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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The run State is gonna go on is getting ran tonight.
  2. RJ's height is really gonna hurt him in terms of the NBA. He's gonna be a defensive liability against NBA guards. Big college guards have given him trouble backing him down.
  3. RJ is just NASTY with that step back three.
  4. Yes. Conference tournament winners get automatic bids.
  5. Wow. Houston got WAXED. Only put up 41 points. Yikes.
  6. Hopefully the law of averages kicks in because you can't beat anybody when they're shooting lights out. 5-6 from the field, 3-4 from three. Good lord.
  7. Smitty saying that we basically did nothing to play to Mingo's strengths while constantly asking him to play to his weaknesses keeps me slightly intrigued that he might not end up being a complete bust. Sounds like we Chinn'd him.
  8. How many times have we been through this cycle? It sure is quite the persistent trend.
  9. I didn't make it through that UVA game. I think I fell asleep somewhere around the under 8 timeout.
  10. Holy poo, Jay Bilas just NAILED it. "I used to say that sitting through a Virginia basketball game was like a two hour dental appointment but the dentists got really mad at me." LOLOLOLOL
  11. UVA plays such an awful brand of basketball. Here it is barely after 10pm on a Friday night and I'm literally fighting to stay awake watching this poo. How do they recruit kids to play this style of ball?
  12. Been riding the "pay Brown, tag and trade Burns" train for awhile now.
  13. I get it. That's why I'm more than happy to let the dukes and Kentuckys have them for a year. I'll take the RJs and Bacots.
  14. Game. Good effort #7. You're a player.
  15. Dagger from RJ. Assist from Bacot. Because we played through Bacot.
  16. It's so obvious what we need to be doing against this team. Feed Bacot. Hubert has done a much better job this year but his next step as a HC is to get better at exploiting advantages. We tend to just kinda do what we do regardless of the opponent. When you have a clear advantage in a game play through that advantage.
  17. Nope. And it's great for us. And great for him now with NIL. I'd recruit all the Armando Bacots and RJ Daviss I could get. Cadeau is another one. Give me all those really good college players who are going to give me 3-4 years over the one and doners. I don't give a single fug about the NBA game so I don't care.
  18. If Burns dropped 40 or 50 pounds he'd be a real player. Hell, he could probably afford to lose 80. The dude is good. He's just fat.
  19. Just make it easy. Play through Bacot. They can't match up with him.
  20. Hubert is one of my all-time favorite players. He and Pete Chilcutt are my earliest remembered favorite players. He just couldn't figure it out with RJ and Love. Hell, Roy couldn't either. Great players just not a good pairing on the same roster. I'll always love Caleb Love though. He or RJ one had to go but I'll always remember him for handling K his last two losses and carrying us to the title game. If we don't win it all this year I hope he does.
  21. I want Ingram to start giving the ball up on breaks. Been saying it all year. Find RJ or Cadeau and then run to the rim. If they are ahead then go but don't just put your head down and decide you're leading the break. He does it too often.
  22. #7 is keeping them alive. Nobody else can do poo.
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