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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. If he goes out there and runs a 4.4 flat today and throws well, get ready. The hypetrain will leave the station. I've been onboard for awhile now. Yeah, he's definitely boom or bust. I don't care. I'm ready.
  2. Big pharma companies pushing the hell out of opioids and lying about their addictiveness has made the heroin problem so much worse. Fentanyl is just the heroin dealers stretching their product but with something as ridiculously potent as fentanyl getting your mix off just slightly means people dying left and right. But dong worry, the FDA keeps approving increasingly potent options because their big pharma handlers ensure them it'll all be okay.
  3. I said the way you typed made you look like a moron. Because it did. That meme was 5+ years ago. It's over.
  4. It's just juvenile as hell and makes you look bad. But feel free to continue making yourself look bad I guess.
  5. Corral will have an opportunity to make the team but he's probably going into camp penciled in as the #3 needing a good camp and preseason to make the final roster. It is what it is. Sucks he got drafted by a team with a coaching staff on it's last legs in the NFL but them's the breaks.
  6. People realize that typing like this makes you look like the moron, right? Right???
  7. You drafted a guy expected at the time to go in the late 1st with the 39th overall pick. Chocolate chip or snickerdoodle?
  8. Dan Marino has no rings. Plenty of great QBs don't have rings. A great QB goes a long way but it's tough to overcome significant shortcomings within an organization.
  9. You're gonna have to sign Derek Carr and draft him at #9. Hell, I don't think it's out of the question he goes before #9. He was already considered a potential 1st round pick and then he went out there and performed like a literal superhero at the Combine. He's going high.
  10. I was wrong about Herbert and Allen. And even with Herbert I fully acknowledged that it very well could've been a coach/system issue. I still find it hard to accept they had that kind of talent and completely shackled him. Absolutely idiotic. Outside of those two I've batted pretty decently.
  11. I wouldn't even consider Hooker earlier than the 3rd.
  12. If the history of modern music has one big, screaming message it is "don't fug with heroin, just don't do it."
  13. I honestly think we'll likely try to get Shaq extended with a contract more fitting of his impact on the field first. If that fails, honestly yeah I expect him to be cut. Shaq Thompson isn't gonna hit us for nearly $25M in cap space this year one way or the other.
  14. This Adebawore guy has to be seriously intriguing if we want 3-4 DE (we should).
  15. Watching these LB field drills you'd swear half these guys were safeties. They don't move like the LBers of old.
  16. London Fletcher was another great LB in the modern NFL and he was 5'10". He was a UDFA, probably in large part because he was 5'10". Bobby Wagner is a whole one inch taller than Winters at 6' even.
  17. It's a good year to be wanting for a fast LB. There's a sub 4.4 guy. There's five sub 4.5 guys. There's 11 sub 4.6 guys. There's 15 sub 4.65 guys. That's wild. Luke, TD, and Shaq would be middle of the pack 40 guys in this group. It seems pretty obvious that the modern day LB is becoming more like an old school SS than the LBers of yesteryear. Overall they're getting smaller and faster. 6'2" 230 4.5 is becoming the new standard when it used to be 6'4" 250" 4.7.
  18. If he was ideal size he wouldn't be projected as a mid-round pick. I honestly don't want an off the ball LB in the 1st or 2nd so I'm not looking at guys who check all the boxes. Wishing a guy was a couple of inches taller isn't a big knock in my book. Meanwhile, his official time came in at 4.49. I'll take ideal speed over ideal height all day everyday.
  19. Sign me up for Dee Winters. My only real question was his speed. He ran sub-4.6 on both runs. He's fast.
  20. Quite a few LBs coming in sub-4.6. Finding a "fast LB" in the draft shouldn't be too difficult.
  21. Pappoe 4.46 on his second run. He definitely checks the fast box.
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