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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I don't care about the ACC tournament I just don't want state to experience any happiness in life. I said he's done a much better job this year. I just stated something I'd like to see him to continue to develop in. LOL
  2. Hubert has done a much better job this year but I want him to improve in March up coaching. We just do what we do no matter who we're playing. You have to come into playing state with a game plan to make Burns pay on the defensive end. Force him into guarding pick and rolls. Drive on him from outside. Oh, look at that. Do THAT.
  3. state just wants it more right now. Gonna have to match their energy or lose.
  4. Smart timeout by state. RJ was cooking.
  5. Isolate Horne and make him guard dribble penetration.
  6. Burns is having the game of his fat ass life
  7. Oh great. That might be a concussion. Shoulder straight to the jaw.
  8. What are they complaining about? I mean, that's an obvious foul
  9. I don't really care about the ACC tourney I just want state to experience no joy in life because they don't deserve it.
  10. Which is why the ACC wants state to win this game.
  11. All state has to do is drive and flail and they're getting walked to the line. Seems like the ACC is worried about only getting four teams in.
  12. They're letting state get away with murder on back downs. RJ just got elbowed on the face.
  13. There's a very significant difference between what is a foul on us and what is a foul on them this half.
  14. Alright, now I don't even feel bad about flopping. Fat fug just flopped himself.
  15. I hate to take a page out of Duke's book but it might be time to tell Bacot to start flopping when fatty slams into him trying to back down.
  16. This is NC State. This is who they are. https://www.wralsportsfan.com/a-racial-slur-was-allegedly-directed-towards-a-unc-player-thursday-night-at-reynolds-coliseum/21265605/
  17. fug that. State would rather UNC lose than they win. They've transitioned more to just flat out anti-UNC fans than state fans. fug them and all that they stand for. I wish them no joy.
  18. He's killing us worse when we're doubling. He's only scored about three times backing down. He hit that last second three and he's found a bunch of shooters out of the double.
  19. Hahahahaha!!! fug you state! They played a great half and still hit the locker room trailing.
  20. I don't know why this guy isn't playing OT.
  21. I don't. Just play him straight up. And isolate him away from the basket on D.
  22. I don't know why we don't just isolate fatty on the wing. Bacot isn't typically known as a face up big but fatty can't stay in front of him.
  23. He's gonna play a long time as a pro and make plenty of money but it'll probably be in Europe.
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