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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. It is wonderful to watch Brady look like absolute dog poo. They're literally losing this game because Tom Brady sucks. They're playing a bad team on their backup QB. Their D is playing well. Their run game has been decent. Tom Brady is just playing like open ass.
  2. Because at some point you have to start swinging. We've been making excuses for years. Identify a guy and go get him. Have the guts to dare to be great. Try to e great. Don't sit around and hope you can be the best bad team to limp into the playoffs but not actually be able to threaten to win it all.
  3. Right now we're a pretty good team minus the QB decision. My point is I think we're at the point where we can justify taking swings on QB. I don't see us getting significantly better by building an overall stronger roster. We need a fuging QB.
  4. When the arm goes it impacts everything. But the big difference I see with Brady is when he has to drive the ball 20+ yards in the air. It's like watching Cam try to throw after his shoulder fell apart. Things can look fine until a throw that demands some arm strength and then it shows that things are NOT fine.
  5. We've been playing this "maybe next year" game with drafting a QB ever since we parted with Cam. At some point you have to start swinging if you actually want to compete for SBs.
  6. It is the power that's fallen off. His accuracy still looks the same as ever for the most part until he has to try to throw in 20+ yards in the air. He just doesn't have the arm to do it anymore.
  7. The Bucs seriously need to consider benching Brady. This dude is shot.
  8. No poo. It's a team sports and you can't win without a team but the Bucs were a bad team before they signed Brady and immediately won a SB. No one is trying to argue that the Lions were anything but a bad organization during the Stafford years. There's only one position that the addition of one player on your roster can significantly alter your trajectory as a franchise.
  9. There were a few on the first half. A couple of bad misses and an INT.
  10. I sure hope we don't have to endure 17 straight years of playoff misses to finally break through and get our guy.
  11. All the best young QBs currently in the league had serious question marks entering the draft and only one of them (Burrow) went #1 overall. Most (Allen, Mahomes, Herbert) weren't the #1 QB taken in their draft class. Maybe Lawrence is going to enter this conversation and change that narrative, but still... the best young QBs in the league setup the argument to take a swing on the best physical talent as long as you think the kid has a good head on his shoulders.
  12. They won the SB because they went out and got a fuging franchise QB. You keep making terrible, easily proven incorrect arguments. The Bucs we're not winning. They went 5-11, 5-11, and 7-9 prior to signing Brady and winning the SB. The Bills did go 9-7 the year prior to drafting Allen, but prior to that had missed the playoffs for 17 straight seasons. No one would try to argue they were building a winning culture in Buffalo prior to Josh Allen. The Chiefs were the only team you mentioned there that were actually winning when they drafted their franchise QB and it was because Andy Reid was smart enough to know they'd gone as far as they were going to get with Alex Smith and needed a top tier talent at QB to get over the hump
  13. We have been so bad for so long some of y'all have reduced your standards to hardly anything.
  14. We're "winning"? Have you seen our record?
  15. Brady looks like complete ass. It seems unthinkable, but the Bucs seriously need to consider yanking him.
  16. Cornered? How am I cornered? You keep making bad arguments and I keep letting you off the hook by not mocking you for them. Your first gotcha example was how Todd Gurley led the Rams to a SB. Ignoring the reality that Gurley had been there for years and it was the addition of Stafford and his 4800+ yards and 40+ TDs that was the difference. Now you're trying to suggest Mahomes wouldn't be as great without Hill while Mahomes is playing great with Tyreke Hill suiting up for the Dolphins. Listen, if you want to convince yourself that we can win a SB with Sam Darnold then by all means delude yourself. But don't act like it's an opinion built on anything other than emotion.
  17. Which is why I've been focused on the future since we parted ways with Cam, meanwhile the Panthers have been obsessed with bandaid approaches to desperately trying to win now. Yes, Mahomes is still great without Kelce and Hill. Hill is already gone. Mahomes is still great. Andy Reid is the greatest offensive coach ever. Yes, he deserves a ton of credit. But before Mahomes he was just a guy who could never win the big game.
  18. You're full of hopium and copium and aren't seeing reality. Our entire offensive game plan is "don't let Sam Darnold throw the game away". That's reality.
  19. You're not winning a SB with Sam Darnold at QB. So you keep swinging.
  20. It's usually the afterthoughts who do it. Not former top 10 picks with 50+ starts under their belt. The former never had a chance and had to capitalize when it comes. The latter have had chance after chance because of their talent. They just don't have it.
  21. You can't fix his brain. He is what he is. He doesn't see the field like a QB. He sticks on his first read too long and when he comes off of it it's already panic time. He's a panicker and you can't fix it. He doesn't process the info quick enough because he isn't instinctual and he's trying to think his way through it. If you're consciously thinking you're too slow. He's always looked good when everything goes well on the play and his first read is open. That's because he can just rely on his physical talent. But that's not sustainable.
  22. The league is boom or bust. There's one SB champs every year and 31 also rans.
  23. Jake Delhomme is leagues above Sam Darnold.
  24. We aren't going to compete for SBs until we find a franchise QB. Period. Building right is looking for a franchise QB until you find one.
  25. Are you just willfully ignoring the rest of last year? Do you really want to try to use last year to talk about what Sam Darnold has proven in the NFL?
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