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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I honestly wouldn't consider Wentz a bust. Before the injuries took their toll he was MVP caliber.
  2. Manning (two rings), Roethlisberger (two rings), and Rivers are all three HOF locks and are "good" while Vick is "great"?
  3. Kenny Pickett and his baby hands are the only thing that comes to mind.
  4. It was a joke. Like the idea of trading for Sam Darnold and negotiating against ourselves. That was also a joke.
  5. He measured in at 5'10". Bama had him listed at 6'. Bama had him listed at 195 and he weighed in at 204 but won't get back on a scale since. I honestly think the dude is probably around 180.
  6. We traded real assets for literally the worst starting QB in the NFL in recent years. There was nothing smart about that. Now the new Jets QB might be the worst starting QB in recent years. Hell, know what I'd do? Find out who the Jets' QB1 is and definitely NOT draft that guy.
  7. You hired these guys to do a job. GTFO of their way and let them do it. They're not the ones that have made all those miscues, that would be your previous mancrush.
  8. When you collapse from exhaustion from trying to carry the weighted vest Bryce Young wore at the Combine weigh in.
  9. I honestly have no idea. It would take some REAL brass balls to take him #1 overall over Young and Stroud.
  10. If we were seriously considering him with a trade up to #3 we should still be seriously considering him at #1 IMO. If you think this guy has what it takes the physical talent is completely undeniable.
  11. I really wish I had a crystal ball here. I think Young is the better QB but with his unprecedented size concerns is the gap between him and Stroud wide enough to take that risk? I honestly have no idea and I'm glad it's not me having to make the call.
  12. Have they specifically said that? What'd they say about Tua? It's impossible to watch Tua getting ragdolled and bodied and not have serious concerns about Bryce Young.
  13. Before I spend the #1 pick that I've mortgaged the future of the franchise for I'm finding out how much this dude weighs. Even if I just flat out had to tell the kid at our meeting that if he wants to be the potential #1 overall pick he better step his ass on that scale.
  14. #44 overall pick. He lasted one season. This was his last down played in the NFL.
  15. Bama probably has the best S&C program outside of the NFL. Do I think he'll add more weight? Sure. How much? No clue. Part of what you're getting when you draft a guy out of a Bama or OSU is a guy who has been in as close to an NFL environment as you can get outside of the NFL.
  16. Agreed. I was leaning pretty hard toward Young but I'm seriously reconsidering. The dude looks a buck 80 tops. Smitty looked like he had 30-40 pounds on him. Somebody ask Smitty what he weighs these days. I ain't trying to catch those hands.
  17. Look at Smitty's overall build compared to Young's. Good grief. Dude is small.
  18. I honestly don't think Stroud is equally as good. If Young was Stroud's size there would be no debate about QB1. But the size is a huge concern now that we know he's likely significantly less than 204.
  19. I don't think anyone doubts that he can potentially thrive in the NFL. But for how long? If this guy gets broken in half in his second start the media dunking is gonna be ferocious.
  20. Whether it's subconscious or not, he probably has a bias toward supporting a guy getting knocked for a perceived lack of size.
  21. Not weighing in again today definitely shows that he manipulated his weight for the Combine and that his actual playing weight is less (possibly significantly less) than that 204 figure. He could've answered a LOT of those size speculations by hopping on the scale again today at 200+ and then going out there and performing well. That he didn't tells me he's nowhere near 204 right now.
  22. Honestly, it seems pretty obvious that Young bulked (fattened) up to step on the scale at 200+ at the Combine and that's probably why he lived in that hoody. Dude was probably rocking a gut and some man titties. Probably got up to close to 200 then tanked up with water to make sure he came in comfortably over. Then he slimmed back down for his pro day. If he was still 200+ he would've happily hopped back in a scale to prove it.
  23. Hell, I'd take my chances on a rookie over Desmond Ridder or Mac Jones.
  24. I saw where he declined to weigh in today. Virtually confirms my shenanigans theory on that combine weight. Dude looks like he's a buck 80 tops.
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