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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Yikes. That's basically admitting that they don't think they can beat out the Texans if the Texans want Ryans. Man, the Broncos have fallen hard as an organization. That Wilson trade and contract is looking like it might end up going down as the worst deal in NFL history. No joke.
  2. Like QB is definitely high on their wish list but not so high that they'll massively reach out of sheer desperation
  3. Why would anyone pay literally any attention at all to professional trolls like Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe?
  4. I think defense at #9 just went out the window with hiring an offensive head coach and our offense needing a lot more help than the defense.
  5. Sapp was a helluva player but he's also always been a loud mouthed idiot. I wouldn't put much stock into anything he says.
  6. The NFC South is prime for a team to emerge to dominate for the foreseeable future. Whoever solves their long-term QB issue first is going to have a massive leg up.
  7. The worst pair of starting OTs that ever have or ever will be penciled in as starters in the off-season. Borderline roster caliber players and Gettleman was like "Yep, no problem here. We got OT settled."
  8. Yeah, I'd actually he okay with signing Sam to a decent backup money contract and using him as a bridge to a rookie or veteran mentor for a rookie, kinda like how Cam had Derek Anderson. And yeah, never thought I'd be saying that about Sam Darnold.
  9. A year ago having Russell Wilson on your roster would've been seen as a terrific selling point. Fast toward to today and all of a sudden Wilson and his contract seem like the reason no one would want that job.
  10. If we think he's the answer, do it. Enough with the fear of taking a big swing on a QB. Identity the guy and get him.
  11. Wentz looks completely shot. If Reich brings him in I'll completely lose faith in this hire.
  12. Steve Wilks is a good man and I have to admit that even though I don't think he would've been the right hire I'm disappointed for him as a person for not getting his dream job. That sucks. I wish him nothing but the absolute best moving forward.
  13. Agreed. A coach like Reich seems a perfect situation for him to take the next step. Pairing Joe Brady with another NFL neophyte in Matt Rhule was a mistake.
  14. I don't doubt he's a good coach. But this tweet highlights my concern. At his previous stop he couldn't solve the very key issue we currently find ourselves in.
  15. I'd be good with those. I'm a little concerned about Johnson's minimal NFL experience but the work he has done is undeniably impressive.
  16. Folks, the race stuff has to stop. Too many threads are getting derailed. Take it to the TB if you want to scream at each other about racism. Unplanned vacations will be taken if this keeps up.
  17. If the Bears would go for Burns + #9 overall for #1, what say you? For the record, I don't think they would.
  18. If Sean Payton wanted the job McCarthy would be out. I'm sure Payton and Jimmy Johnson have chatted about Jerry Jones off the set at Fox.
  19. Get a write up in the Charlotte Observer and... the site you're perma-banned from gets a shout out.
  20. Jerry Jones gonna Jerry Jones. McCarthy probably has to win the Super Bowl next year to be in Dallas beyond next year.
  21. Yeah, a trade for #1 overall would look more like Burns + #9 overall as a starting point of the negotiations. Thinking we'd get #1 plus more is crazy talk.
  22. I can't see trading Burns simply because I doubt we'd get anything near what we turned down from the Rams so Fitts would look like a complete jackass if he traded him now for significantly less.
  23. Nope. Recipe for disaster. The players love him and wanted him to be the HC. He probably feels like he should be the HC. That's an untenable situation. I wish Wilks nothing but the very best but keeping him here given the situation just isn't an option.
  24. I trust that if that was the plan he tried to sell Tepper on then he wouldn't have been the hire. We've been trying that for years with predictable results.
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