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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. If you wanna talk poo talk poo. Don't talk poo and then cry about the reply.
  2. You're gonna make a troll post and then report the reply? Soft as Charmin.
  3. I want us to be good. I just don't have any faith it's gonna happen. You want catch me rooting for our division rivals though. fug face.
  4. Texas looks terrible. Like a collection of athletes who just can't play basketball. At all.
  5. I would bet everything I own and all I can borrow on state not making the Final Four.
  6. Y'all don't understand the rules. That was NOT backcourt violation. The announcer was embarrassingly ignorant of the rule.
  7. Fat ass only has TWO double doubles? HOW???
  8. The only plus side of state having a little run is that they're gonna extend Keats now instead of firing him.
  9. They're not making the Final Four. LOL
  10. Stop calling yourself a UNC fan.
  11. Fat ass out here just throwing people around. LOL
  12. Speaking of embarrassing, this announcer doesn't know the rules. They didn't possess the ball in the front court. There's no backcourt violation. Somebody help this guy out.
  13. Embarrassing. No self respecting Carolina fan is rooting for state.
  14. How is Oakland not calling a timeout when the Bill Cartwright shooting motherfugers catches the ball 35' from the basket? It's not going the way you drew it up. Call timeout.
  15. Man, fug Creighton. I hope they lose by 40. Behind state and duke they're probably my third most hated program.
  16. His whole game is just off right now. Through the regular season he adapted by taking the ball to the hole. He's just accepting not being a scoring threat in the tourney. Keep in mind this kid shot 39% from three and 92% from the FT line in HS. The kid can shoot. It's between his ears.
  17. Good hard fought win today. Weathered the storm and then put it on them. I'm worried about Cadeau though. He's in a bad funk right now and we're gonna need him if we're gonna cut down the nets.
  18. Withers and Trimble are pure energy off the bench. Lots of athleticism and lots of effort. I love em both.
  19. RJ is having a terrible 2nd half.
  20. I love Trimble. I've never thought he gets enough run. He's not a good shooter but he's good at everything else.
  21. Gotta match their energy. They are flat out out-efforting us again.
  22. Gotta give Hubert credit on that last play of the half too. We called a timeout and drew up a set play for someone other than RJ. That was an adjustment I hoped we'd make at some point. At least put it on tape that you're willing to go to someone else in those situations.
  23. Loved the way we closed out the half. Just don't go to feeling yourself now. Stay on it. They wore us out in the post early but we took that away by fronting them in the post and then Bacot wore them out in the post.
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