darnold at the Jets and conclude anything other than "holy poo, this dude sucks". Yes, he had some flashes. But they were FLASHES. Everyone on an NFL roster has the talent to have flashes if they're getting starter minutes. But all the same problems we're still readily present - the most glaring of which was the panic. Sam Darnold is a panicker. When plays go sideways he panics and when he panics he does really dumb poo. Well, guess what? This is the NFL and I don't care how great your team is poo is going to go sideways sometimes. Several times a game. Those guys on that opposing defense are good too. They're highly paid professional football players coached by professional football coaches. They're gonna make some plays and do some things right. You cannot afford several boneheaded plays a game from your QB.
  3. For this roster? No. But if we had a top flight RT (or honestly just a good RT) in 2015 we're not a ringless franchise.
  4. You know what's really distracting? Putting terrible QBs on the field. Constantly shopping for a QB. Publicly embarrassing ourselves with repeated aggressive swings and misses to try to trade for established vet QBs. That's fuging distracting.
  5. Oh, the guy is comically wrong about virtually everything but it doesn't dampen his enthusiasm and willingness to double down. Hell, he should go down and try to get a job in the Panthers' front office. He's fit right in.
  6. Draft. Trade down to recoup some of the draft capital we've pissed away with bad trades and roll the dice on a QB. Enough with this throwing resources at cast off vets.
  7. If Jimmy G was such a difference maker then why were the Niners willing to mortgage their entire franchise on a huge trade up to go get a non-D1 QB in the draft?
  8. They're providing all the distractions in the world themselves with their comical QB musical chairs and overall general sucking. Eric Reid was just an old school 1980s style safety in an era of football where that type of safety just doesn't have much value. Not much value in hard hitting head hunting safeties who are liabilities in coverage when that hard hitting head hunting playing style is practically banned.
  9. He displayed amazing tone-deafness with that comment. If he was out there putting up All-Pro type stats and busting his ass, okay. That's one thing. But when you're a WR with a top 10 WR cap hit playing like you're allergic to footballs... well, you should probably STFU.
  10. I was talking about last off-season. Trade a mid-rounder to the Jags for Minshew or sign Trubisky to a low level FA contract. Both were far better options than trading real assets for Sam Darnold and then picking up his option.
  11. Go look at his playoff stats and get back to me. He sucks. He's been on some damn good teams.
  12. Tepper is too busy buying the equivalent of QB penny stocks for premium prices.
  13. Probably not. He's actually played serviceable football in the past and should come cheap. We prefer overpaying for straight trash.
  14. Live look at the Panthers traveling from NFL city to NFL city shopping for QBs.
  15. You're gonna end up paying $40M for Jimmy G when you combine his cap hit with Darnold's. That should be a complete nonstarter.
  16. Yeah, the draft pick value chart is literally arbitrary.
  17. Inflation. Historically speaking, these rates are still pretty damn low. We've just had historically low rates for so long at this point that it's hard to realize it. We should've been creeping rates up for years so now we get to take it all over the course of months instead of years.
  18. Because these fools are looking for the legit long-term answer on the scrap heap instead of realizing all you're likely to find is a stop gap option at best while you shop for the long-term answer in the draft. Stop gaps just keep you from feeling forced to make a desperate move but this crew is hell-bent on desperation.
  19. I hope their due diligence told them he sucks because he does. Take him off the Niners' great roster with a very good offensive coach and put him here and he's probably indistinguishable from Sam Darnold.
  20. You're not understanding what I'm saying. That same mentality of protecting ourselves from having to pay big money is what caused us to pick up Darnold's option. Sometimes you're best off to just roll the dice and see where they land to hedge your bets.
  21. I'd be okay with letting it dictate us parting ways with Robby. When you play as poorly as he did last year you really need to have the awareness that you have zero weight to throw around within the organization.
  22. It's about acquiring players to build a roster. That's all that matters. That's what the GM is judged on. After the draft and when the players hit the field no one cares anymore if he "won" or "lost" the trade. We're about to find out for real, not crunch numbers on paper using an arbitrary value chart.
  23. I don't at all buy into this line of thinking. Games aren't played on the draft pick value chart. At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is the quality of roster you field and your W-L record.
  24. I wish we'd just send a mid-round pick next year to Philly for Minshew and get it over with. Stop this desperation to bet the franchise on a cast off. Hell, that's what I wanted to do last year. Either trade for Minshew or sign Trubisky. Then I would've still drafted Fields and not felt any pressure to play him too early.
  25. The Seahawks have drafted pretty terribly since early on in Carroll's career. Let's see how his first draft ultimately pans out but I'm not incredibly excited about it just yet.
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