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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. We're absolutely terrible right now. Gonna have to just hope we catch lightning in a bottle and catch fire again. I just don't see any semblance of coaching happening. We either make tough, contested shots or we don't. We don't have a natural PG on the roster and the offensive system doesn't create any easy opportunities.
  2. Wash all the Rhule stank off the dumpster.
  3. Get over the inferiority complex. It's always y'all who try to start the pissing match. No one was taking shots at state in this thread. Because state is irrelevant and no one cares. Deal with it.
  4. He could've always stayed on the booth and tried again next year.
  5. Poor state fans. Every time I almost feel sorry for them I'm reminded of what colossal jackasses they are unworthy of the slightest sympathy.
  6. Look at the guaranteed money in Wilson's contract. You don't take that job unless you think you can fix him because you're stuck with him.
  7. Loved Hubert as a player and last year's late season run was pure magic, but this year's team has the same issues. Lackluster defense. A lot of one on one ball on offense. I don't see much off the ball movement or any real game plan. Our best post entry pass is a missed shot. Last year I bought that we lacked talent on the bench but I don't buy it this year. The staff doesn't seem to be developing depth and Hubert seems to sub at absolute random as minimally as possible. We'll see how the season finishes up and we'll see how he does when more of his guys get onto campus but I'm just not seeing much coaching to be impressed with if I'm being honest.
  8. I don't doubt it. UNC was a lot more careful than the Caliparis of the world but those kids were definitely getting kickbacks from boosters, favors around town, etc. Yeah, Carolina steered clear of the guys who were just blatantly trying to go to the highest bidder in their forced pit stop along the way to the NBA once the NBA no longer allowed kids to jump straight from HS.
  9. I'm glad to see him land a good gig and wish him nothing but the best.
  10. This. Joe Mixon and Mike Evans had not just career games against our D post-Snow they had all-time great games.
  11. I also thought it was ironic he specifically mentioned Coach K as a guy who retired because he was above the fray. Yeah, the guy who made a career out of coaching up four year player types but then suddenly made an about face in his later years and became a one and done factory like Calipari was above the fray. LOL! Please...
  12. Accurate. College basketball was far and away my favorite sport growing up. I've been Carolina only for over a decade now. If Carolina isn't playing I'm not watching. The sport is a shadow of what it once was, even here in the heart of college basketball country.
  13. It's a poo show right now, no doubt about it. It's basically second tier pro sports with no contracts and no salary caps.
  14. All that talk about Ron switching to a 3-4 was just that. Talk. Nothing looked fundamental different about that defense.
  15. Whew. Thank goodness I read that wrong. When I read it as Horn to FS I was like "WTF???" LOL!
  16. Horn at FS? D-Jax learning two entirely different positions coming off an Achilles?
  17. He just had his best season and threw for 15 TDs. The guy y'all are trying to defend sucks.
  18. Purdy is probably going to miss pretty much the entire off-season. If Lance can't beat him out given that situation then the Niners just need to cut bait and trade him for whatever they can get.
  19. I think he can do either but I think he needs to add or lose 10-20 pounds depending on which role we want him to play.
  20. Awesome hire. Very happy about this. I wonder if it means we're moving to a 3-4 front? If so, I'm curious if we seen Brown as a NT or an end.
  21. Charlotte is nothing special. But Baltimore is a third world poo hole.
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