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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. What I was trying to tell people who were trying to claim Howell had a "down year" last season. Like, are y'all actually watching these games? Without this guy we couldn't beat anybody. Basically the same story this year with Maye playing Howell.
  2. Good grief look at that field. It's barely the second quarter and it looks like it's been tilled with a fuging plow.
  3. Gotta kick. Sucks Jones fell. Still had a chance at that one.
  4. Can I get a screen already? This OL needs play calling help because they're getting wrecked.
  5. This OL needs an ass chewing over this quarter break. They're playing terribly.
  6. Shaw is gonna be a player. He just needs to shed some pounds so he has better conditioning. Gray and Echols are two very good LBs. They just don't get the props they deserve because there's trash in front of them and behind them. Awesome job forcing the long FG. MISS.
  7. We need lots of new faces on defense next year. Like pretty much everyone except Gray and Echols needs to be backups at best. I find it impossible to believe we don't have some young guys over there who aren't better than these guys. Staff changes too.
  8. As a FA? I don't hate it. Trade? Fug all that. QB should still be on the board in the 1st even if we did sign him. I'd only want him on a relatively short term deal. Maybe 2-3 years. Surely some other team would be willing to offer more than I would and I say that as a guy who has defended Derek Carr quite a bit. I think he's pretty damn good. I'm just ready to have a long-term QB we can build around for the future. I'm not certain Carr is that. I know QBs are playing longer and longer but wrong side of 30 is still wrong side of 30.
  9. Nice pitch and catch. Damn that was a tough throw.
  10. Hey... that delayed HB dive isn't working. Can someone relay that message to the sideline?
  11. Great throw. He couldn't even manage to get his hands on it. SMH
  12. Perfect example. That play is trash. Nobody close to open. Bailed out by the QB.
  13. You're not wrong. Aside from landing Howell and Maye I'm not sure the teams minus them are much better than the Fedora dumpster fire.
  14. What was that Mike Shula poo? Can't get the play call in until there's under 10 on the play clock.
  15. He was down but I'll take those extra 3 or 4 yards.
  16. Damn. I thought that was going to the house. Got him by the shoelaces.
  17. The D looks like the D. The offense just looks unrecognizable. Evidently Longo only runs 21 plays. The formations just switch up. I think it's just been figured out and Drake doesn't have the The Golden Calf of Bristol switch that Howell had to just tuck the ball and bowl over people if he has to.
  18. UNC's DL always looks like they're playing in 8" deep thick ass mud. We need some better athletes up there.
  19. Their entire roster has opted out on an already bad defense and our offense still can't do poo. They just fell apart after that 17-0 start against Georgia Tech. They've been flat out bad ever since.
  20. What an awful stadium for a football game. Imagine paying a premium price for first row 50 yardline tickets just to get to the stadium and realize you need fuging binoculars to see the game because you're 30 yards away from the field.
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