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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Some strains are creeper like that. White Poison is where it's at though. I'm a total strain snob. White Poison. It's a cross between White Widow and Durban Poison and it's the best weed in the world.
  2. My concern is that he clearly puffed up for the Combine to step on the scale and declined to do drills then slimmed back down for his pro day to do drills and decline to step back on the scale. That 204 number always seemed highly suspicious. How he handled the Combine and his Pro Day confirmed shenanigans.
  3. I don't think Fitts has said anything to tip his hand. I haven't heard him do anything but talk glowingly about any prospect he's been asked about.
  4. No, you can't. But you can effectively sue an organization out of existence whose entire business model was essentially deemed unlawful.
  5. That's my concern with Young's game outside of the size concerns. The windows in the NFL are typically considerably smaller and close a lot faster. If your game is about threading needles there's a velocity prerequisite. Can Young generate that velocity? If you're gonna throw these balls in the NFL it better be leaving a smoke trail behind it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_no5YnIrAb4
  6. This isn't a "the pot got bigger" situation. It's a "there was no pot and it was specifically forbidden" situation. It's not about getting what you want, it's about being allowed to get what should have been allowed. The NCAA didn't make these NIL changes as a business decision on their own volition. They lost a case in court.
  7. I just don't see the point. We've cast our lot. We're going all in this year. Next year's high 1st rounders just aren't a part of our picture at all.
  8. I never saw the arm strength concerns with Burrow in college. Honestly, his arm impressed me. I thought it was roughly NFL average in the pocket but he was definitely a very good thrower on the run. That's what impresses me about Burrow and Mahomes. Somehow they're able to seemingly throw the same ball whether they're standing in a perfect pocket or running for their life throwing across their body. You're not supposed to be able to do that.
  9. This. He has a very average NFL arm. Honestly, probably below average if I'm being honest. In comparison, Mahomes has an elite NFL arm. I get the comparison stylistically. My concern is does the style translate without the hose? That I'm not sure about. Burrow makes it work, but Burrow has a good arm too. Not Mahomes' arm, but he has a plus NFL arm and can throw that same ball from virtually any platform. I think there's a substantial gap in arm talent between Burrow and Young. I think Young is closer to *gulp* Teddy when it comes to pure arm talent. Can Mahomes' style work with Teddy Bridgewater's arm? That sounds like pick six city to me, but we're gonna find out one way or the other soon whether it's in Charlotte or Houston.
  10. I honestly never felt challenged in school. Just bored me to tears. I hated it. I'm here to check this box and get this paper and have a wicked good time outside the classroom in the process. I didn't even go to my college graduation. Fug that formality bullshit. Here's my address. Mail it. I regret that one though. Not for myself. I hate formal bullshit like graduations. But I was the first person in my family to go to college and it would've meant a lot for them I just selfishly wasn't having it.
  11. Oh, I think when things are going badly you're always going to default to using every last ounce of your stud's capabilities. You just have to pick your shots.
  12. Edibles are just a different ballgame. Takes longer to kick in and the effect is much stronger. There's also no way to walk yourself into the level you want. Once you strap in for the ride you're in for the ride. Where as with smoking, vaping, whatever the effects are much more immediate and you can better dose yourself.
  13. I think McDermott gets it. He knows we cut Cam's career short by several years. He doesn't want to see it happen with Allen. He's been pretty vocal this offseason that he wants to see Allen evolve his style of play and I imagine it'll also come with an evolution of the play calling that we didn't see in Carolina with Cam until it was already too late.
  14. There's a fine line between confident and cocky and you gotta tightrope it to be an elite NFL QB. With some of these guys though, it's very obvious to me they're well into the cocky territory and I just don't trust those guys to put in the work it will take. You gotta still retain that realization that no matter how talented you are you're gonna have to work your ass off to be an elite QB in the NFL.
  15. Mayock needed a towel to clean himself up, meanwhile the ball is just spraying wildly throwing against air to his guys at his pro day. Convince me that guy becomes an elite NFL passer. At the time, you couldn't. Absolutely not. I was dead wrong.
  16. He gives me Josh Rosen/Paxton Lynch "I'm too good to possibly fail" toxically cocky vibes.
  17. You really need to do this Josh Allen comparison exercise before you keep making these foot in mouth definitive statements.
  18. Reality is probably somewhere in the middle. It comes down to judging whether or not the accuracy issues are fixable with mechanics or if this guy simply isn't a very accurate thrower of the football. I think everyone is capable of improving their skills in practically anything but some folks are just naturally gonna be better than others and those folks are always going to stay better if they put in the work. It's just a judgement call in every individual case.
  19. Just saying. Go back and watch Josh Allen throwing in college versus now. It'll break your brain. That can't be the same guy. Just can't be.
  20. With definitive statements all you need is one to disprove.
  21. Its super valid. I watched a lot of his college games living in CO at the time. The guy was wildly erratic with his accuracy. I mean, a few throws a game where you honestly couldn't even tell who was the intended target unless it was intended for someone in the crowd. I mean there was that guy open 10 yards away but surely he wasn't... OMG, yeah I think he was trying to throw to that guy.
  22. Go back and watch Josh Allen at Wyoming. Prior to Josh Allen I full heartedly agreed. Then Josh Allen happened. A guy who couldn't hit the broadside of a barn became a legit elite NFL passer. That broke my brain.
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