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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Ref didn't have the balls to call the fifth on #1.
  2. The rolls and bounces #30 gets... just LOL
  3. Love has to be so difficult to coach. He is so great when he's good but he's either hot or cold. There is no warm Caleb Love. You don't want to reign him in because he can catch fire at any time but at the se time he's probably shot us out of more games than he's won for us shooting. His hot streak late last year was legendary but he just can't find a way to find any sort of consistency.
  4. I'm okay with the fouls. Just call the obvious traveling. They've gotten away with probably 20.
  5. We do not have a defensive matchup for #30. Especially since he can take three steps or alternate pivot feet. He's been called for traveling twice but it could easily be 10.
  6. I just don't understand why Washington hasn't gotten more PT. The kid has the talent. He needs PT. Hell, the same with Nickel. Trimble has noticeably regressed over the season. I just don't see player development from this staff.
  7. RJ is the guy tonight. Feed RJ. Everyone else attack the rim or pass.
  8. Love has to accept the three isn't falling. ATTACK THE FUGING RIM.
  9. The amount of traveling duke does is unreal. Only about half of them get called so I guess just keep on taking three.
  10. College basketball is dying. Just look at the quality of the advertisers during games.
  11. #15 complaining to the refs. HILARIOUS
  12. It's like #15 is invisible to the officials. This kid fouls like crazy and gets called for nothing
  13. He's been one of our more consistent outside shooters recently, sad as that is. We have to find a way to get Caleb Love going. More often than not, as Love goes so goes UNC.
  14. 4 on Lively. That's big. Attack the damn rim. Especially now that their rim protector is gonna have to sit.
  15. We just can't make teams pay for crashing on Bacot. Can't hit shots.
  16. For the most part he's been pretty awful. A few good games but they're few and far between.
  17. Illegal screen from Duke and a flop... shooting three FTs. Gotta love it.
  18. I just can't see him being there at 9. It was already trending that he might not be then he tested out as a superhuman athlete.
  19. I'm just glad we're finally not settling for just jacking up jumpers. If they're not falling attack the damn rim. If we'd been doing this all year long we wouldn't have this record.
  20. We did not play well that half so I'll take down two at half all day long.
  21. I feel like half of duke's points have come off of shots that have bounced around like crazy before dropping. Definitely getting a lot of lucky rolls and bounces.
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