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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This is the least surprising news ever considering that it has seemed like the opposing defense is in the huddle with our offense on every play.
  2. I don't think he's getting a blue chip job though. Those boosters want an exciting name not some dude who just flunked out of the NFL and lost to every good team he ever faced at the college level.
  3. Taking an NFL job. If he had to do it all over again I think he would've made the leap to a blue chip college program instead. Now he's probably going to end up having to take another mid-level or program rehab job to reprove himself at the college level before he can get one of those gigs.
  4. It's tough for me to imagine a tougher sell in the sports world right now than Panthers tickets.
  5. I think a lot of people get caught up in thinking you have to have that elite left tackle or that shutdown corner or that true #1 WR. You don't. You need a QB. That's the only individual roster spot that you can't hide schematically.
  6. The one thing Tepper was right about is that you need a coach, a GM, and a QB. Those are the three musts to compete year in and year out. Unfortunately, he seems woefully inept at identifying good candidates.
  7. I think she's been waiting for 4 or 5 already. She may have gotten a taste of what life with Tom Brady without football was going to be like.
  8. I honestly almost feel bad for the guy. His wife has been trying to get him to walk away for years. She finally convinces him and he just can't go through with it. The dude is an addict and football is his drug.
  9. Chuba is the type of guy who bounces around the league for a few years as a #3 RB before dropping off the face of the earth when his league minimum based on years in the league is no longer worth it and he's replaced by some other mid-late round pick. He's just not very good. At anything. Mediocre at everything. If you're going to be mediocre, you better specialize in something and be damn good at that. Catching the ball out of the backfield, pass protecting, short yardage, special teams. You gotta give a team a reason for justifying your roster spot.
  10. This dude makes millions of dollars to play a game and gets triggered because the fans care more about the team's performance than he evidently does.
  11. Cam is the newest jersey I have too. I have Cam in all three colors. Black and blue Peppers, black and blue Smitty, white and black Jake.
  12. The weight worries me a lot more than the height. I just struggle to see a QB that slight holding up long-term in the NFL.
  13. Mediocre is what we were prior to Tepper. Mediocre would be a substantial improvement from what Tepper has turned us into.
  14. I'd just go back to being a general NFL fan like I was prior to the Panthers drafting Peppers. Hell, Tepper is trying very hard to make me do that already. Let's be honest, we're all basically just hanging around for nostalgia reasons as is. Tepper hasn't given us anything to cheer for while trying to hard to kill off established Panthers traditions.
  15. Put it this way, if I was a fan of program in complete shambles just looking to get back to being able to actually compete on the football field I'd be happy about a Rhule hire. He's shown he can do that. I'm looking at you, Nebraska. If I'm a fan of a good program that being competitive but just not winning to the level we want and trying to take the step from competitive to contender I would not be happy about a Rhule hire. That's what he has not shown that he can do. I'm looking at places like Auburn in this category.
  16. They're not good at football. Wait and see their final records
  17. We were close to beating two bad teams. We won't be close when we face actual good teams.
  18. Agree that Rhule is a huge problem. Disagree that he has clearly done his job getting the right players to fit the coach's scheme. This offensive personnel does not fit McAdoo's scheme. These DBs do not fit our coverage schemes. There are square pegs in round holes all over the place. Maybe it is all Matt Rhule and Fitterer is a genius being held back by him. I'm just not seeing it. At all. Yeah, he'd be out the door with Rhule as far as I'm concerned. We're no better off currently than we were when Scott Fitterer walked in the door. I'd honestly argue that we're worse off.
  19. He is unproven to be good because he's been bad. But if he stops being bad I guess he could be good. Y'all have developed full on Stockholm Syndrome. I thought you might stop doing that after you continued to defend Gettleman even while he was crashing and burning spectacularly in NY but I guess not. You do you, man. I'll just laugh.
  20. Here's what I'd do if I was Tepper. I'd crawl to Kevin Colbert and offer him a blank check to fix this clown show. You don't have to fully come out of retirement and be the GM. Just hold my hand as a consultant and help me get the right people in place and that's it. Name your price.
  21. Everything boils down to "he might not suck if not for Matt Rhule". What if he just sucks? What if it's not ALL Matt Rhule? What is the argument for Scott Fitterer being the right guy that doesn't rely on Matt Rhule being the entire problem?
  22. Says the guy who doesn't want to trust Tepper to hire a GM but is defending the GM Tepper has already hired like he's some proven commodity. At least when you did this with Gettleman he had actually assembled a 15-1 roster than went to the Super Bowl. That's what I'm saying here. Fitterer is completely unproven. There's nothing of substance to point to in order to argue that he's the right guy. Literally the only argument is that he might not suck if not for Matt Rhule. That's the entire argument. My argument is that's not enough.
  23. Are we going to pretend he didn't look absolutely dreadful? Are we going to pretend that he didn't have significant durability concerns and then ended up on IR before the season started? Maybe he'll end up working out yet. But it would be a shocking development based on what we saw.
  24. Yeah, when we fired Hurney we should've cut Cam and Luke, right? Still waiting for that argument that doesn't boil down to "he might not suck if not for Matt Rhule". Still watching his draft picks look lukewarm at best. Still watching his trades look like flops. Still watching his vet additions not make an impact. Yeah, Rhule and company suck. Not arguing against that. Just saying I'm seeing nothing to argue for saving Scott Fitterer's hide. He looks like part of the problem.
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