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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I quit playing in HS because the reality that I was too small to be this slow was apparent to me. I had no future in the game past this level so let's just call it now. But what Ryan Clark said resonated with me at 40. He said at 24 I didn't even know that I COULD die. It's true. Yeah, you know. But you don't know. Most people have fortunately never had to face their own mortality at that age. You haven't faced any serious health issues and your immediate family is probably still alive and relatively healthy. At 16 I was in a bad mountain biking crash. I was knocked out cold and bit through my tongue so hard I chipped several teeth and cracked my helmet almost completely in half. My entire thoughts on the matter were, damn that sucked. Literally never occured to me it could've been so much worse. At 19 I was involved in a partial ejection rollover car crash. Same thing. Damn, that sucked. Keep it moving. You're just invincible on your own mind at that age.
  2. If it comes out that they actually tried to restart this game and the players and coaches had to step in and say hell no, Goodell is done. The outcry for his head on a stick will be too much to ignore. You'll ha e a ton of corporate sponsors stepping in to put the pressure of the wallet on the league.
  3. Not sure what the NFL protocol would be here, but I won't be shocked if this game is ultimately just flat out cancelled and registered as a tie. This late in the season I don't see how they can squeeze it in even if they wanted to.
  4. This could be Goodell's undoing. Other than trying to force these guys back into the field the NFL couldn't have handled this any worse.
  5. ESPN heavily speculating that it was the players and coaches that called this thing off.
  6. Yep, zero judgements on the fans. I think ESPN handled it as well as they could. The NFL fuging botched it on their end.
  7. Goodell. The NFL's policy on these situations has already been posted. It's his call.
  8. Yeah, it really is. You can figure out the logistics on the back end.
  9. Damn. Booger Farland just went IN on the NFL. I didn't catch exactly what he said but basically insinuated they don't give a fug about the players and "that's just how they run their business".
  10. Literally all they had to do was say the game is postponed and all thoughts are with Damar Hamlin and family. Period.
  11. This game is over. There's players sans uniform. In trying to avoid a PR disaster the NFL has created one.
  12. They're just trying to figure out how to spin this from a PR perspective. They're probably on the phone with every major corporate sponsor. This is a full-blown CYA effort right now and it's seriously tacky. All they gotta do is just come out and say that the game is postponed, an update will be provided at a later time and all thoughts are with Damar Hamlin and his family at this time.
  13. It looks bad enough on the NFL that they haven't already officially called this off. Feels like they're probably just scrambling with corporate sponsors and PR folks on how to handle this.
  14. McD came out and talked to the refs for about two minutes. Wouldn't be surprised if he was telling them ain't no fuging way his team is taking the field again tonight, league decision be damned.
  15. Okay, it wasn't on ESPN. They were just showing a shot of the jumbotron in the stadium. Just to clarify and be fair.
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