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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I really like this WR class overall, but yeah I'm not seeing any slam dunk elite prospects. But I think it's deep with quality players.
  2. This would be my preference but I think Carr is going to interview with teams and make sure someone is going to commit to him. If you signed him then drafted a QB in the 1st I think he'd go ballistic because you will have flat out lied to him.
  3. The state of the division makes Carr more appealing to me. If we were in the AFC I'd be against it. But the NFC is overall significantly weaker. We can make a run in the NFC with Derek Carr, a good overall off-season, and legit coaching. Just my opinion
  4. Not sure why all the panicking over the Raiders' lack of wins this year with the #28 overall defense.
  5. I don't want to draft a QB just to draft a QB. At #9 you're leaving a lot to chance. Drafting the QB we want likely means having to trade up.
  6. I wouldn't hate it even though I'm admittedly very tired of the retread carousel. I do like Carr and I honestly think he's a borderline top 10 QB in this league. #9 is likely too far down the board to get the QB we want so we're left with either pursuing a costly trade up or chasing Derek Carr. Might as well make a run at Carr first. Or trade our entire future for Lamar. That's the route I definitely wouldn't go.
  7. Quality varies WIDELY from individual shop to individual shop. It's a cheap paint job, no doubt. But some do a decent job. Others you might as well rattle can the damn thing yourself. The more prep you can do yourself the better off you're gonna be simply to ensure that it actually gets done.
  8. Carr ain't coming cheap. Whoever signs him is going to be all in on him.
  9. Yeah, Larranaga is a really good Xs and Os coach but Miami has been pretty hit or miss under him because they oftentimes just don't have the necessary talent. For his career hes barely over .500 in ACC play and has missed the NCAA tourney 5 times.
  10. Hubert says the right things. He says we take too many bad shots, settle for too many threes, too many defensive miscues, too many unforced turnovers. But what are the consequences? The starters still play 35 minutes. Why should they change if there's no consequences? Plant asses on the bench if they're not executing the way you want them to execute. It's a rarity to see a guy get yanked for gaffes. Roy and Dean did that poo all the time. You're not gonna disappear on the bench, but you're gonna get an ass chewing and get your head right.
  11. That's my big issue. Hubert just wants to roll the ball out there and try to put talent everyone. We have good talent, don't get me wrong. But they're not Lawson, Ellington, and Hansbrough or Felton, McCants, and May or Cota, Jamison, and Carter.
  12. I mean, outside of our tourney run everyone owns us.
  13. Oh, we're stuck with him for awhile. That championship game run probably bought him at least two more seasons after this one. He's recruiting his ass off so we'll see.
  14. It's a double edged sword. Tough games but good opportunities for quality wins. We either catch on fire again or we don't. Hubert isn't going to start actually coaching. Hubert is a red hot deep tourney run away from going into next year on the hot seat.
  15. Pains me to admit it but I think Jim Larranaga could take our roster and beat his 9 out of 10 times. The guy can coach.
  16. Yeah, I gave him a pass last year buying that we just didn't have the depth of talent to play much bench but that's not the case this year. There's talent on that bench. He just wants to ride or die with his five. That just seems to be who he is as a coach.
  17. It frustrates me watching other teams call timeouts to stop runs or regroup when we never did it. Roy Williams was a great college basketball coach but that's one thing I wish Hubert hadn't taken from him.
  18. We badly need a true PG. Nance has been a pretty big disappointment. He was supposed to be the Manek replacement but he's not even in the same universe as Manek.
  19. We looked worse than this at this point last year. We'll see if we find a spark again or not.
  20. Oh good grief, there's still a ton of basketball to be played. All this who's in or out right now is just talking heads needing something to yap about.
  21. I just don't understand our offensive plan at all. I honestly don't think we have one. We just rely on tough shots falling and that's why we're so streaky. Nothing comes easy because we don't have a natural PG on the roster to create for others and the offensive system creates absolutely nothing itself. It's like Shula ball but we have no Cam Newton.
  22. Well, he's picking up about a foul a minute right now so that plan is out.
  23. This is probably over. Once again, we can't hit water from a fuging boat. Recurring theme for several years now.
  24. If they're gonna hit threes like this we're just gonna lose. You can't beat a team shooting like this.
  25. The overall effort is up significantly. They shot 44% from three. We shot 9%. Crazy it's a one point game at half given that differential.
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