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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Wonder who that starter might be? Who on that team might be getting chased by everyone out there and having seven figure bags dangled in front of him and might have enough ties to the school to actually turn it down? Hmmm... let me think...
  2. She's legally an adult so it really doesn't matter what they think.
  3. Cashing in on an opportunity. Good for her.
  4. Chiefs and Bengals is the game of the day for me.
  5. He very well may stay but Howell's final season should be a huge precautionary tale for him and I'm sure he's already heard all about that from other programs and will hear a lot more after last night because it looks like he could be walking into a similar situation. Maye also said he hadn't heard from any other programs and if you believe that I have some oceanfront property in Asheville for you to consider.
  6. The point sailed clear over your head. The basketball team is what it is. Still the same two fundamental flaws from last year. No true PG to initiate the offense and consistent defensive breakdowns. Hopefully they'll catch fire again at some point this season but I can't say I'm shocked we're struggling. We struggled most of last season. Listen here's the truth. Your homer ass can't try to lecture any other fan about anything. You traipse across this board trolling other college fans constantly and I'm just gonna be honest and tell you the entire mod team is about sick and tired of it. You're the guy that causes people to hate Heels fans because you're a delusional homer and you're an obnoxious asshole about it. Sorry about those hard hitting facts, but you could always just consider stopping that poo.
  7. The entire Maye family are Heels through and through. That's the only prayer we have.
  8. The keys? To the Longo jalopy that's losing it's entire OL and #1 WR? This is the same situation Howell walked into his final season. And you can guarantee everyone who might be wanted by other programs is hearing all about it.
  9. 100%. We basically couldn't get any homegrown top talent because Fedora had their coaches literally telling them to go anywhere but Carolina. BTW, Jacoby Criswell (a 4* recruit himself) has entered the transfer portal as everyone expected so if Maye does end up leaving we're completely fuged.
  10. And I should add that he did this by being who he is - a recruiter. He flipped Howell from Florida State and Maye from Alabama and that's been the big difference. The D is still trash. The OL is still porous. The overall offensive skill positions have been a big step up from the Fedora era but if you put Average Joe P5 starting QB on these teams, what's the end result? Maybe a game or two better than the Fedora era? We've flipped two big time QB recruits because that's what Mack Brown can do and that's been the difference.
  11. Yeah, losing your head coach to fuging Liberty is a big wake up call for you as a program.
  12. We were told this by the Ole Miss fans. They weren't wrong. Ole Miss always put up tons of yards but trailed significantly behind in points. Honestly, he's had two really good QBs to work with at UNC and that's made him look a lot better than he is at times. I don't understand a lot of the ire at Mack Brown by some fans though. I mean, what did they expect? Mack Brown is a recruiter and program builder. He's never been a great Xs and Os or game day coach and he never will be. He was brought in to get us out of the dumpster that Fedora threw us into. Mission accomplished. We're in way better shape now than we were then. I said when Mack was hired it was the right move but a strong succession plan was a must. Unfortunately, I think Longo was the succession plan. And there in lies the issue. The guy has a great offensive design for the college game but the situational play calling is pure trash. It has always been pure trash.
  13. I hate to admit it but you're not wrong. Jumping to Wisconsin did wonders for Russell Wilson. His completion percentage jumped nearly 15% and INTs dropped dramatically. He still slipped to the 3rd but that was just because back then being a sub-6' QB was a killer for draft stock. Had he stayed at state completing under 60% of his passes while throwing double digit INTs he may have gone undrafted.
  14. I won't. These kids have to do what's best for them. Howell was getting #1 overall pick talk but lost his supporting cast and still had a mouth breathing moron for an OC. End result? He ends up going in the 5th round after pretty much single handedly carrying an entire offense on his back. That's what Drake Maye is going to be hearing from elite programs. And it's fair.
  15. I'd love for him to return. With that said, he's crazy if he does. Especially if Phil Longo is still the OC.
  16. I just got home. Someone please tell me Phil Longo has been fired.
  17. Anyone who thinks Maye definitely won't leave isn't being realistic. Yeah, he's a legacy kid but he was also originally committed to Alabama so it's not like he wasn't looking elsewhere. Here's what he's going to be told... Your OC is a mouth breathing moron. You're losing your #1 WR. Your program doesn't have a depth bench. Sam Howell went from being talked about as a #1 overall pick to being a 5th rounder because your OC is a mouth breathing moron and your program doesn't have a depth bench. So... you wanna take this bag of cash and go #1 overall or do you want to go back to Chapel Hill and get the hell beat out of you while carrying the whole offense playing hero ball and then ultimately going in the 5th round? Your call. That's what this kid is going to hear. And you know what? It's fuging legit.
  18. I've been calling for Longo to be replaced as OC since Howell's sophomore year. His play calling has been trash forever.
  19. Phil Longo needs to be fired. Tonight.
  20. They have. I'm still here. Maybe watching Maye's last snaps. The kid is going to be offered the world by elite programs and I don't blame him if he takes it.
  21. This is what it looks like when you're both at a significant overall talent deficit and you're playing checkers against chess. We need significant changes on the staff.
  22. No one even blocked and our D still can't stop poo. That's pretty impressive.
  23. He's done exactly what was needed. Dragged us out of the gutter and back to respectability. But at his age it's definitely time to think about the succession plan. Longo ain't it.
  24. We tend to put our guys on situations to have to play hero ball. Hell, I'm fine with it. But spread the field and let it rip. Don't cut the field in half with only two receiver.
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