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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Yep and it was dumb. But he made Russell an elite QB. Russell leaves and immediately looks like a bum. Enter career journeyman Geno Smith and he looks like an elite QB playing for Pete Carroll.
  2. I'm not saying that it's not. Now if you'll go and have a peek at Geno's career stats you'll understand my point. Geno Smith put up Russell Wilson stats this year in Seattle. Russell Wilson put up Geno Smith stats this year in Denver.
  3. Then you want Pete Carroll, not Russell Wilson. They won a SB riding Beast Mode and elite D. They lost a SB trying to transfer the star power from Beast Mode to Wilson.
  4. Five minutes after we announce Sean Payton as our next coach I'll have bought a Sam Howell Commanders jersey.
  5. No NFL team was willing to give him full control.
  6. It sucks for Lions fans. They've been so bad for so long. They watched their franchise QB force his way out and immediately won a SB elsewhere. Now they're going to lose their hot shot OC after a surprisingly decent season that still saw them come up short of the playoffs. Fuging sucks.
  7. Then you need Pete Carroll because based on Wilson's play in Denver and Geno Smith's play in Seattle, Wilson's career looks like more of a product of Pete Carroll than it does Russell Wilson.
  8. Either way, call the realtor and find out why he thinks this is necessary. Definitely don't pay for any mold remediation if there's no obvious mold. Did the realtor ask for you to have a mold issue remediated or simply to get a mold test to confirm there's no mold issues?
  9. Call your realtor. Have them recommend a mold guy. If there's no obvious mold have them do a test. Definitely don't give some rando $5k through Venmo when no actual work has been done. I'd be pushing my realtor on why he wants this certification. Why is he concerned the house has mold. If his buyer is concerned about mold then they can pay for a home inspection and have a mold test done. I just wouldn't be doing anything specific for a specific buyer without an acceptable written offer in hand. I really don't like dual agency situations and I honestly think the practice should be banned. But that's just me. There's no way an agent can fairly represent both sides of the deal.
  10. Then why not announce it? If this is the case, then I think it's Wilks and they're trying to assemble a rockstar staff to announce with him because they know the fanbase is gonna be pretty lukewarm on this.
  11. I don't know why you'd be interviewing people for a coordinator role when you don't have a HC yet. Just doesn't make any sense at all.
  12. Does this agent happen to also be representing the potential buyer? You say there's a rumor that this house has mold. Does it have mold or not? I mean, you can go down to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy a mold test kit for $10-15.
  13. Did you find this person/company or did your realtor? If it's your realtor let them deal with it. If it's you ask them for a detailed invoice of exactly what they've done.
  14. Prior to drafting Peppers I was just a general NFL fan. I had favorite players more so than favorite teams. I'd just go back to that. I'd watch a helluva lot of Commanders games with Howell poised to start next season. Probably gonna do that anyway.
  15. This is good. I highly doubt he's available at #9 but the more QBs that enter the draft the better it is for our QB needy team.
  16. Our TEs are far from "fine". They suck. We have one of the worst TE group's in the NFL. We don't have a starting caliber TE. Our TEs are marginal backups. The Hurney-esque plan of paying a guy like a starter and hoping he'll magically start playing like it is working out predictably. Most fans (myself included) wanted to let Ian Thomas walk without even tendering him an offer. He's a veteran minimum contract level player.
  17. Honestly, I hope Brady has one more playoff W in him simply because watching the Cowboys flame out in the playoffs never gets old.
  18. Ultimately, I'll still be surprised if he goes back but I guess I wouldn't be shocked.
  19. Yeah, quite a bit of this stuff had always happened behind the scenes but now it can all happen out in the open.
  20. Yeah, it's a huge risk. But I don't see the same situation for Stroud. He isn't a head case like Rattler and he isn't losing all of his supporting weapons like Howell. Howell's situation was honestly just a failure of NFL talent evaluators. I have no idea how they could watch him in his final season and think any less of him. You'd already seen him operate almost exclusively as a passer for two years. All that third year showed is that holy poo this guy can really run too, we didn't know that. If Stroud comes back, I think injury is by far and away the biggest risk he's taking. I'm just he could get OSU boosters to pickup the tab on that insurance policy.
  21. Even if they can win tonight the Bengals are in trouble going forward if they can't get some OL back because this mash unit looks awful.
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