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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Out of curiosity I went back and looked at some snippets of interviews. He doesn't come across as Peyton Manning but he's no moron. Someone is taking him in the 1st for sure.
  2. It only takes one. I don't see any chance someone doesn't take a shot at him in the 1st. He's the best pure physical talent since Josh Allen. That's assuming his interviews are at least decent. That's the huge part of the evaluation equation that fans have minimal insight into.
  3. Smart move. Someone will take a shot at him in the 1st. But if he came back to college for another year and didn't make a leap his stock would probably plummet. The risk/reward for him heavily favors the draft. Hell, if he interviews well it wouldn't be surprising to see him go top 10.
  4. So you're looking for some cheap, high quality links?
  5. His intro at Colorado was a rough one. Basically told all the kids he was bringing his guys in, his son was gonna be the QB, and they can all hit the transfer portal for all he cares.
  6. Yep. We gain nothing by holding onto him so do the right thing
  7. For damn sure. When you're scavenging around in the dumpster you're probably gonna come up with trash.
  8. With the NIL money I think we're going to see more and more mid-round type players opting to play another year of college ball. Big time college QBs are gonna be getting PAID. Hell, TAMU's starting OL is reportedly splitting a seven figure NIL deal. That's tough to walk away from unless you're talking about being drafted high enough to secure your future.
  9. Of the vet post-Cam QB moves we've made this is the one I have the least issue with by far. We didn't give up much and the Browns picked up the majority of the salary cap tab. It was worth the shot we took IMO. No, it didn't work out but a low value trade and cap hit for Baker Mayfield was and always will be a better roll of the dice than paying Teddy like a legit starter or trading real assets to acquire Darnold and immediately doubling down on that move by picking up his 5th year option.
  10. Pretty much this. I thought he would be a disaster in terms of the locker room if things didn't go well but that wasn't the case at all. The guy seemed to come in with the right attitude and did everything the staff asked him to do. That's all I can ask of a player. I'm not pissed at Baker. I'm not pissed at Sam. I'm not pissed at Armanti Edwards and Amini and Pickles from years passed. I'm pissed that we have an overall sorry ass organization.
  11. I have no idea what happened to this guy. He looked so good as a freshman filling on for Lawrence for a couple of games and then... ugh.
  12. Better than Darnold cannot become a new standard of QB acceptability.
  13. How familiar are y'all with Harbaugh and his antics? You seriously don't understand why that would wear thin in a locker room of grown men?
  14. UNC will face #15 Oregon in the Holiday Bowl. Please God tell me their starting QB is going to play. All of our losses are against backup QBs.
  15. Oh good grief. The Bengals just dropped a gimmie TD.
  16. Why? What have they done without Carroll? Meanwhile Carroll seems to be doing just fine without them.
  17. Don't get too proud. There aren't many teams we'd beat right now.
  18. There are a LOT of Nebraska fans in northern Colorado.
  19. Given how he's playing in Seattle and how Wilson is playing in Denver l, it certainly begs the question of was it just Carroll and company all along? Because Wilson looks atrocious and Geno is basically doing what Wilson used to do.
  20. Combined 0-8 over the past 8 games. 0-4 apiece.
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