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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Very pleasantly surprised so far. I was really concerned about him in coverage.
  2. I don't want to ever see Darnold take another meaningful snap for the Panthers but I hate seeing anyone get injured. It just sucks. I hop when heals up well and suits up elsewhere in the future.
  3. Figure out a system that can absorb the energy from hitting potholes in South Carolina and convert that into electricity and forget EVs, you could solve ALL the world's energy issues. My spine feels like it absorbed two Hiroshimas and a Nagasaki worth of energy from taking the hits SC's "roads" delivered this week.
  4. The universe itself (some would say God) is even trying to spare us from watching Panthers football now.
  5. Seriously. What in the fug, y'all? I spent the week down in Edisto. I-77, I-26, I-95, all the back roads between Edisto and Charleston. They all had one thing in common. That being that they are ALL TO FUGING HELL. I wouldn't recommend buying a used vehicle from SC. The thing is gonna be beat to poo from being driven on these "roads". Y'all down here trying to rival Costa Rica in terms of quality of highway infrastructure.
  6. We have a massive housing affordability issue and now we want EV charging stations included in new construction driving up costs even more when EVs are still a very tiny percentage of the vehicles on the road? That's asinine. If you have an EV and you want to add a charging station, then do it. Seems simple enough.
  7. Straight up swap for TMJ could potentially make sense for both teams. Don't trade future picks. Tepper should nix that poo if that's the plan.
  8. This type of stuff gets talked about all the time but the deciding factor is almost always $$$. Yeah, I get it. People who love Charlotte love Charlotte and I'm happy for them but it really doesn't offer anything that any other NFL city doesn't have too.
  9. If he balls out he'll be retained. No question. Just look around the NFL. If a team wants to sign someone the cap space appears. There's all kinds of creative ways to manage the cap.
  10. Best of luck swapping problem children for non-problem children.
  11. Swap our disappointing second round possession receiver for theirs. Maybe a change of scenery is what they need. I just don't think TMJ is ever going to stay healthy enough to make an impact. Sucks because damn he really did look promising last preseason.
  12. Classic "GPA booster" class. Every student takes some general elective classes simply because they think they'll enjoy it and/or they think it'll be easy and it counts toward their credit hours. It sucks but it is what it is. The university should be ashamed of themselves for this one though.
  13. There were two guys whose pre-draft interviews made me certain they'd be NFL busts and they were Josh Rosen and Paxton Lynch. There's confidence and then there's just outright cockiness and those dudes were fuging COCKY. I don't have work hard because I'm just too damn good to possibly fail type cocky.
  14. Tretter probably has a point. The guy is only 31 and has started 16 games for five straight seasons and while PFF's rankings can be trash he was one of their top 100 NFL players in each of the last two seasons. Sounds like there's no legit football reason why he's not on an NFL roster.
  15. Too much is made about "alpha" mentality bullshit. I don't care if a guy shows an alpha mentality or not as long as he plays well.
  16. I want one or the other. Give me dramatic improvement or a total face plant. Anything in between would be worst case scenario IMO.
  17. I want to see this evidence that he can coach. Two 5 win NFL seasons and a college career that featured only two top 25 wins, those coming against ECU and Navy both of which fell out of the rankings to never return after losing to Temple. He never beat a ranked opponent at Baylor.
  18. I want to see this evidence that he can coach. Two 5 win NFL seasons and a college career that featured only two top 25 wins, those coming against ECU and Navy both of which fell out of the rankings to never return after losing to Temple. He never beat a ranked opponent at Baylor.
  19. I'm of the firm opinion that this crew needs to sink or swim this year without trading away future assets.
  20. Slot WR is basically a "starter" on the modern NFL.
  21. Both aspects are decent IMO. Not standout but not a concern either.
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