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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. How can people buy into this myth? Go back and watch Darnold. A lot of his worst play comes when he has good protection and time to survey the field. He plays well when his first read is open or when he's forced to dump it off to his checkdown due to immediate pressure. Sam with time to survey the field against decent coverage is usually a recipe for disaster. Better protection isn't going to fix his issues. He just doesn't see the field like a QB needs to.
  2. Yep. The "trickle down" just never happens. Most of the "good" jobs crested are temporary related to the construction. The long lasting jobs are primarily all in the low paying service jobs area. It's just another handout to the wealthy. The folks who benefit are the team owners and owners of the surrounding restaurants, hotels, apartments, etc. The rest of the surrounding community sees minimal economic benefit. Hell, you could argue that the resulting likely increase in local cost of living is a net negative for much of the surrounding community.
  3. Yeah, spending TONS of public dollars to create some primarily slave wage level service industry jobs is a great investment. Sports fans way overestimate the impact of sports teams on the local economy. Industries that create good paying jobs don't give AF about the local sports teams. The vast majority of the folks looking to relocate don't give AF about the local sport teams. It's icing on the cake.
  4. If Tepper wants to move this team and needs help packing his poo, I can be available.
  5. His situation? The previous three OU QBs produced two Heisman trophies, two #1 overall draft picks, and another Heisman finalist and a 2nd round draft pick out of a guy tossed to the wayside at Bama. There's no better college situation for a QB than OU. Hell, there's not even a close second IMO.
  6. Borderline top 10 will be a good showing from this unit.
  7. We lost our leading pass rusher and our best, most experienced CB and yet a middling defense is going to be #1? Getting Horn back will help but we're thin at DE and LB. Borderline top 10 would be a good showing IMO.
  8. This. It isn't a dwindling potential customer base issue, it's an increasingly competitive market issue.
  9. I see people say this as if they're making a solid point but then I realize that Netflix has less than 3% of the world's population as subscribers and two thirds of those are outside of the U.S. They're in absolutely no danger of running out of potential new customers, their biggest threat by far is increased competition in the streaming market.
  10. Minus the very significant off-field issues with Watson, Watson by miles. Elite QBs are few and far between.
  11. It's why we need to get Corral on the field as soon as we can. Gotta find out what he's got. Don't create another Christensen situation where you get just enough of a glimpse to be intrigued. If the vets suck, play the damn rookies.
  12. I think this whole fiasco has shown me that if I'm ever insanely wealthy and my significant other wants to sue me for some super embarrassing poo... fug it, just write the damn check.
  13. Teams that lack even a replacement level starter. Every team either has a top 10 QB, has a guy they think can develop into a top 10 QB, or they should be shopping for a QB.
  14. Tannehill is a decent starter but he's a replacement level starter. If you think you can upgrade, you take a shot. The Titans took a relatively low risk shot with a 3rd round pick. Tannehill should act more like Alex Smith about this than Brett Favre because he's a lot closer to Alex Smith than he is to Brett Favre.
  15. Who paid? Probably the city of Wheat Ridge but I don't know for sure. I know the overall planned spend was $94M but some of it was ditched when Cabela's pulled out but most of the spend was the massive interchange and sweeping bridges that did get built. It was supposed to be a massive retail project. Once Cabela's balked that land sat empty for the better part of 20 years. They're building an huge apartment complex there now.
  16. It happened in Colorado. Brand new interchange between I-70 and CO58 to support a new Cabela's that never happened.
  17. There's other types of leadership than rah rah BS. Dyami Brown was VERY happy he was drafted by Washington.
  18. Teams were evidently turned off by his very laid back attitude. They want rah rah cheerleader types. Belichick has low key been a horrific drafter.
  19. I'm numb to the Panthers making bad decisions at QB. I hope Corral isn't yet another one.
  20. Why? He was in good position but absolutely clueless the ball was in the air and the receiver just flat out dropped it.
  21. Because you need to find out what you have in Corral. If we suck again and end up with a top pick you need to know whether or not you need a QB. We tried the afterthought vet options and that got us back to back five win seasons.
  22. Oh, to be clear I do too. You can get quality players in the late rounds but you very rarely get quality rookie starters in the late rounds.
  23. Kerwin Walton entered the transfer portal. I was really looking forward to watching his development after a promising freshman year, but he quickly fell out of favor and out of the rotation under Hubert. We had plenty of deep shooters meaning his shooting ability couldn't make up for his defensive liabilities on our roster. Sucks, but this move is probably for the best for both the player and the program. I hope he lands somewhere where he can thrive.
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