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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Kentucky is cooked and so is my bracket. I don't care. fug Kentucky.
  2. OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! Might be the dagger!!!
  3. Kentucky is hitting some ridiculous threes but they're awful shots. They deserve to lose this game.
  4. Oakland needs to do something other than this cat jacking threes with three UK guys mobbing him. Find the open guy.
  5. Rough call getting a foul on a loose ball when Kentucky was blatantly over the back
  6. Okay, Kentucky is in legit trouble now.
  7. When you play the one and done game you end up with some really talented groups that aren't great teams.
  8. This Oakland cat is fuging RAINING threes.
  9. My bracket is shattered if they lose this game.
  10. When you're going into your fourth season and your draft status is the only thing you have to hang your hat on, you're definitely a bust.
  11. I hate to break the news to you, but a big part of Morgan and much of the scouting department remaining intact is because this organization (i.e. Tepper) is still all in on Bryce Young.
  12. Glad Cadeau had a 1 vs 16 matchup to get the nerves out. Holy poo he was awful today.
  13. Mississippi State was a popular upset pick over UNC in the second round. Well, they got blown out in the first round. LOL
  14. Mingo definitely looked bad last year. Bryce definitely looked bad last year. Just gonna have to hope they both have a significant rookie to second year leap and do better under different coaching. I think Mingo has the athletic talent to do it. My concern is that Bryce may not.
  15. I think we have enough of a talent deficit I'd still rather have two top 40 at bats. Lord knows Panthers fans should understand by now that there's no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to draft picks. Trading 33 and 39 for a potential disappointment in the mid-teens is a dick punch this team can I'll afford to risk.
  16. I don't think you can afford to have a crush when there's gonna be 32 guys go ahead of you. Wel could package #33 and #39 to move up but I'd prefer we didn't. We need bodies, not just one guy. I'd rather have two top 40 guys than one top 15ish guy given our situation. 33+39 = roughly #14.
  17. Schools oftentimes fudge measurements. Not a big deal. Whatever a school lists a guy's 40 time at, you can very safely add at least a full tenth to it and then maybe you'll be in the ballpark.
  18. We all owe them a tremendous thanks for jumping on that grenade for us. We only avoided that massive error because they outbid us. As bad as the Bryce trade looks right now at least it didn't also cap strap us.
  19. UVA is a stunningly awful offensive team. 14 points at halftime. FOURTEEN. They have 35 with 5:34 to play. They're down 20. In a game like this, down 20 feels more like down 35.
  20. Then contact Dave Tepper. 40 ticketed events with virtually all of them crammed into the NFL off-season is gonna put a LOT of wear and tear on a grass field.
  21. 40 ticketed events. Turf facilitates that.
  22. Nothing baffling about it. It's all about the $$$
  23. RJ Davis 1st Team All-American. Well deserved.
  24. He's 6'7". Centers are usually the shortest guy on the OL.
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