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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. There's literally zero chance Harbaugh doesn't follow some weird fringe fad diet. He just seems like that type of guy. He probably eats a carnivore diet or something wild like that. They'll probably sit around an open fire spit roasting emu legs or something.
  2. I hope he can bounce back from that Achilles but we shouldn't count on it from a roster standpoint. That's a brutal injury and a lot of guys are just a shadow of their former selves afterwards. You could make a decent argument that CB is our #2 need behind QB IMO.
  3. And even that is far from perfect. Now every team in the playoffs gets a bye week before the first round except for the Bills and Bengals. And honestly if you're a team with a bye I'm not sure if you want to sit for three weeks. That's a lot of time between games.
  4. He's still alive. Considering the circumstances on the field last night that has to be considered a positive in and of itself.
  5. Only one side has strong incentive to lie here. Hell, Joe Buck probably has strong incentive to cover for the NFL. The NFL could definitely pressure their media partners to replace him on the commentary team.
  6. Just a reminder, this is why Bountygate was so absolutely disgusting and it's why I said at the time and always have and always will maintain that Sean Payton and Gregg Williams should've been blackballed from the NFL for life over it. This sport is violent enough on its own without encouraging and literally compensating players for inflicting injury.
  7. An NFL league office employee comes out with a statement that reflects positively on the NFL. I for one am shocked.
  8. I can't blame Wilks or Tepper for this. I'll take Tepper at his word that he wanted to give Wilks a legit tryout for the HC job and Wilks was obviously trying his ass off to get that job. It is what it is. But, this is also why I personally just wanted to take our lumps and stick with Rhule through the season. I hope the move at least pays off for Wilks. Maybe he has a long shot of landing a HC job elsewhere or at least a coordinator role.
  9. Yeah, I don't see any good options here. Being so late in the season makes it especially hard to accommodate for. They're gonna have to settle on a bad option and the tie to me feels like the best bad option. The NFL will get further drug through the mud for player safety concerns if they made these teams play tomorrow night then turn around and play again on Sunday and all those criticisms will be very valid.
  10. Yeah, calling the game a tie kinda fugs them. But playing the game tomorrow then making them both play on a very short turnaround REALLY fugs them. Calling it a tie and moving on honestly might be the best bad option here.
  11. I mean, that part seems pretty obvious. He had an episode immediately after receiving a hard pinpoint blow directly to the heart area. It's be one helluva coincidence for it NOT to be commotio cordis. Those types of pinpoint blows to the chest aren't common in football. Usually it's a hit spread out over a much larger surface area. Probably why this particular issue is typically more often seen in baseball. Small ball travelling really fast creates a much more pinpoint hit than what is typically seen in football.
  12. Not sure what the answer is but I'm not sure pushing the playoffs back a week is feasible. That's 13 games to reschedule. We're not talking little league games here. NFL games are major undertakings. There's gotta be a way to simply call this a tie or something and move on. No, it's far from ideal but what else are you gonna do?
  13. I honestly don't know enough about Demeco Ryans to have an opinion on him as a head coach candidate. I just want a great coach. If we hire him I hope he is one.
  14. The first volley in the NFL's attempted PR barrage has been fired. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2023/01/03/troy-vincent-nfl-did-not-consider-giving-players-five-minutes-to-warm-up-and-continue/
  15. So you take no safety precautions at all in life? If you truly believed that when it's your time it's your time then you wouldn't. There would be nothing you could do about it anyway so why bother?
  16. This is just a pure copium way to go through life. So why bother to wear a seatbelt, look both ways before crossing a road, try to take care of yourself, etc? When it's your time it's your time, right? Hell, we can just go jump off a bridge and if it's not our time then I guess some miraculous intervention will save us.
  17. If they know they can get Payton they might be willing to go that route anyway minus a run to the AFC CG or something like that. I mean, if you have a talent at QB like Herbert and you have the opportunity to go get a Sean Payton and you're willing to overlook the bountygate poo (I wouldn't be), then you go get him.
  18. Oh, for sure. I fully understand that. Funny enough, having a pair of balls would've actually saved him tonight
  19. Benefit of the doubt isn't needed. You gotta already have a vendetta and be reaching pretty hard to find issue with that tweet. I hate having to defend that douchebag but there's just nothing there.
  20. If it's true Goodell is as good as done. He'll try to spin it as protocol whatever but he'll be done. There will be no saving him. That's how it felt watching it live. That's how ESPN interpreted it. In an effort to avoid a PR disaster the NFL created one. This will be used as an example of how not to handle PR in crucial situations for years. It was BAD. You can't just clam up and go silent leaving your media partner to try to cover for you from a distance with no info. They waited almost half an hour to officially temporarily suspend the game. It was nearly an hour before they officially called it off for the night. Zero other communication in the meantime. Meanwhile your media partner (and the fans in the stadium) is watching players walking around with no uniforms and the sidelines getting packed up knowing this game isn't going to continue. Silence isn't an option. But it's the path Goodell and the NFL chose. This will cost Goodell his commissionership.
  21. Honestly, I think Skip Bayless is nothing more than a professional troll but I think y'all are looking too much into a poorly thought out tweet. I didn't read it as nefarious. I think he was basically thinking out loud. I made a similar post earlier. Like how are they going to reschedule this game this late in the season even if they want to? He ended it by saying it feels like it really doesn't matter in the current atmosphere. It was basically just clumsily worded. He's a professional blowhard dickhead but I'm just not seeing the awfulness in that tweet.
  22. That fanbase is pretty incredible. I seem to recall they went wild with donations to some type of fundraiser for a hospital Josh Allen out together. Like a whole damn wing of the hospital is named after one of Allen's family members now type of wild.
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