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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. They're extremely similar physically and athletically. No way around it. Mingo's weakest scores were in agility and that reflected on the field. Leggette likely opted out of those drills for good reason.
  2. That's kinda what people do with draft prospects though, talk about NFL comps.
  3. Athletically and in terms of measurables they are VERY similar and seem to have similar concerns coming out of college.
  4. My concerns are that Leggette seems like a carbon copy of Mingo on paper and Wilson's laundry list of injury history. He's a helluva LB but availability can be just as vital as playing ability as we see with Horn.
  5. Raleigh is gonna throw a parade no matter what. Hell, I remember when they threw a parade for coming in like 4th in the ACC. It's still a running joke.
  6. Why? I despise both of these teams. No legit Carolina fan has a rooting interest in this beyond Purdue curb stomping the winner.
  7. Hopefully Shavlik Randolph all over again.
  8. Rhule never wanted to develop a young QB. His college teams were always driven but good D and "good enough" offense. They were carried by defense. He wanted to do the same in the NFL. Just give me a vet who can be "good enough" and that'll be good enough. I really don't know how Tepper fell for him. Tepper has been an awful owner but he's right that NFL success comes down to GM, HC, and QB. Everything else is a want, but you NEED those three pieces of you want to consistently compete. He's just absolutely awful at identifying those three pieces.
  9. He didn't and we moved on. I wasn't mad about that. Corral wasn't it. We're still all in on another one though because of the investment we made.
  10. He's a bum who had the game of his life against us. If I've seen it once I've seen it a thousand times.
  11. Checked the stats at halftime to see Bama shooting 33% from the field and 28% from three and that hillbilly Nelson has 4 points. So fuging predictable.
  12. He's at least as talented as Bryce but he still looked like a boy amongst men on an NFL field. I mean, when a guy just simply doesn't belong from a talent perspective it sticks out.
  13. Don't care. When the Heels are out so am I. College bball is over for me this year.
  14. You're still not comprehending the words that I'm typing. UNC wasn't added, they were a founding member. VT and Miami were added for a specific purpose. The ACC saw the writing on the wall with where things were going with football running the show.
  15. Favre had one of the best years of his career in Minnesota on his NFC North revenge tour.
  16. Kinda have to when you're trying to make the most of an aging future 1st ballot HOF QB. Not much point of having him if you don't.
  17. You're not getting what I'm saying. The ACC added Miami and VT precisely to avoid what has happened - basically becoming largely irrelevant in football. VT and Miami just aren't consistently nationally relevant anymore. I don't blame them for dragging the ACC down, they just didn't provide the lift expected. The ACC is gonna get out of its own way by dying. It's circling the drain.
  18. VT and Miami were the big plays on football and they didn't work out. It is what it is. I've already laughed at Stanford, Cal, and SMU. That was just pure desperation from a dying P5 conference. We're the new PAC-12, we're just in a lot worse shape than the PAC-12 was.
  19. It's true. What have VT and Miami done since they've been in the ACC vs. before they joined the ACC? That was the ACC's big play to become a real player as a football conference. And hell, I ain't even mad about it. Honestly it made all the sense in the world at the time. Those schools made perfect geographical sense for the conference and on paper we're football powerhouses. Unfortunately, they were on the downhill slide. It is what it is. They tried. It didn't work out. Now they're flailing and resorting to trying to add Cal, Stanford, and SMU when those programs are decades removed from being relevant. It's over.
  20. I don't know who the fug Dan Wolken is but he ain't wrong. Hubert has to get over his hero ball obsession. If that means RJ can't come back for a 5th year so be it. But the man is so obviously reliant on a "go-to guy" and he absolutely cannot adapt on the fly when the designated go-to guy is having an off night. His TEAM was red hot in the first half but his entire 2nd half game plan delivered around getting his go-to guy going and his go-to guy gunned us right out of the game.
  21. I blame Hubert tonight. It was very obvious RJ was off. Meanwhile, everything else was going right offensively in the 1st half. His entire 2nd half game plan was to get RJ on track. Meanwhile, we let RJ gun us right out of the game. The man just LOVES hero ball. He has to get over that instinct.
  22. RJ and Love combined to go 0-18 from three tonight in L.A. It was like he never left.
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