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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Cool. So you don't care about his playing weight. Just leave it at that. No one else here is coming up with hypotheticals. The reality is that he weighed in at the Combine at 204 but participated in no drills and wore a hoody the entire time hiding his body. Then he didn't weigh in again at his pro day as is customary where he did participate in drills. That's just the simple facts.
  2. IMO, Stroud is the "safe" pick. He checks all the boxes. Good arm, good mobility, decent size, great accuracy, seems to read and process well. But the program he comes out of is well know for stat inflation and NFL QB busts and he was throwing to guys who are top tier NFL prospects. Young is the best QB. If he was the same size as Stroud there would be no debate about QB1 in this draft. But he's not. The size is a huge concern. Richardson is the unicorn. Absolutely elite physical traits. But his college production was subpar and what do you think he can develop into? Honestly, I'm glad it's not my call. I can understand the argument for and against all three. It's a tough call right now, but in hindsight it might all seem extremely obvious. I'm gonna root like hell for whoever we pick and hope we get it right. I was all aboard the Cam train but I just haven't fell in love with any particular prospect this year. I honestly think the fact that I actually trust this staff to make the call has a lot to do with that.
  3. That looks like the type of hat you'd see at a '90s era flea market.
  4. There's nothing imaginary about it. It's the only weight that actually matters. If you honestly don't think NFL teams wanted to see him weight in again you are utterly delusional. Weighing in at your pro day is the norm. That's why it was noteworthy when he didn't.
  5. I've said plenty of times that I'll ultimately be just fine with drafting Young, Stroud, or Richardson. Whichever one we land on, let's go.
  6. Only if you live in a reality where dividing by zero is possible. Because the reality is that there's no data for someone Bryce Young's size playing QB in the NFL.
  7. That's the thing though. People watching Bama are accustomed to basically seeing an NFL OL. Virtually everyone that starts meaningful games at Bama on the OL is going to get a shot at the NFL.
  8. There's no crystal ball, that's for sure. NFL front offices LOVE comps though. They get nervous with outliers. Make no mistake, Bryce Young's size is being rigorously debated behind closed doors among every team holding a high pick and looking at QBs.
  9. Average? Alabama's OL was AVERAGE? Maybe average for a top 10 team. Definitely not average among the totality of the 125 D1 football teams.
  10. Skills and talent have little to do with injuries. There's a looooooong list of guys with elite potential who have been detailed by injuries. A lot is due to things you can't control - mainly genetics and luck.
  11. We're basically hoping that Bryce Young is the football equivalent of Allen Iverson. While basketball is certainly nothing compared to football in terms of the physical toll on the body, that was also a different era of basketball. Iverson got pounded on. With his style of play it was amazing he held up. But he did. He was certainly an anomaly in terms of size on an NBA court. He was only about 165.
  12. Dude lived in that hoody at the Combine. He was probably hiding the pudge. He definitely porked up for that weigh in. Probably ate his way up to around 200 then chugged water before he hopped on the scales to make sure he came in comfortably over 200. He's been shedding the fat off ever since. Ah, to have that early 20s metabolism again...
  13. Yep. I honestly think the guy is playing around 180. He's just slightly built. I honestly can't imagine him coming in much over 180 if at all.
  14. This. When he showed up at the Combine to do nothing but step on a scale at 200+ and then didn't weigh in again at his Pro Day when he was actually going to go through drills that told me all I needed to know. His playing weight is significantly lighter than that 204 Combine weight.
  15. One big issue is that at the fringes of the size ranges the sample size shrinks dramatically. At Bryce Young's size for QBs the sample size is a goose egg.
  16. I love Vegas. Tons of cheap flights. Makes a great airport to fly into and grab a rental car and then immediately head out to the Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce, Brian Head, Escalante, Capitol Reef, and other actual great places to see.
  17. I like the moves being made on paper but we gotta see how they translate to the field.
  18. TCU LB Dee Winters was a guy who got a pretty good pop during the college playoffs. Then he went and answered all the potential speed/athleticism questions at the Combine. He's a little undersized at 5'11" 227 but he checks all the other boxes and he'd be the type of guy to excel on special teams while he develops as a LB.
  19. The transfer portal is a huge difference. You didn't see this wild literal open free agency until they dropped the sit out a year stipulation. Bringing that back would fix a lot of the situation.
  20. This is true. It's gonna be interesting to see how the NCAA responds because this current environment in college revenue sports is just pure chaos. They're going to have to put up some guardrails because the current environment is basically just a pro environment with no contracts and no salary cap.
  21. Charlotte and Raleigh are AWESOME! I'm so glad there are people who like the dystopian hell holes that we call "cities". Unfortunately, COVID and remote work capabilities opened a lot of folks eyes to life outside of dystopian hell holes. We need to convince more folks that the cities are where it's at.
  22. This. The team was immediately much better under Wilks. It's the only evidence I need.
  23. Nebraska fans should just ignore Rhule's Panthers fiasco. It's irrelevant to their interests. He failed spectacularly in the NFL but they didn't hire him to coach an NFL team. What they should be hopeful about is that he did drag Temple and Baylor out of the dumps and the dumps is exactly where Nebraska has resided for years now. Maybe we'll finally see at Nebraska if Rhule can maybe finally actually beat some top 25 opponents.
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