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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Non contact leg injury for that Ravens RB. Not good. He was basically pogo hopping out there.
  2. IMO, McAdoo's preferred scheme just doesn't fit our personnel at all and this his attempt to adjust his scheme to fit our personnel. The end result is just a flat out broken offense.
  3. There's no shortage of these types of plays. One particular third down play against the Saints prompted this post out of me
  4. Let me know when any of those guys win an MVP with a Ted Ginn Jr. level WR as their #1 WR.
  5. Yeah, the Packers are competitive year in and year out, but having had literally three decades of either Favre or Rodgers and to have come away with only two rings is significantly underperforming.
  6. I don't at all care about y'all's spat. I'm just tired of seeing it derail threads and tired of seeing you report posts.
  7. When I trigger someone so bad they run out of words are resort to the poo emoji...
  8. They were literally calling for a couple inches of rain (the vast majority of it after the school day) and winds up to 25mph. We have a lot worse thunderstorms than that.
  9. This. If Tepper turns around and goes out there and hires Sean Payton and gives him the SE full control that Rhule had... oh wee mayne. He's learned nothing.
  10. The sad thing is that Rhule had the opportunity and the good will with Tepper to actually formulate and execute a long term plan but after two years of knee jerk moves leading to back to back 5 win seasons with no logical clear path forward, he was forced to stay the course of knee jerk moves and it's shaping up predictably.
  11. Different era of football. The change in the way illegal contact is officiated changed the game. You're not winning Super Bowls today with the likes of Trent Dilfer or Brad Johnson. And a lot of folks try to downplay in retrospect how good Jake Delhomme was at his best.
  12. There never was a process. The Process was just bullshit sales pitch. The talk said a five year plan. The actions were a series of knee jerk desperation win now moves.
  13. Every move we make is a knee jerk move to try to win now. There's no long term vision or plan.
  14. For the same reason that we're losing a lot of games, have an inept coaching staff, and bail on economic commitments to satellite cities. We are an extremely poorly ran organization.
  15. Sometimes slot machines hit the jackpot. I still wouldn't recommend heading down to the casino every week with your whole paycheck.
  16. The draft. What kind of rebuild was this? A defensive one. We spent all our draft assets on defense while we tried to patch an offense together with veteran cast offs. They thought they were going to build an elite defense and win with decent offense like they did at Baylor. Instead they created a decent defense and a clown show of an offense and the end result has amounted to 10-25.
  17. If you want to compete for Super Bowls you need an elite QB. Yeah, people can point at the Eagles winning with Nick Foles but go look at Nick Foles' play during that playoff run. The guy caught lightning in a bottle. It didn't last, but for a brief period he was elite.
  18. Better start cancelling school for every time thunderstorms are forecasted then because we get way worse thunderstorms than this.
  19. There wasn't forecasted severe weather for this area.
  20. I don't agree with this. If they pass and don't have a concussion then let them play. You'd have players even less likely than they are currently to disclose symptoms. But confirmed concussions need a mandatory timeout, not just until they pass the protocol. Standard practice in combat sports is generally a 45 day medical suspension with no contact following a KO/TKO loss and it can be longer if it's a particularly bad one.
  21. I sure am glad our school district cancelled school today for what literally amounted to some light drizzle during the actual school day. Still just a medium steady rain here. Definitely idiotic to cancel school for this. It's even worse than the typical cancel school for flurries that the south is well known for.
  22. And walk away from that contract? Zero chance. Get fired and collect that check. Any other move would be insane.
  23. I'm glad that his patience is wearing thin. As for the recycled head coach idea... Tepper might want to look into some analytics on how that story generally plays out.
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